How to draw goodies for little sweeties?

Cakes melting in your mouth, lollipops, colored sweets ... Everyone loves sweets. But did you know that goodies are not only pleasant to eat, but also to draw? This fascinating lesson will appeal to little sweeties, and not a centimeter will be added to mom’s waist. How to draw delicious things? All you need is pencils and a little imagination.

Recall geometric shapes

How to draw sweets and delicious inexperienced artist? Let's start with the simplest - with sweets. At the same time we will introduce children to the basic geometric shapes.

How to draw a yummy

  1. Sweetie. First, draw the base. It can be round or rectangular. If you have chosen the last option, slightly round the corners to make the candy look believable. On both sides, draw two small diverging lines. Connect them with a wavy line. The ends turned up wrapped candy wrapper. Mark with a few lines the folds. It remains to decorate the candy stripes, spirals or other pattern.
  2. Now it's the turn of the candy. Draw a large circle, below - a thin wand. At the place of their connection, we will depict a wrapped candy wrapper as we already know how to do it. Put a dot in the center of the circle. From it to the edges we draw rounded lines. It remains to color all this with colored pencils.
  3. How to draw delicious things in one minute? Let's draw a triangle, round off its edges. We got a truffle candy. And if you add stripes and paint the treat in bright colors, marmalade will come out.

Long live the cake!

How to draw more delicious sweets? Let's portray a gentle cream cake.

How to draw yummy sweets

  1. We draw the base, expanding upward.
  2. Shade it, depicting the folds on the stand.
  3. At the top of the substrate we draw pointed teeth.
  4. Using rounded lines and an oval, depict the cream. It should protrude beyond the edges of the base.
  5. Adding new uneven ovals from above, we create the feeling of several cream layers.
  6. We crown our creation with an elegant curl or a round cherry.

How to draw delicious things? This task is within the power of even a preschooler. Our schemes will help to avoid annoying mistakes. It remains only to independently color the resulting sweets and enjoy the result.

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