The film "Open Windows": reviews. “Open Windows” (Open Windows, 2014): reviews

“Open Windows” (2014) critics' reviews earned mostly favorable. This is a new-fangled swirling thriller in which the skill of celebrity actors overshadows the well-written script, and the culmination is simply stunning.

open windows reviews

The concept and implementation

The director of the film, Nacho Vigalondo, shot his brainchild using exclusively the latest technology (he preferred exclusively webcams to classic cameras). Accordingly, in the form of the movie, it came out in the style of moquimentaries, but not quite ordinary. For most of the time, the viewer looks at the monitor screen, on which windows with video recordings appear in a certain order. For all this strangeness of the narrative, the story does not break up, logical connections and sequence are preserved. The project "Open Windows" (reviews confirm) can no doubt be watched by people with a weak vestibular apparatus, dizziness as when watching films shot in the pseudo-documentary genre will not arise.

A spoon of tar

But if the technical side of the film is perceived by the audience “with a bang”, then there are some claims to the art. By the very climax, the storyline somewhat loses its appeal and chamberness. There is a feeling that the scriptwriters are entangled in their own “three pines”, and the cybertriller becomes paranoid.

open movie windows

Spider web

It is this phrase that precisely determines the development of the storyline of the painting “Open Windows”. The reviews of those who looked agree in the opinion - the main character was involuntarily drawn into the network of the web of the conspiracy. But first things first. An ardent fan of the brilliant movie star Jill Goddard named Nick arrives in Austin to attend the presentation of her new work. As the administrator of one of the biggest fan sites of the star, Nick wins the opportunity to dine with the object of worship and take an exclusive interview for the site. This moment is perfectly illuminated by the trailer. Open Windows continues the episode in which a young man receives a call from an unknown number. The caller, wishing to remain incognito, is only called Cord, he notifies the hero that dinner has been canceled, but as a consolation offers exclusive photo stars. Nick only needs to carry out several of his instructions - and the fan will receive pictures taken with hidden cameras from the hotel’s hotel room, and even the actress’s handbag. So, by his own stupidity, the young man is drawn into a real conspiracy, and there is no turning back. To understand the motivation for his action, just watch the trailer in Russian. “Open windows” do not need more advertising.

trailer open windows

Oh, these tales! Oh, these storytellers!

As it turned out, the Spanish director Vigalondo’s imagination is simply indefatigable, his author’s view of matter and time is not immediately clear, you can argue endlessly with the construction of the format of the picture. But it’s better not to do this, but just plunge into the stunning funnel of events, emotions, feelings and characters, and then an understanding of what is happening comes. “Open Windows” is a film comparable in its power and strength to the works of M. Gondry or T. Gilliam, and in terms of twist of the plot action, it tends to the level of R. Sheckley and S. Lem. At the same time, the picture traditionally continues the general direction of the director, outlined in the first short films.

2014 movie open windows

Wood and Gray - a controversial combination

“Open Windows” - a film that boasts the presence of well-known stars among the performers of the main and secondary roles. And although previously little-known or novice actors took part in the works of Vigalondo, this film is replete with celebrities. Although most viewers don’t understand how Sasha Gray and Elijah Wood can be combined in one film story, the success of the film confirms the successful selection of artists and the right casting. Wood is traditionally impeccable in the role of an inconspicuous little "nerd," as usual in a strictly buttoned neat shirt with his crowned "innocent" look. Watching the trailer for “Open Windows” or the first half of the film, you feel a sense of awkwardness, resentment for the character of Elijah: well, how can you be so mean ?! But the second half will make the audience admire Frodo, he is fully rehabilitated. Under the spiteful mask of the main antagonist, Neil Maskell is hiding, who played the slightly clumsy killer Arbi in the British series Utopia. But Sasha Gray in the title role is simply surprising, and her combination with the modest Wood is simply gorgeous. Due to the presence of famous actors, the film will undoubtedly raise additional finances at the box office, although this fact is somewhat not characteristic of the director’s creative style.

open windows 2014 reviews

"I have never starred in porn!"

This phrase, uttered by Jill Goddard performed by Sasha Gray, was received by the viewer with indescribable enthusiasm. Everyone knows that she is not distinguished by special talents, acting skills and frankly weak in the dramatic presentation of material, but she can compete with anyone with her scandalous train. She agreed to the role of Gray only because she was tired of constant close attention from fans of fans and the World Wide Web Community, so the role was close to her in spirit. After the release of the film “Open Windows”, critics' reviews were full of flattery for the leading woman, her work was called one-dimensional and multifaceted. Thanks to her efforts, the film did not become an ordinary thriller about the victim and the persecutor. Although in frames such as “Sasha Gray’s chest peeps over Elijah Wood’s feeble back, leaning over a laptop”, even though modestly covered with a light robe, the attention of the entire audience is riveted to details of the background, that is, the very same breasts.

trailer in russian open windows

Paranoia or vulnerability?

The 2014 film “Open Windows”, in fact, is a discussion about our modern world, where there are no such concepts as personal life, personal space, privacy. The dominance of digital technology, all kinds of gadgets turns each of us into a potential victim. Any attackers of the motives known only to them can watch us through our webcam, through an iPhone, street surveillance cameras. Paranoia - you say? Maybe. Just yesterday, one could have laughed at such applications, but the leak of home videos and celebrity photos is proved by the fact that we are all very vulnerable. Even if no one needs your own secrets, you can become a tool in the hands of a villain, such as the character of Wood.


The finale of the film “Open Windows” (the reviews of both critics and ordinary spectators are unanimous) turned out to be somewhat absurd, it seems that the director was too clever with intrigue and a desire to show an unexpected twist. This film is like a puzzle, which is more interesting to assemble than to consider the finished result. The entire timing of the picture is a solid drive, emotionally intense, leaving a disturbing impression. In modern cinema, such a competently implemented concept is rarely found, it needs further development. In short, we need a sequel, and there are plenty of prerequisites for it. And the exciting plot and the dynamic development of events, decorated with a brilliant acting, allow us to recommend the movie “Open Windows” for watching all fans of intense thrillers.

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