Orungal: application reviews

Fungal diseases affect people of all ages. Among the wide selection of drugs, Orungal occupies a special place, the reviews of which are only positive. It destroys bacteria, prevents their reproduction. Proper use of the drug, dosage selection will help instructions for use.

What is the medicine?

Prescription tablets Orungal

The package contains a different number of tablets: from 4 to 84 pieces. The active substance is itraconazole. It reduces the risk of ergosterol, which is a component of the fungal cell. The drug is intended to combat dermatophytes, yeast fungi and microorganisms.

Among the indications:

  • Sporotrichosis.
  • Candidiasis.
  • Keratitis
  • Cryptoccosis
  • Microsporia.
  • Onychomycosis.
  • Multi-colored lichen.
  • Histoplasmosis.

Assign for prevention after bone marrow transplantation in oncology. It is necessary if a malignant blood disease is established.

How to use Orungal

How to choose a drug

The drug is taken after meals. Capsules are not chewed, washed down with water. Depending on the disease, the dosage is different:

  1. Gynecology - two tablets twice a day, once or once a day, three days in a row.
  2. Onychomycosis - two capsules twice a day for a week, a break for 21 days, resume treatment.
  3. The defeat of the nails on the hands is two courses, on the legs - three courses. The program 200 mg daily for three months.
  4. Dermatomycosis of smooth skin - 100 mg for two weeks.
  5. Systemic candidomycosis - 100 mg per day. The course is from one to seven months.
  6. Sportrichosis - 100 mg for three months.
  7. Blastomycosis - 200 mg per day for 90 days.

The appointment should be carried out by a specialist, which will help to avoid side effects and negative health effects.

Reception Schemes

Help with drug interactions

After the use by patients, the reviews about Orungal show that you can achieve positive results using the drug in any form. Manufacturers offer several options to choose the most effective for the treatment of a particular disease.

The solution is necessary for the treatment of candidiasis of the esophagus and oral cavity. Treatment takes place over a week. First, rinse the mouth, then swallow the solution. Sometimes the course is extended to 14 days. If there is resistance to one of the components - fluconazole - increase the dosage to 400 mg and for up to one month.

Prevention of systemic infections is carried out with a dosage of 5 mg / kg body weight. Reception - twice a day. Before the appointment of cytostatics, medication is required for 7 days. After a bone marrow transplant, the drug will be needed before the restoration of neutrophils.

Capsules are taken after meals, washed down with water. With AIDS, neutropenia, the dose is doubled due to a decrease in the bioavailability of itraconazole. One course takes place during the week. Assign 400 mg per day in a double dose. Reviews about "Orungal" with nail fungus indicate the use of the drug for two courses. For the legs you will need three courses of treatment with a break of 21 days.

The substance is excreted from plasma faster than from the skin and nail plate. The effectiveness of "Orungal" is proven taking into account the use of two to four weeks, if skin treatment is necessary. With a nail infection, it will take from six months to 10 months.

Sensations after using the drug

Despite the positive feedback from doctors about Orungal, patients experience discomfort and discomfort. Patients feel nausea, vomiting, pain in the stomach. With prolonged treatment, dizzy. In women, the menstrual cycle is violated, insomnia occurs. In rare cases, they confirm Stevens-Johnson syndrome, alopecia, pulmonary edema, hypokalemia.

Reviews of "Orungal" show that the drug has been used for many months. This is one of the safest means in pulse therapy. In isolated cases, liver damage occurs. With an increase in transaminases, the symptom disappears on its own without additional measures. The development of clinical signs involves the abolition of the drug, which leads to a normalization of well-being.

When you can not take medicine

Healthy toenails

Orungal pregnant women are prescribed when the benefit to the woman is higher than the risk to the fetus. During lactation, the substance is in breast milk, so the baby is transferred to artificial nutrition. In childbearing age, adequate contraceptive methods are used until menstruation arrives.

Elderly patients are prescribed the medicine with caution; children are not prescribed the drug if it does not help reduce the risk of developing the disease. Not prescribed for chronic renal failure, cirrhosis, heart disease. It can not be used with hypersensitivity to drugs of the azole group.

Exclude a combination with calcium anal blockers, levomethadone, astemizole. Do not combine with lovastatin, dofetilide, midazolam, pimozide, ergometrine. Adhering to the rules, paying attention to the reviews about the tablets "Orungal", choose an effective dosage to get rid of fungal diseases.

Taking medication for candidiasis

Candidiasis is a fungal infection that occurs when bacteria of the genus Candida act. It affects the skin, mucous membranes, causes systemic lesions. Reviews about "Orungal" from thrush show that the use of the drug occurs in any form. It will take four capsules per day, which are divided into two doses. The second option is to use the drug for three days. A total of six tablets are used.

Candidiasis or thrush of the oral cavity is treated with a solution that is taken orally. Take on an empty stomach 200 mg per day for a week. If the period is not enough, take a break for a week and repeat the course again.

For diseases of the skin, nails and organs of vision

Special instructions for use

According to reviews, Orungal fungus is treated for diseases of various organs. Detection of pityriasis versicolor indicates the need to take two capsules of the drug once a day for a week. Microsporia, epidermophytosis of the skin is treated with a single capsule for 14 days. If the feet are affected, two courses will be needed.

Fungal nail lesions are treated with intermittent courses or continuous long-term treatment. In the first case, the medicine is taken for 7 days, then they take the same break. Repeat two more times. In the second option, take two capsules once a day for 90 days.

With eye diseases, the infection affects the cornea, which leads to the development of keratitis. The course will be three weeks. Systemic candidiasis is treated with one to two capsules per day. The term is set by the doctor from a month to six months. Sometimes the daily dose is doubled. The disease develops with immunodeficiency.

Expert Advice: What You Need to Know

Forms of drug release

Reviews about "Orungal" indicate the need to exclude diseases in which you can not take the drug. With heart failure, stagnation occurs. An appointment is made if the benefit exceeds the potential risk. Doctors take into account indications, dosage, individual risk factors. Caution patients who suffer from damage to the heart valves, renal failure.

When determining the low acidity of gastric juice, there is a violation of the absorption of the main component of the drug. Acceptance of antacid medication occurs no earlier than two hours after the use of Orungal. Symptoms such as nausea and vomiting are monitored throughout the course of treatment. Often they appear with liver problems.

Can I take with other drugs?

Indications for the use of Orungal

The effectiveness of the drug is reduced when used with rifabutin, drugs with potential enzymes for the liver. Despite the lack of research results, it is assumed that taking "Orungal" with phenobarbital will lead to side effects.

Before choosing a remedy, it is necessary to consult a specialist about the metabolic pathway, reducing the plasma concentration of itraconazole. All this is taken into account when prescribing the drug. Doctors do not recommend mixing Orungal with dexamethasone, reboxetine. In some cases, reduce the dose so that the effect occurs.

Reviews of the analogues of "Orungal" indicate that among analogues there are drugs that have a similar effect. These include Izol, Itracon. According to the therapeutic effect, they choose:

  • "Batrafen."
  • Lamisil.
  • Lotseril.
  • Diflucan.
  • "Fluconazole".
  • Flucostat.
  • "Exoderyl."

Many people suffer from mycoses and fungal infections of the nails of the limbs. More than 90% of women are prone to thrush. The choice of funds should take place at the doctor’s appointment. This will allow you to choose an effective drug with which you can get rid of the problem. If the patient does not have the diseases indicated in the list of contraindications, Orungal will be an excellent choice.

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