In the article, we will consider whether it is possible to steam in a bath with osteochondrosis.
Osteochondrosis, in particular the cervical spine, is often diagnosed in patients older than 35 years. This pathology is quite serious in nature, some people have to change their own lifestyle.
Possibility to visit the steam room
Often people are interested in whether it is possible to visit a bathhouse for osteochondrosis. The answer to this question is positive - it is not forbidden to visit it, but it is necessary to adhere to some rules and expert advice. The recommendations should be taken in all seriousness, since therapy of osteochondrosis with the help of the steam room can adversely affect the course of the pathology.
There is information that osteochondrosis and the bath are not just compatible, but there are even special methods of treating such a spinal disorder that are closely related to thermal procedures.
Among the main medicinal properties of the bath is the ability to accelerate metabolism, improve blood circulation. Moreover, even a single visit to the steam room can improve the patient's condition, while the right choice of a broom plays an important role.
Osteochondrosis and bath
Before visiting a bath, you should consult a neurologist or study contraindications, since steam is a strong irritant that stimulates a variety of processes in the body. The doctor will explain whether it is possible in a bath with osteochondrosis or not.
The possibility of visiting a steam room with such a pathology depends on many factors - the nature of the pain, the stage of the disease and others, so it is important to study all the rules for visiting it.
Osteochondrosis is a pathology in which damage occurs to one or more vertebrae. The steam room is able to intensify the pain syndrome, as it helps to remove excess fluid from the body.
To enhance the beneficial effects of a bath with osteochondrosis, massage should be carried out using brooms, ointments, which are based on medicinal herbs. Honey also helps to significantly speed up the patient’s recovery process. It should be applied to a sore spot before entering the steam room. Beekeeping products are often used to treat osteochondrosis. In addition, steam helps to renew dead skin cells.
It should be borne in mind that the beneficial effects of a bath with osteochondrosis can be preserved only by visiting it regularly. If this is rarely done, the result will be temporary.
The use of a broom and hot air increase the flow of beneficial substances and blood to the tissues of the back, improve joint mobility.
Useful properties of the steam room
Is it possible to go to the bathhouse with osteochondrosis, it is important to find out in advance.
Unfortunately, medications are not able to heal the whole body, while a steam room has this effect:
- High temperatures contribute to the improvement of microcirculation in tissues, internal organs, their systems. In the painful area, lymph outflow occurs, the load on the heart is absent, as the blood begins to flow to the tissues and muscles.
- There is an acceleration of metabolism. This is incredibly important in osteochondrosis, since the disease provokes a slowdown in metabolism in the tissues of the spinal column.
- Refreshes a large number of damaged cells.
- Effectively and quickly removed slag and metabolic products along with sweat.
- The mobility of the limbs, joints, and some parts of the spine is restored.
- The combination of a bath and massage eliminates puffiness and reduces salt deposition.
- The healing properties of the plants from which brooms are made contribute to a significant improvement in the patient's condition. For example, in brooms from birch there are many essential oils, resins, and other substances that effectively relieve pain.
- Heat can reduce the severity of pain in the damaged areas of the spinal column.
- A regular visit to the bath improves immunity, the state of the respiratory system.
- The destruction of harmful microorganisms, bacteria under the influence of high temperatures. In this regard, the bath remains sterile, even if it is visited by a large number of people.
- The regeneration of tissues deformed by the cartilage of the intervertebral discs is accelerated.
- Blood pressure returns to normal if visits to the bath are moderate.
- Steam room allows you to get rid of chronic fatigue. This factor is important, since patients suffering from osteochondrosis often report increased fatigue.
- Steam helps eliminate cervical muscle tension. This is due to enhanced removal through the pores of free radicals and lactic acid, which acts as a source of increased fatigue. In this regard, it is recommended to visit the bath if cervical osteochondrosis is observed.
- After visiting the bath, a person feels good mood, vigor. This effect is due to an improvement in the state of the nervous system.
Special heating is not recommended.
It should be noted that a specially painful area should not be heated, as this can cause increased swelling and tension in the muscles. In periods of exacerbation of the pathology, only the use of a scarf or a woolen scarf is allowed to warm a painful place.
If there is no effect from the first visits to the steam room, you should not refuse it. To improve the condition in chronic osteochondrosis, it will take more time.
Bath with cervical osteochondrosis
Cervical osteochondrosis lends itself well to treatment with honey. Among its main properties - the ability to break down fats, improve the condition of the skin, remove salts from the neck, restore the nervous system. Honey can be replaced with royal jelly or beeswax.
A honey bath for the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis involves the following recommendations:
- Apply honey should be on the shoulders and neck area immediately before entering the steam room. It should be 8-10 minutes.
- After exiting the steam room, you should wrap yourself with a blanket and drink tea with herbs and honey.
- Within an hour, you must make three visits to the steam room.
- After the bathing procedures are over, you need to rest for several hours, hiding in a blanket. This will reduce pain, relieve stress. The next morning there will be a significant improvement.
So with cervical osteochondrosis, you can safely go to the bathhouse.
Honey properties
Using honey allows you to:
- Eliminate edema, tension, pain.
- To speed up the process of eliminating toxins from the body, toxins.
- Reduce inflammation, pain.
- Improve blood circulation.
- Speed up the metabolism.
- Improve the flow of beneficial substances into the cells.
Honey can be replaced with cedar or juniper oil, which is also applied to the neck and shoulders, and then go into the steam room and spend a few minutes with a light massage using a broom.
Often there is information that a visit to the bath can provoke a deterioration in well-being, dizziness, headache. Such conditions are associated, as a rule, with a high temperature in the steam room, the presence of vascular and heart diseases, and the commission of excessively abrupt movements. In this regard, dizziness with osteochondrosis in the bath occurs very rarely.
An important rule of visiting the steam room is that you should not go into an overheated bathhouse, or cool down sharply after the procedure, jumping, for example, into an ice hole.
Is it possible in the bath with osteochondrosis, found out. But you must follow certain rules.
Visiting Rules
Patients suffering from osteochondrosis should consult a neurologist before visiting a bathhouse. This need is associated with a combination of high humidity and hot air. Such a combination of factors can not only not contribute to improvement, but also worsen a person’s condition. In particular, this refers to periods of exacerbation of pathology, since unforeseen complications of the disease may develop at this time.
Experts urge you to strictly follow some rules about how to steam in a bath with osteochondrosis:
- It is forbidden to visit her during periods of exacerbation of the disease.
- It is not recommended to eat tight before visiting the steam room. This can provoke an increase in the load on the heart, reduce the beneficial effect. A bath should be visited a few hours after eating. They are also not advised to go to a steam room with an absolutely empty stomach, since heat helps to speed up metabolism. As a result, blood pressure may decrease, fainting is not excluded.
- It is forbidden to drink alcohol when visiting a bath, as it negatively affects the vascular system, liver. Preference should be given to kvass, fruit drinks, plain water, herbal teas. However, experts advise to completely abandon the use of fluids until the end of the procedure. Drinking adversely affects the activity of the heart, kidneys. With severe thirst, it is recommended to rinse the oral cavity with warm water.
- In the presence of osteochondrosis, it is recommended to visit the bathhouse once every three days. The first call should be in the steam room for a maximum of 5 minutes, if you wish, after leaving you can rinse with cool water. In subsequent visits, it is allowed to increase the time spent in the steam room to 10 minutes.
- It is not recommended to stay in a steam room for a long time, this can cause dizziness.
- In total, in the steam room you can stay for a maximum of three hours in total, visits should be no more than 10. A long stay in the steam room can increase the load on the heart, lungs.
- Before entering, one should rest to normalize the state of the body, reduce the likelihood of fainting, dizziness, and jumps in blood pressure.
- To improve the condition, it is necessary to massage using natural brooms, for example, juniper, birch.
- It is forbidden to jump into the snow after a bath, take a cold shower or cool the body in any other way. This procedure negatively affects the course of osteochondrosis, levels the benefits of the bath.
- Do not visit the steam room before bedtime and immediately after waking up.
Can everyone take a steam bath in osteochondrosis?
If a visit to the steam room causes discomfort, discomfort, then the procedure is better to stop. When repeating this condition, consult a neurologist.
There are some contraindications that prevent the visit of the bath. Among them:
- Periods of exacerbation of any pathology, including osteochondrosis.
- Menstruation, pregnancy.
- Elderly age.
- Varicose veins in the legs.
- Cardiac pathologies (angina pectoris, myocardial infarction).
- Hyperthermia.
- Anemia.
- Neurological diseases.
- Drawing in legs (may indicate pinching of the sciatic nerve).
- Muscle strain.
- Limited mobility of the lower back, limbs.
- Severe pain, backache.
- Intense neck pain.
- Dizziness, pain in the head, heaviness in the back of the head.
- Numbness of arms and legs.
- Tumors
- Narcotic, alcoholic intoxication.
- Injury to the brain, spinal cord.
- Viral, colds.
- Hernia of the intervertebral.
Thus, it is allowed to visit the steam room with this pathology, but you should first consult with a neurologist to exclude harmful effects.
The article examined in detail whether it is possible to take a steam bath in osteochondrosis.