In this, the question will be understood, what does a hernia on the stomach look like.
This is the name of the pathology, against the background of which the internal organs of the person can fall out of the abdominal cavity through an aponeurosis defect, while a hernial sac forms under the skin . This problem is very common in men of different ages. In women, the disease occurs much less often, mainly during pregnancy or after it, as well as at the age of fifty years. A hernia of the abdomen (photos are given in the article) can also form in a child, regardless of gender. Clinical examples peak among children, as a rule, at five or seven years.
The pathology threatens with serious complications, we will examine further what a hernia on the abdomen looks like in patients of various groups, and in addition, we will consider all treatment methods, including non-traditional methods, and find out what disadvantages they have.
The main causes of the disease in men
In sixty percent of clinical cases, a hernia of the abdomen is diagnosed in the stronger sex. As a rule, this is directly related to the hobbies of men and professional activities. Epigastric hernia occurs in the following cases:
- As a result of a sharp or improper lifting of weights when working or playing sports.
- Due to the weakening of the aponeurosis due to inactive work. This is often observed among drivers and those men who work in offices.
- Due to the lack of bandage during loading or unloading.
Most men can be extremely frivolous about their state of health. They do not know what a hernia on the stomach looks like. In this regard, their pathology is detected immediately in the third or second stage.
Reasons for the development of the disease in women
Abdominal hernia in women often occurs during pregnancy or immediately after childbirth. This may be related to the occurrence of diastasis of the abdomen. The pressure of the fetus on the abdominal wall leads to the fact that it simply diverges. Conditions may be created for violating the integrity of the aponeurosis, which subsequently can lead to the formation of a hernia.
How does a hernia on the abdomen in women, interesting to many.
Ladies who have close relatives who suffer from such a pathology, you need to pay attention to the following signs of diastasis:
- The presence of a disproportionate and increased waist.
- Presence of a navel bulging forward.
- The occurrence of pain in the back.
Often, such signs of a hernia of the abdomen (see photo in the article) can develop after childbirth. At the same time, attempts to get rid of the abdomen through exercises do not give positive results. It is in such a situation that you should consult a surgeon to prevent the occurrence of complications in the form of epigastric hernia. In addition to diastasis, the following factors become the main causes of abdominal hernia in women:
- The effect of heavy labor.
- The presence of frequent constipation.
- Difficulty urinating.
- The appearance of a strong and prolonged cough.
- The presence of a hereditary predisposition.
In some situations, pathology can occur after excessive physical exertion.
Causes of pathology among children
So, we will figure out how a hernia on the abdomen of a child looks like.
In children, like adults, a hernia can occur after surgery, against the background of obesity, increased intraperitoneal pressure and other factors. But the initial disease is a failure in the formation of an aponeurosis during fetal development or in the first few months of life. An important role in this case is played by genetic factors, and in addition, various kinds of disturbances during the period the baby is in the womb.
A hernia looks like a formation, a protrusion, which has a round or oval shape in the navel area (photo below). It increases if the baby strains the tummy (when coughing, crying, straining) and becomes less noticeable or disappears altogether if the child is lying on his back.
What does a hernia on the abdomen of a newborn look like? You can notice the protrusion in the baby immediately after birth. Education is painless. In the case of inguinal-scrotal hernia, it can fall in the scrotum in boys (it becomes asymmetric), and in the labia in girls.
Abdominal hernia also occurs in older children, from seven years. Pathology is characterized by a low frequency of infringements along with the lack of prerequisites for self-closing the hernia gate.
What does a hernia of the white line of the abdomen look like? The main sign of pathology is a painful protrusion along the white line. The pain becomes stronger after eating, exercising, while sneezing, coughing, straining. Sometimes it can radiate in the hypochondrium, lower back, shoulder blade. Often, a defect provokes nausea, belching, heartburn.
What does a hernia of the white line of the abdomen look like? You can see it in the photo below.
In children and adults, in addition to the main external manifestations, there are a number of symptoms that indicate an increase in size or a pinched hernia. They appear, as a rule, at the second and third stage of formation and can become an occasion for a person to contact a surgeon for medical help. The most striking symptoms are:
- The occurrence of pain in the area of hernia formation.
- The presence of pressing sensations in the area of localization (while patients say that the hernia seems to put pressure on the stomach).
- Presence of nausea and vomiting.
- The appearance of blood particles in the feces (especially when a hernia is formed from a loop of the small intestine).
- The appearance of bloating and constipation.
Patients often complain to surgeons about increased pain during walking, with physical exertion, or with a change in body position.
A photo of what a hernia looks like on a stomach is presented in large quantities in the article.
Treatment of ailment with surgery
Currently, the only most effective way to eliminate the disease is surgery. Hernia repair with suturing of the defect in the aponeurosis is accompanied by only ten percent of relapses and can be characterized by a low degree of complications. Other methods, especially folk recipes for the treatment of hernias of various etiologies, are completely ineffective and often lead to a deterioration in the condition of patients.
For suturing a hernia, a laparoscopic or conservative surgical procedure is used. The choice of method will largely depend on the location and size of the hernia, and in addition, on the preferences of the surgeon. Most doctors may be inclined to a traditional operation that allows you to tactilely feel the contents of the hernial sac.
What a hernia looks like on the abdomen is important for many women to know. He predominantly undergoes surgery using laparoscopy. This is mainly due to aesthetic considerations. Firstly, the postoperative suture is completely absent, and secondly, scarring from punctures is almost invisible.
Preparation for surgery
In addition to measures that are aimed at making a diagnosis, the patient needs to undergo additional examinations before the operation to make sure that there are no contraindications to performing the surgical intervention. Mandatory are:
- Blood and urine donation.
- Performing an electrocardiogram in order to verify the complete absence of pathologies of the cardiac and vascular system.
- Taking allergic samples for the selection of anesthetics.
In some situations, a course of antibiotics is prescribed a week or two before the scheduled date of surgery. This is required in order to minimize the risks of postoperative complications. If the patient is undergoing therapy for another disease, then the course of drugs can be suspended, especially if they affect the composition of the blood.
On the day the operation is performed, it is forbidden to eat, do not drink or smoke. Immediately prior to the surgical procedure, the patient must provide written authorization for surgery and anesthesia.
Operation progress
In most situations, the operation is performed under local anesthesia using the Vishnevsky technique. However, general anesthesia can also be used if a complex operation is to be performed (this is usually true with a large hernia).
After reaching the anesthetic effect, the surgeon performs an incision in the hernial sac to ensure full access to its contents. Then the contents of this bag are examined, the precipitated organ is inserted into the abdominal cavity, after which the plastic of the abdominal wall is started.
Currently, hernioplasty is used to achieve closure of the hernia gate. A mesh implant is placed on the patient to prevent the connective tissue from diverging. This implant holds the prolapsed organ exclusively in the anatomical position.
Young men, whose body is distinguished by good regenerative capabilities, have classical suturing of hernial gates without mesh mesh implant. The feasibility of this method is determined during the operation by assessing the condition of the connective tissues. In the event that it is not thinned, and the hernia is small, then the surgeon refuses to install a reinforcing mesh.
Features of laparoscopy
Laparoscopic technique is based on surgical intervention through skin punctures. The surgeon, depending on the position and characteristics of the hernia, makes three or four ports (puncture of muscles and skin) with a diameter of not more than one centimeter. An endoscope is installed in one of the ports, which is a special device equipped with an integrated video camera. From this camera, the image is transmitted to the monitor. A surgical instrument is inserted into the remaining ports.
The operation may have a small degree of tissue damage, it is much better tolerated by patients, helping to reduce the rehabilitation period. True, this technique has big disadvantages:
- A small overview of the surgical field.
- Unreliable fixation of the reinforcing mesh.
- The presence of any contraindications, for example, pathology of the heart or lungs.
Compared to classical surgery, the laparoscopy procedure has a high relapse rate.
What does a postoperative abdominal hernia look like ? Photos of the pathology before surgery are presented in the article.
Recovery Features
After completion of the surgical operation to remove the abdominal hernia, the patient is transferred to inpatient treatment. The duration of such treatment directly depends on the type of surgical intervention, on possible complications, and in addition, on the general condition of the patient. After laparoscopy, patients are discharged after three days. But in the event that the operation was performed in an open way or complications were discovered, the length of hospital stay can vary from ten days to a month.
What does a postoperative hernia on the stomach look like, everyone wants to know. Patient complaints after surgery are mainly associated with unpleasant and painful sensations in the suture area. This is a normal physiological state, which is not worth fearing at all. To reduce pain, doctors can prescribe painkillers. Patients may complain of the following problems:
- Skin color near the scar may vary.
- The appearance of bruises and bruising.
- Numbness in the area of operation or tingling.
Such signs do not threaten life at all and in no way harm the patient's health. Particular attention is paid to diet. In the first few days after the operation associated with the removal of an umbilical hernia of the abdomen, the patient's diet should be adjusted in such a way as to completely eliminate the appearance of intestinal obstruction, and in addition, to prevent excessive gas formation in the organ.
What should you know about the rehabilitation period?
After the patient leaves the hospital, it is required to adhere to the doctor's recommendations. Within one month, any exercise in addition to heavy physical activity is strictly prohibited. The exception is walking, which prevents the formation of adhesions and accelerates tissue regeneration.
Women and men are required to refrain from driving the machine for the first week. In particular, this should be done if painkillers were prescribed or the patient was discharged the next day after surgery. In case of bleeding, increased pain and fever, you should immediately consult a doctor.
Pregnancy Ailment
Due to the growth of the fetus and the size of the uterus, intraperitoneal pressure may increase in women. In the presence of a weakened or defective aponeurosis, this leads to the formation of a hernia of the abdomen. According to medical statistics, it is among pregnant patients that this pathology is often detected.
The complexity of therapy lies in the lack of the possibility of using painkillers without the risk of harm to the fetus. In addition, surgery can increase the burden on internal systems and organs, so it is primarily associated with dangers for those women who are in position. In the event that a hernia is detected in late pregnancy, the operation is not performed. An exception is hernia pinching, which threatens the patient's life.
As a rule, a hernia may not increase in size during the entire period of bearing a child, therefore, at this time, measures are aimed at supporting the health of the woman. Your doctor may recommend:
- Using a special bandage.
- Complete exclusion of physical activity.
- Diet adjustment to normalize weight.
In addition, constant and mandatory monitoring of a woman’s state of health is necessary in order not to miss the probable development of complications of a hernia of the abdomen. Symptoms that you must pay attention to are as follows:
- The presence of blood in the stool.
- The occurrence of frequent constipation.
- Temperature increase.
- The occurrence of acute pain in the area of localization of pathology.
- Increased pressure on internal organs.
In the presence of all of the above symptoms, an emergency operation is necessary, regardless of the duration of pregnancy. In the event that there are no indications for surgical intervention, then a woman can give birth to a child in a special corset. This corset is designed so that it reduces the load on the area of hernia formation. In this situation, there are no complications during childbirth, with the exception of more severe pain. After the birth of the baby, the hernia will need to be repaired, and in addition, excised in a planned manner.
Hernia prophylaxis
In order to prevent the occurrence of the disease, you need to try to comply with a number of recommendations:
- It is very important to monitor weight and prevent obesity.
- It is required to avoid a sedentary and inactive lifestyle.
- It must be ensured that there is no constipation, especially for children.
- You need to exercise regularly.
- It is imperative to observe safety precautions when doing heavy work.
If there is the slightest suspicion of a hernia, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. Surgical therapy is most effective at an early stage in the formation of pathology.
We examined what a hernia in adults looks like. Photos were submitted. They also found out how a hernia manifests itself in children.