How to speak in public? Impromptu is what?

The word of Latin origin “impromptu” is a kind of ambiguous term. This concept originally belonged to the field of music and literature. Later it came into use and began to be used in everyday speech. Generally speaking, impromptu is an unexpected, unplanned action or event. Sometimes replaced by the word "improvisation." In this article we will consider the meaning of the word “impromptu” in the above areas. And also give recommendations on how to pass for the master of the word.

What does the word “impromptu” mean in literature?

impromptu is

In this area, this term is called a short literary work created directly at the time of execution without prior preparation. In other words, impromptu is a form of improvisation. Over time, a separate genre appears - literary impromptu. It includes short oratory, aphorisms, impromptu poems or prose essays. Very often, the latter become part of a theatrical performance. In European literature, such improvisations are not considered serious works. And in the east, on the contrary. For example, in Japanese or Arabic literature, impromptu is quite acceptable. Therefore, improvisation becomes part of a work of a serious genre. In general, the use of impromptu in eastern countries is strongly encouraged and adds originality to the works.

Poetic Improvisation

impromptu master of the word

In poetry, impromptu is a short verse composed without prior preparation, quickly invented mainly in oral form. Very often confined to any occasion. By genre, such compositions are usually epigrams, comic poems or madrigals.

How to use impromptu in your speech?

“Master of the word” - this is the name of people who can eloquently express themselves and captivate other people with their speech. Even if there are no public speaking in your profession , then situations happen in life when you need to be able to say “without a piece of paper”. This can be an interview during a job or a toast at a colleague’s birthday, or an unexpected interview ... It’s very important not to get confused and find the right words, not to get embarrassed, but to make the audience sympathetic to you. Below we will give a few recommendations and talk about what and how to do so that impromptu succeeds.

meaning of the word impromptu

Preparation and the right attitude

Oddly enough, a successful impromptu is a carefully planned action in advance. This does not mean that there is no place for creativity and spontaneity in it, but the main direction of its actions should be outlined in advance. For example, if you need to speak on television, obviously check out the script and a list of questions on the topic. Or if you are going to have an interview, find out what questions are most often asked by interviewers when hiring for this position. Or another example: you have to attend an event (birthday, wedding or creative meeting) - prepare a congratulatory speech, feedback, comment on the event in advance. In other words, to be known as a brilliant improviser, try to minimize the fact of surprise.

A significant role is played by the attitude with which you will speak. Try to remember those moments when you felt lightness and an unusual rise, the state in which creative ideas themselves came to mind, and the jokes were unusually sharp. This condition is called super-efficiency. In order to induce this in yourself, you need to feel at the same time active, inspired, confident, open and relaxed.

what the word impromptu means
To achieve this state is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Tighten, and then relax your muscles. It is very important to monitor your breathing until you feel peaceful and calm. Remember the situation when you felt something like inspiration and try to survive it, causing the same feeling in yourself. Try again to feel the moment when you were 100% self-confident. Simply put, the basis for a successful impromptu is self-confidence, openness, activity, inspiration and relaxation at the same time.

Improvisation structure

No matter how strange it may seem, any successful impromptu has its own structure. It consists of an introduction, the main part and conclusion. In the first part, the main goal is to attract attention and set the direction for the performance. In the main part, it is best to describe only one idea. If you want to reveal more, it is better to do it another time. Since a short impromptu is usually remembered. Conclusion is the most important part. For example, words spoken in the finale are best remembered. Therefore, in the end, try to express the main point.

And most importantly, do not be afraid to express yourself, your thoughts and feelings. Good luck to you impromptu!

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