The intrauterine device (IUD) Mirena is considered a highly effective contraceptive. The result when using it is achieved by a number of mechanisms. First of all, the Mirena IUD contributes to a change in the structure of the endometrium, to a violation of sperm function. When using the drug, there is a change in the chemical properties and viscosity of cervical mucus, disorders in the peristalsis of the fallopian tubes.
The active substance is levonorgestrel. It is slower (compared with progesterone) metabolized in the endometrium, as a result of which it has a more pronounced effect on the internal mucous membrane of the uterus.
It should be noted that sometimes it is necessary to expand the cervical canal, as well as local anesthesia with the introduction of Mirena. The IUD has a reservoir with a hormone component. In this regard, the diameter and length of the device are relatively large.
A high concentration of levonorgestrel helps to slow down proliferative processes, suppress the mitotic activity of myometrial and endometrial cells.
As a result of the use of the Mirena IUD, amenorrhea is noted. It is caused not by inhibition of ovarian function, but by the reaction of the endometrium to the local effect of levonorgestrel. When using the drug, slight changes in the hypothalamic-pituitary structure are noted. They appear in the form of a decrease in production in the middle of the cycle of luteinizing hormone and a violation of the ovulatory process.
Navy "Mirena" (expert reviews confirm this) helps to reduce the peak content of LH four years after the start of use. This is noted in women with the normal course of the ovulatory process, and in patients with insufficiency in the luteal phase of the cycle. In this case, the function of the ovaries (cyclic) is maintained regardless of the absence or presence of menstrual bleeding. Amenorrhea is caused by a local effect on the endometrium. The main importance in preventing pregnancy is not the suppression of the ovulatory process, but changes in the function and morphology of the endometrium.
IUD "Mirena" provides an effective contraceptive effect, which is compared by specialists with surgical sterilization. When using the drug, a low content of gestagens in the bloodstream is noted. The contraceptive is safe. Its advantage lies, in particular, in the absence of the effect of the primary passage through the digestive tract and through the liver.
Specialists also note a certain therapeutic effect in idiopathic menorrhagia, small uterine myoma, dysmenorrhea, endometrial hyperplasia, and PMS. The tool can also be used as a progestational component in replacement therapy.
It is necessary to say about side effects when using the Mirena IUD. Among them, in particular, menstrual irregularities. Menstruation can occur in the form of scanty acyclic spotting. In addition, the development of amenorrhea is likely due to the effect of levonorgestrel on the endometrium. Side effects include headache, nausea, acne. Acne disappears without additional exposure, and therefore is not considered an indication for the removal of funds.