Raw fish dishes (sugudai, sashimi, stroganina): recipes and serving rules

Raw fish dishes are very nutritious and healthy. Practically any people in national cuisine find dishes from this product. Raw fish is eaten either freshly caught or frozen. The most famous of these dishes are sashimi, sugudai and stroganina. Below is a detailed description and preparation methods.

salmon sashimi

What is Japanese sashimi?

The correct name for this raw fish dish sounds like sashimi. To prepare it, use different varieties of seafood and fish. Usually, the most meaty portion of the boneless fillet is chosen for this dish.

A distinctive feature of the dish is that they take fish for him, which did not go through any cooking at all. Usually, sashimi is served with grated longitudinal daikon radish and herbs, as well as wasabi. Before eating, it is supposed to dip each piece of fish in soy sauce.

There are many types of this dish, and salmon sashimi is especially popular. However, you can cook it from anything, including caviar and shrimp. For fans of extreme food use puffer fish, which contains deadly poison in its composition. If you cook it in a certain way, it becomes safe. However, even a small mistake by the cook can make this delicacy deadly poisonous.

Sauce for stroganina

Dish features

What is more remarkable is a raw fish dish like sashimi? Fillet should be cut into slices so thin that they should literally shine through. Since raw fish has a very soft and delicate texture, it is important to learn how to cut it correctly. Japanese cooks have been learning this art for a very long time. In addition, without the right professional knife, the perfect cut will not work.

How to make Japanese salmon sashimi? For the simplest option, it is not necessary to try to make translucent pieces. It is enough just to cut fresh raw fillet with even bars and place them beautifully on a dish. As a side dish, put the daikon grated with Korean carrots in the same place.

A more complicated version of sashimi

You can complicate the dish a bit by serving it with an additional side dish and spices. For this option, cut the salmon into thick, even slices and place on the dish over the fried avocado slices. Sprinkle with pepper and salt. Pour warm sauce on top, made from lime or lemon juice, olive oil, vinegar, coriander and chopped green onions.

scoop out mackerel

Regardless of which raw fish recipe for sashimi you use, you must adhere to certain rules. The number of slices on the serving platter is allowed only odd. As a side dish, you can put not only daikon, but also salad leaves, grated zucchini or carrots, slices of cucumbers and even tomatoes, as well as slices of lemon.

What is Guess?

Under this name is a dish of raw fish, which today is considered a delicacy. Sugudai is the food of the indigenous northern peoples. A dish is being prepared from northern varieties of fish, characterized by increased fat content and a delicate taste. You can use any of its varieties caught in the Taimyr region and near the shores of the Arctic Ocean. At the same time, it can be used as fresh-frozen, as well as freshly caught fish. Northern peoples traditionally make sugudas from omul, cir or whitefish. An excellent variety of the latter is muksun, the meat of which has a pleasant specific taste.

raw fish recipes

It is worth noting that the above varieties of fish are difficult to find on sale. Therefore, you can safely cook a soup of mackerel and other available species.

How to cook it?

Immediately need to make a reservation that the classic recipe does not exist. Therefore, you can easily adapt any recipe to your tastes. The traditional northern way of cooking is as follows: you need to take a large carcass of fish, clean and gut it, remove the head. Be very careful not to crush the bile. Otherwise, all meat will become bitter.

If you are cooking a scoop of frozen mackerel, do not thaw it to the end. Otherwise, all the insides will simply turn into porridge during processing. Use a teaspoon to remove all entrails from the carcass. Peeling is optional. Once you clean the fish, cut it into pieces the thickness of a finger. Put the prepared slices in an enameled dish, add the onion, cut into rings, and mix well with your hands. Calculate the proportions like this: take 2-3 onions for one large fish carcass. After this, you need to add quite a lot of black pepper and salt (one teaspoon and about two tablespoons, respectively). Mix everything again, pouring two tablespoons of any vegetable oil and adding a few drops of vinegar, shake the container well. Put in a cold place for a long time: from half an hour to 3 hours.

What is stroganina?

This is probably the most well-known way through which they eat raw fish in the North. To prepare this dish, frozen carcasses are sliced ​​into thin slices. This dish is considered safe, because with prolonged freezing in the fish all parasites die. How to cook this northern delicacy?

You will need a deep frozen fish carcass. In the classic version, varieties such as omul, whitefish, muksun, vendace, peled and the like are used. You can also use lenok and grayling. If you are unable to purchase these northern varieties, you can take salmon, but taking into account some factors. The fact is that stroganina is prepared from fish that was frozen immediately after fishing. If it is thawed and frozen repeatedly, it is impossible to cook a planer from it. Therefore, most of the store fish cannot be used.

how to eat raw fish

How to determine this in appearance? Properly frozen carcass should be whole, not sticky with others, not wrinkled. If it is slightly weathered, it's not scary. The deeper the freeze, the better.

How is stroganin cooked?

Do not defrost fish. If the carcass is not very large, immediately chop off your head. Then lightly warm it with your hands to melt the skin and remove it. Do not heat the fish too much, as it is required that it remains frozen inside. Just stick the tip of the knife under the slightly thawed skin and advance, removing the rags.

After you clean the carcass, put it in an upright position on a cutting board. Holding the fish by the tail with your hand, start cutting thin strips of meat from top to bottom. This is not difficult, since a sharp knife will cut pieces of the desired thickness. Be careful when slicing the abdomen, as the entrails are not used. Do not cut too many slices at a time, because thawed stroganin is not eaten. Put the prepared pieces on a plate, sprinkle with pepper and salt and serve.

raw fish stroganin

What should be a sauce under stroganina?

In the classic version of this dish, only pepper and salt are used. At the same time, it is recommended not only to sprinkle with them slices of fish, but also to put them separately in a small saucer so that each participant in the meal can dip his piece. You can also use any sauce for stroganina that you like: Caucasian adjika, mustard, horseradish, wasabi and many other hot Asian seasonings.

The only drawback of this dish can be called only that when cutting fish in slices, bones will inevitably occur.

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