Black pepper - benefits and harms to the body, properties and applications

In the list of famous spices used in cooking, black pepper can be called. It is used in almost all types of dishes: first and second, dressings and sauces, marinades, pickles and cheeses, some confectionery (cookies and gingerbread cookies). Most housewives always keep this spice on hand, because it improves the aroma and taste of food. However, many do not even think about how much black pepper can be useful.

How to get seasoning

Black pepper is nothing but the unripe fruits of an evergreen vine growing in the tropical forests of India. Peas are of the greatest value. He is able to maintain his aroma, piquant taste and beneficial properties for several years.

black pepper good

Much faster, the shelf life of black ground pepper ends - in just a couple of months, its rich taste and aroma disappear. That is why true connoisseurs of culinary art hold a pea grinder in the kitchen.

The chemical composition of black pepper

Among the advantages of black pepper, it is worth noting not only wonderful taste characteristics, but also a composition rich in vitamins and minerals.
In the list of vitamins:

  • Vitamin E
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin A
  • vitamin K;
  • B vitamins;
  • vitamin PP.

There is a large number of macronutrients:

  • phosphorus;
  • magnesium;
  • calcium;
  • sodium;
  • potassium.

In addition, peppercorns of black pepper boast a high percentage of trace elements, including:

  • manganese;
  • selenium;
  • zinc;
  • copper;
  • iron;
  • fluorine.

Of course, the amount of this seasoning added to food is very small, but with regular use, the benefits of black pepper are undeniable.

The effect of pepper on the gastrointestinal system

Many people avoid eating spices, believing that this will negatively affect the digestive system. Scientists and doctors agreed that, in limited quantities, black pepper is not harmful to the body. Moreover,
getting into the stomach, this spice promotes the production of hydrochloric acid, in connection with which the process of digestion of food is activated.

the benefits of black pepper for the body

Spice also exhibits no less activity in the intestines. Thanks to its effect, the body is more quickly released from toxins and intestinal gases.
Piperine, which is in the composition, facilitates the passage of amino acids through the walls of the intestine. In other words, in a vital organ, the rate of absorption of beneficial substances increases markedly. Such conclusions were reached not only by modern scientists, but also by ancient healers. It is not for nothing that in the Ayurvedic system it is recommended to eat 2-3 peas of black pepper every day after eating - the benefits for the intestines will be enormous.

Black pepper and cardiovascular system

Black pepper will be useful to all those who suffer from some problems with the cardiovascular system. The use of such a spice positively affects the quality of blood - it effectively liquefies. What is it for?
The fact is that thick blood circulates more slowly through the blood vessels, in connection with which many organs suffer from oxygen starvation. No less dangerous is the risk of blood clots.

Another feature of pepper is the ability to cleanse the blood vessels of the whole body (cerebral vessels are no exception). This significantly reduces the risk of strokes and heart attacks.

The benefits of black pepper for the body

In folk medicine for colds, pepper and honey are often used, and this is not at all accidental. Spice promotes thinning of sputum and its easy excretion. As a result of this effect, the respiratory organs are cleansed, and the disease can be overcome much faster.

Pepper is an antioxidant recognized by doctors, its regular use reduces the risk of cancer and liver disease.

The benefits of black pepper for the human body: weight loss

It has long been observed that products with piperine in the composition contribute to effective and quick weight loss. There is this element in black pepper, so this spice has a unique ability to burn fat, even in the absence of sufficient physical activity.

the benefits of black pepper for the human body

To achieve your goal, the amount of pepper eaten per day must reach 2 grams. This volume of spice not only affects fat cells, destroying them, but also enhances intestinal motility (mild laxative effect). It also affects weight loss.

To enhance the effect, some advise drinking 1 cup of kefir with pepper (ΒΌ teaspoon) and cinnamon (Β½ teaspoon) added to it. Often resorting to this method of losing weight is not worth it, because in addition to the benefits, it can bring negative consequences.

In the list of golden recipes for people struggling with excess weight, a mixture of black pepper and turmeric has long been listed - the benefits of these two seasonings perfectly complement each other. The fact is that turmeric substances (in particular, curcumin) are excreted too quickly from the body, sometimes without even having time to transfer their valuable qualities. Pepper accelerates the absorption of beneficial elements, which means that the effect will be maximized.

turmeric with black pepper

The harm of black pepper to the human body

Despite the many beneficial properties, excessive use of this seasoning can lead to negative consequences, because the benefits of black pepper and harm to the body are separated only by a fine line. What can be so dangerous to all familiar black allspice?

Be that as it may, this spice belongs to the category of burning. Once in the stomach, it can cause irritation of its walls. It is with this that unpleasant sensations in the stomach are connected immediately after eating pepper-saturated dishes.

People suffering from diseases such as gastritis or ulcers should minimize the consumption of this product or completely abandon it. The affected mucosa under the influence of pepper will be even more irritated, which will lead to a deterioration in the general condition of the patient. The appearance of abdominal pain, indigestion are just a few of the symptoms that signal an exacerbation of the disease.

black pepper benefits and harm to the body

According to some doctors, food with a high pepper content can worsen a person's reproductive capabilities. Sometimes patients are forced to undergo a long medical course of treatment and undergo many tests, but in fact the problem was poor nutrition.

Given the above, doctors advise all lovers of spicy and spicy food to comply with the measure. Only in this case, the effect of the use of this product will be not only pleasant, but also useful.

The difference between red and black pepper

Unlike the fruits of black pepper, which is peas, the fruits of red pepper are small oblong pods of red color. After drying, they are ground and a powder is obtained. In many ways there is a similarity in the characteristics of black and red peppers - it is pointless to deny the latter's benefit.

the benefits of red and black pepper

Its moderate use in food contributes to a beneficial effect on the entire human body:

  • blood circulation returns to normal;
  • reduced risk of Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease and numerous cardiovascular diseases;
  • cholesterol is reduced;
  • rapidly elevated body temperature decreases;
  • burns fat cells.

However, in the pursuit of healing the body, do not forget about precautions. Once on the skin, mucous membranes or eyes, red pepper causes irritation and even burns. In addition, this product has some contraindications (some heart diseases, gastritis and ulcers, hemorrhoids, improper functioning of the kidneys and liver). In other words, the use of spices can bring both benefit and harm to the body. Black and red peppers in the complex are vivid proof of such a connection.

black and red pepper benefit and harm

Having learned a little more details about the seasoning that would seem so familiar and loved by everyone, you can learn how to use it correctly to improve your health. A moderate amount of spices will give dishes a piquant aroma and rich taste, while the body does not suffer from excessive consumption of overly spicy products.

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