Expressions about love: winged expressions, eternal phrases about love, sincere and warm words in prose and poetry, the most beautiful ways to say about love

Expressions about love attract the attention of many people. They are re-read by those who seek to find harmony in the soul, to become a truly happy person. A sense of self-sufficiency comes to people when they are fully able to express their emotions.

To experience satisfaction from life is possible only when there is a loved one with whom you can share your joys and sorrows. Otherwise, the person ceases to feel truly self-sufficient. This article presents beautiful expressions about love, because it is this feeling that makes people better.

The power of great feeling

When you love, you want to do something in the name of love. I want to sacrifice myself. I want to serve. (Ernest Hemingway)

This is absolutely true. The power of great feeling cannot be measured by habitual indicators of success. One who truly loves is able to do the most desperate things. He acts decisively, sometimes without thinking about the consequences of his actions. Having succumbed to the first impulse of feelings, a person is ready to completely transform his life, change the main directions in it. A man in love seems to soar above the earth: any changes seem to him to be achievable and incredibly significant.

heart on wings

Making a feat in the name of a bright feeling, a person fully reveals his abilities, discovers in himself such abilities, the existence of which he had not previously suspected. People become especially generous when they fall in love. I want to give, to do magnanimous and kind deeds. Everyone is given, at least once in a lifetime, to discover in themselves the presence of this all-encompassing force.

Bitterness of loss

There is no person more alone than the one who survived his beloved. (Ernest Hemingway)

A great feeling can transform from within. When someone happens to lose a loved one, it seems that the world is crumbling. Understanding comes that life will not be the same, because the main meaning has disappeared. This is actually so. People are sometimes ready to act, to achieve something for the sake of loved ones, and not themselves. The one who happened to lose his love discovers that inside remained empty and deeply wounded.

tree heart

A person begins to experience such mental anguish that does not allow him to feel the former taste for life. The state of love gives the person the opportunity to constantly be fueled by a feeling of incredible fullness. Joy and happiness become for man a necessary component of existence. Phrases and expressions about love only emphasize this immutable truth.

Gaining confidence

He who has not experienced how all the powers of man excites love does not know true love. (I.I. Lazhechnikov)

No wonder they say that a great and bright feeling can nurture the inner core in a person. He suddenly begins to realize in himself additional opportunities, which, as it seems, did not exist before. He discovers that he can influence the daily course of gray everyday life, act at the behest of the heart, as the fear of failure recedes. A person gains self-confidence, the whole world begins to see in a new light. Love releases a large amount of positive energy, which can then be used for creative purposes. Many people, under the influence of strong positive emotions, begin to write poetry, compose stories or paint pictures.

The state of love has a positive effect on all areas of life, releases hidden feelings. People sometimes are completely unaware of how they can love, and how much positive energy is hidden in the bowels of the subconscious. If everyone learned to develop this state in themselves, then life would become easier and more enjoyable. However, often men and women are not ready to work on themselves. They just patiently wait for divine grace to descend on them.

True treasure

When you love, you discover such wealth in yourself, so much tenderness, affection, you do not even believe that you know how to love. (A.P. Chekhov)

Expressions about love with meaning give positive energy to those who seek the right path for themselves. From somewhere suddenly internal forces appear to begin to act decisively, without doubting the correctness of the chosen path. It is then that people discover that they have become the owners of a rare treasure that brings them a lot of positive impressions.

pages of love

It is noticed that lovers often smile, they are more condescending to others, are ready to commit rash acts, yielding to momentary desire. If all people had learned to appreciate the beautiful impulses of the soul, the world would have changed for the better. Expressions about love often help to remember what seems long forgotten.

Having attached themselves to another person with all their hearts, people themselves change, discover a tremendous creative force in themselves, learn to perceive the surrounding reality differently. Love is a very valuable asset that everyone should have.

Immense power

Amor wincit omnia. (β€œLove conquers all,” Seneca)

Latin expressions about love are known throughout the world. They attract the attention of even those who are not familiar with any foreign language. This statement focuses on the idea that a genuine feeling can overcome any obstacles.

heart in hands

A person feels within himself the strength to circumvent the obstacles that arise when his soul is filled with divine light. Love not only ennobles, but also makes you believe in the opportunities available. Such a person will no longer, as before, vainly spray existing internal resources. Expressions about love are always filled with a special, enduring meaning. That it is necessary to try to understand everyone.

The importance of self-expression

Amor tussisque non celantur. (β€œYou Can't Hide Love and Cough,” Seneca)

Many people, because of their inexperience, prefer to hush up sublime feelings. They are ashamed to utter the most natural words aloud so as not to seem weak and weak-willed. However, a real feeling has nothing to do with statement and humiliation. Love ennobles the soul, makes you become stronger, work on yourself.

A person understands the full value of self-expression, feels the need to express to others the most hidden thoughts and feelings. This Latin expression about love sounds very tempting and makes you think a lot. If all people cherished their loved ones and spoke gentle words to them in time, there would be more happiness in the world. That is why it is so important to express feelings.

The origins of love

Love is friendship set on fire. ("Love is friendship ignited by fire," Antoine de Saint-Exupery)

For many young couples, friendships eventually turn into romantic affection. A genuine feeling is formed slowly, gradually opening, like a beautiful flower.

couple in love

When the realization of his love comes, a person, as a rule, is already seized with a feeling, is completely in his power. Starting with friendship, love becomes stronger over time. She does not fade, but begins to bring more joy, making people happy. English expressions about love always very accurately emphasize a person’s need to experience strong heart affection.

Overcoming obstacles

The course of true love never did run smooth. (β€œThe path of true love has never been smooth,” William Shakespeare)

Before a person can find his happiness, he often has to overcome many obstacles. Sometimes for love there is a need to fight, to make certain efforts in order to achieve the location of the second half. Winged expressions about love, like this statement, very accurately determine the nature of an elevated feeling - it is able to overcome any obstacles. A person suddenly begins to feel within himself the presence of an internal force that directs his thoughts, actions, actions. Often people are able to do something great just when they are driven by an elevated feeling.

Being in its usual state, a person is unlikely to live at full capacity and strive for high achievements. In most cases, people do not want to strain themselves too much and worry in vain.

Value of love

Even if love brings separation, loneliness, sadness, it is still worth the price we pay for it. (Paulo Coelho)

It's no secret that feelings are sometimes unrequited. In this case, heart affection causes great suffering, makes a person plunge into anxious thoughts. Sometimes the experiences are so strong that they make you literally forget about everything in the world. A person begins to doubt his own abilities, is afraid to take decisive steps.

romantic atmosphere

Fear of disappointment does not allow you to feel happy, to feel the value of life. Love failures happen at all. It is only necessary not to despair and be sure to go forward. It is rarely possible to meet a person who would never be burned in love, did not suffer, did not feel weak and weak-willed. Happy love marriages are rare. But all the same, the feeling itself is worth experiencing.

Feeling of vulnerability

We are never so defenseless than when we love. (Sigmund Freud)

A wonderful bright feeling elevates a person, makes him start to think more about his moral choice. However, mental torment is sometimes so exhausting that he can become depressed, feel like a hostage to the situation.

When people love, then all everyday things recede. They begin to think in completely different categories. Envy, past insults and disappointments leave. The soul is purified under the influence of mutual attraction. They become more receptive and naive.

A person often becomes interested in art, for example, writes poetry. Suddenly, a completely special meaning may appear to him, which before was completely inaccessible. Experiencing a love revelation, a person begins to think about his chosen one. All extraneous matters fade into the background, become insignificant. Love embraces completely: people go into it, as if immersed in something truly alien and beautiful. This feeling makes you stronger, helps to deal with everyday difficulties and successfully overcome the obstacle course.

The eternal nature of love

Appearance is aging: bright features

Erases time imperiously and cruelly

Whereas spiritual beauty

There are no wrinkles, no age, no term. (Eduard Asadov)

The point is that the internal state of a person is more important than appearance. Love transforms so much that often a different vision of life opens up, a new meaning appears that did not exist before.

Sweet cheating

Love is a delightful deception to which a person agrees of his own free will. (A.S. Pushkin)

If the feeling is not reciprocal, it brings suffering. Everyone wants to receive an answer in love, to be happy next to a loved one. Many even prefer to cheat in order to feel internally satisfied.

happiness and inspiration

Thus, expressions about love are filled with enduring meaning and meaning. Anyone who has experienced it on themselves knows that here luck can turn away even from the most influential person. When it comes to feelings, things get complicated. Love makes people happy, but at the same time, it often makes people suffer. Everyone must decide for himself what to do with the experience gained, what specific conclusions to draw.

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