Heartburn from Bananas: Cause and Treatment

If a person eats bananas in moderation, then this fruit will not do any harm to his health. Recall that this product contains a large amount of carbohydrates, so sometimes the use of bananas negatively affects the gastrointestinal tract. Many are surprised by the fact that there is heartburn after a banana. For lovers of this fruit, doctors recommend eating slightly unripened fruits, but this does not mean that it should be completely green.

What are the features of the fruit?

In bananas there are many useful substances, so given all the qualities, this fruit is recommended for use with heartburn. It is often noted that its inclusion in food helps to reduce burning symptoms in the stomach.

heartburn from bananas cause

But sometimes there are times when this fruit, on the contrary, causes discomfort. We will examine in more detail what is the peculiarity of this tropical fruit. Bananas contain:

  1. Vitamins of group B, C, E.
  2. Mineral components such as sodium, phosphorus, zinc, iron and potassium are present.
  3. There are 13% fiber in a banana.
  4. There are proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

The banana contains serotonin, which is responsible for the production of the hormone of happiness, among the individual properties of a banana.

Causes of Heartburn from Bananas

The question of whether there can be heartburn from bananas should be examined in detail. First of all, it should be noted that heartburn often occurs due to the fact that the contents of the stomach are pushed back into the esophagus. Gastric juice itself is very acidic, so it irritates the mucous membrane of the esophagus, as a result of which the inflammatory process begins to appear, increasing burning sensation in the chest. Mostly heartburn can occur in the following cases:

  1. If the stomach is excessively full.
  2. The evacuation of food from the stomach is slowed down.
  3. A large amount of gas accumulates in the intestines.
    heartburn after a banana

If there is heartburn from bananas, the cause is mainly hidden in the presence of chronic diseases or special conditions such as pregnancy or rehabilitation after surgery. Despite the fact that banana is considered a product that is easily digestible, the causes of heartburn can be other:

  1. Eating fruits that are not ripe.
  2. Product quality is sometimes not very good.
  3. If a person has increased blood clotting.
  4. In the presence of coronary heart disease.
  5. Great body weight.

Despite the fact that bananas are considered common fruits, they are still exotic, so people who suffer from individual intolerance can often be found.

Disorders while eating bananas?

It often happens that it is the use of banana that reduces heartburn, but it happens the other way around: the fruit irritates the lining of the esophagus. Therefore, it is advisable to regulate the amount of fruits consumed. Those who carefully study the question of whether there is heartburn from bananas should know that the main reason lies in the overload of the pancreas. The fact is that the enzymes that are produced by the gland cannot fulfill the digestive function and it is because of this that the food stays in the stomach longer than it should be. When gastroesophageal reflux occurs, heartburn begins to manifest. In addition to such symptoms, others may also occur, for example, a person may feel bloating in the abdomen.

Heartburn in pregnant women

Future mothers often also experience heartburn from bananas. The reason for pregnancy is hidden in the growth of the fetus, which creates an additional load on the legs and venous blood vessels of the woman. It is important to remember that bananas can affect blood composition and promote blood clots.

can there be heartburn from bananas

Doctors do not recommend expectant mothers who are prone to dilate veins and thrombophlebitis to use this product with extreme caution.

To exclude the fermentation process from eating fresh fruits, do not combine them with bananas. It is advisable for pregnant women to consume bananas after eating, when the food received is already filled with gastric juice.

The influence of fruit quality

If the fruits are very ripe, then even heartburn from bananas can occur, the reason lies in the fact that often such products are additionally treated with special chemicals that accelerate their ripening. When buying bananas, it is important to carefully study everything, otherwise there is a risk of getting not only heartburn, but even poisoning. You should also not eat unripe bananas, as they contain a large amount of starch, and, as you know, it provokes unpleasant sensations in the stomach.

heartburn from bananas cause during pregnancy

In order for the fruit to ripen on its own, you can buy a slightly unripe fruit and put it until it fully ripens, but it is important to remember that the banana peel should not be damaged. Most doctors recommend washing the fruits before use, as it is not always possible to carefully examine the conditions of transportation and storage.

Heartburn due to body traits

Doctors recommend eating bananas during pregnancy to eliminate the burning sensation in the stomach, but this option is not suitable for many expectant mothers, since discomfort in the stomach and esophagus, on the contrary, only intensifies. There are even cases when there is an allergic reaction to the use of this exotic fruit. Banana fruits contain a large number of calories, so there is a risk of gaining weight quickly.

is there heartburn from bananas

As you know, obese people are more likely to suffer from heartburn. Excretion of fluid from the body is another reason. Heartburn from bananas in this case is directly related to an increase in blood clots and is aggravated by blood viscosity.

How to eat bananas

Heartburn from a banana mainly depends on how a person eats and how he eats food. Even a perfectly healthy person can experience heartburn after eating a fetus. Given that this fruit is high-calorie, after eating a banana, after a while a person will again feel hunger, and this is due to an increase in blood sugar. When wondering why heartburn from bananas arises even in a healthy person, it is important to remember that this product is digested much longer in the stomach than other fruits. Often besides heartburn, bloating and flatulence can occur. At the first manifestations of negative symptoms, doctors recommend taking medications that aid digestion.

heartburn after a banana why

In no case should you eat a lot of bananas, as this is the main reason for heartburn.

Major violations

Gastrointestinal problems can occur after a person eats a large number of overripe fruits. The opinion that a product such as a banana is considered not difficult for the body is a mistake, therefore, if there are problems with the stomach, then these fruits should be consumed with great caution. Few people know that with gastritis and stomach ulcers, the use of this product is strictly prohibited, since it is an irritant to the stomach, and the first symptom that can be noted is heartburn after a banana. Why it is worth stopping the eating of this fruit in this case, it is extremely clear, the more it is forbidden to use for people suffering from such diseases:

  1. You can not eat bananas for people who suffer from diabetes, because it contains a lot of sugar.
  2. Fruits secrete a special substance that negatively affects the production of hemoglobin, so bananas are contraindicated for people who suffer from thrombophlebitis.
  3. Enough time should pass between the receptions of fruits, this is necessary so that the food has time to be absorbed in the body. Doctors do not recommend feeding small children bananas.
  4. Overweight people should not abuse exotic fruits.

If the bananas are picked correctly, then no negative symptoms may arise, so it is best to buy half-ripe fruits.

How to treat heartburn after eating exotic fruits?

If there is heartburn after bananas, the cause of this should be addressed first. It is advisable to stop eating fruit when a strong discomfort appears in the stomach. If a person cannot completely abandon this product, then it is important to find the maximum rate that will not affect health. For example, a small amount of bananas eaten may not cause any discomfort.

heartburn from bananas from what

Once a week, you can eat one fruit and at the same time not feel any negative consequences, you can also use a dessert with a banana, but do not cook it as a main dish. As you can see, much depends on the individual susceptibility of the organism.

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