Means "Rioflora balance", the price of which starts at 200 rubles, is a comprehensive probiotic. As a part of dietary supplement there are lactobacilli and bifidobacteria.
Tool Properties
The drug helps to restore the disturbed balance of microflora in the intestine. Probiotics are compounds that include microorganisms in their composition, similar to those in the human body. The goal of a probiotic is not only to restore equilibrium, but also to prevent or eliminate various dysbacterioses and pathologies associated with them.
In the intestinal microflora there is a huge amount of beneficial bacteria. They take part in the digestion of food, protection against pathogenic microorganisms, the production of a number of vitamins, and the stimulation of the immune system. In accordance with the research results, when studying the beneficial properties of various types of bacteria, complex agents have been developed that are used both to restore the normal state of microflora and to increase immunity or prevent digestive system disorders after receiving antibiotic therapy.
BAA "Rioflora balance Neo." Price. Description
The composition of the drug contains 8 specially selected strains of probiotic microorganisms. The cost of the funds is within 400 rubles. Depending on the type of bacteria, an effect on the state of the human body is carried out. In addition to normalizing the balance of microflora, dietary supplement provides protection against the multiplication and spread of pathogenic bacteria, activates the immune system, increasing the level of immunoglobulins. Supplements take two capsules twice a day. It is advisable to drink the drug on an empty stomach. The tool is admitted to admission from three years.
BAA "Rioflora balance". Instructions for use. Contraindications Side effects
The drug is taken on a capsule twice a day. A remedy is prescribed to patients from three years old. It is advisable to drink dietary supplements in the morning and evening hours. The duration of therapy is from 10 days to two weeks. If necessary, the course can be repeated (after consultation with a specialist).
Contraindications dietary supplement "Rioflora balance" instructions for use include acute pancreatitis and hypersensitivity. Not prescribed for children under three years of age. During the reception, extremely rarely negative consequences can occur. Usually they are caused by hypersensitivity to the components. In general, in practice, patients rarely turn to doctors with complications when taking dietary supplements.
additional information
Means "Rioflora balance" instructions for use does not prohibit drinking pregnant and lactating. However, the appointment should be carried out by the doctor in accordance with the indications and tolerance of the patients. If the condition worsens due to therapy, it is necessary to visit a specialist. Means "Rioflora balance" (instructions for use confirms this information) does not require special storage conditions. However, the drug should be kept out of the reach of children. Supplements are allowed at room temperature, but not higher than twenty-five degrees. Before starting the therapeutic course, you should carefully study the annotation.