Anime "Inuyasha": characters and their characteristics

"Inuyasha" is an anime series that was created on the basis of the same-name manga Rumiko Takahashi. This is a story about an ordinary schoolgirl who accidentally got from her time in the Middle Ages. The cartoon based on the Inuyasha manga was made in 2000 in Japan and consists of 167 episodes of 25 minutes each. The main character of Inuyashi is the schoolgirl Kagome, the half-demon Inuyasha, the monk Miroku, the exterminator of the demons Sango and Naraku.

The plot of the picture

The plot of the anime series takes place around an ordinary Japanese schoolgirl named Kagome. One day, returning from school, she finds an old well. When a girl approaches him, a demon attacks her and demands to return the stone of the Four Souls.

Kagome miraculously manages to escape from the demon, but then she discovers that she was in the Middle Ages. There she meets a temple attendant named Kaede. Kaede tells the heroine that Kagome is the reincarnation of her sister Kike, who died many years ago. She had the stone of the Four Souls, and in order to protect him from the demons, Kike kept it in her body. Now it belongs to Kagome. All demons hunt for this stone, as it can give them great power.

Another main character of Inuyashi is the half-demon, after whom the series is named. Once he tried to steal a stone from Kike, but she was able to put him to sleep for many years. Kagome is again attacked by a demon, because of which she found herself in the Middle Ages. To save the relic of the Four Souls, the heroine awakens Inuyasha, however, during the battle, the stone breaks into thousands of small fragments.

Kagome character

In order to return him, Kagome and Inuyashia go on a journey together to find all parts of the relic. In order for the half-demon to help the main character, Kaede casts a spell on him, and now he obeys all the orders of the girl. During the journey, Kagome and Inuyasha become very close and feelings flare up between them. On the way, they meet other demons who also want to capture the stone of the Four Souls. Friends of the main characters of Inuyashi become Miroku and Sango. Together they fight with demons and look for fragments of an ancient relic. The main enemy of Kagome is Naraku.

Anime "Inuyasha": the protagonist of the story

Kagome is the main character of this anime. Once again, when a girl turns 15 years old, she finds out - the stone of the Four Souls is stored in her body, which can make any demon powerful. By chance, Kagome breaks the relic, and its fragments scatter around the world. Together with the half-demon, Inuyasha Kagome sets off in search of them.

The heroine is a very kind and bright girl. She suffers all the tricks of Inuyashi and loves him with all her heart, no matter what. However, she cannot confess her feelings to him and is afraid that he will reject her. Kagome has superpowers: she throws arrows from a bow, which have unusual properties. Thanks to the pure soul of the girl, each of her arrows is able to heal and cleanse any demon they pierce. In addition, the heroine is able to feel the stone of the Four Souls and its fragments.

Half demon Inuyasha

protagonist anime

Inuyasha is a powerful half demon. His father is a demon, and his mother is a man. Once upon a time he met Kike, and they fell in love. Inuyasha was ready to give up his demonic power in order to be with his beloved. However, Narak, who needed the stone of the Four Souls, killed Kike. After 50 years, Inuyashu is revived by a girl who is the reincarnation of Kike. Despite his age, the character Inuyasha feels and behaves like a teenager. He falls in love with Kagome, although he always tells her the opposite.

The hero has his own abilities. He has fangs and claws that he uses in battle. However, one night a month, he loses all his demonic abilities, and therefore is very vulnerable. Inuyasha is very quick-tempered and touchy, but quickly leaves and does not hold evil.


Miroku and Sango

One of the characters that helps Kagome to search for the stone of the Four Souls and fight the demons is a character named Miroku. A curse has been placed on his entire family: in the young man’s hand is a “black hole”. She captures everything that is around. If Miroku is not destroyed by the curse that Naraka imposed, then the black hole will drag him too.

Because of this curse, the hero has an unusual habit: he hugs every girl he meets and offers her to give birth to a child from him, as he is afraid to die without leaving offspring.

The character of the anime Inuyasha Miroku is secretly in love with a girl named Sango and is always ready to protect her. Miroku uses a black hole as a weapon to fight demons. The only minus of this is that it sucks everyone who is in range, regardless of whether it is an enemy or a friend.

Sango - Demon Slayer

heroine sango

In the anime Inuyasha, Sango is one of the main characters. She received special training on how to kill demons. Sango is part of the Kagome team to destroy their common enemy - Naraku. Her clan has long been engaged in the extermination of demons. To fight them, the girl uses various poisons, as well as special weapons made of demon bones, which can destroy their bodies. In addition to weapons, she also has a protective suit, which is also made of demon bones.

Sango is a very positive person, she is an optimist in life and always believes in the best. Sango is in love with Miroka, but for a very long time does not want to admit it even to herself. She does not like that he hugs all the girls he meets. At the end of the Inuyasha anime series, Sango and Miroku get married and have children.


half demon Naraku

One of the negative characters in the anime Inuyasha is Naraku. He is a half-demon and the main enemy of Kagome and Inuyashi. Naraku was once a man. He hunted with petty theft and theft, but under tragic circumstances he was half dead and paralyzed on the street. There he was found and picked up by Kike. She took care of him, demanding nothing in return. However, instead of gratitude, Narak decided to steal a stone from her. He was angry with Kika for falling in love with Inuyasha, not him.

Naraku voluntarily gave his soul to the demons, and a large amount of evil energy from them accumulated in him. Thanks to this, the hero has tremendous power and strength. It was Naraku who, in the guise of Inuyashi, killed Kike in order to get the stone of the Four Souls. The hero knows how to absorb demons in order to subsequently use their abilities and skills.

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