Analysis of Pushkin’s poem “The Prophet”. Dedication to the Decembrists

The poem "Prophet" Pushkin dedicated to his friends, the Decembrists, severely punished by the government. The work was written in 1826 immediately after the tragic events that followed the Decembrist uprising. Then many of the poet’s friends and good acquaintances were shot or exiled. The poem was a kind of response of the authorities, but only encrypted, since Pushkin himself could not openly express sympathy for the rebels, and he would not be allowed to do this.

Analysis of the poem of Pushkin the Prophet
Lermontov’s poem “The Prophet”, written in 1841, raises the problem of the poet rejected and misunderstood by the crowd. The hero cannot find a haven among people, he is persecuted everywhere, therefore the only place where he can find peace is the desert. Pushkin’s idea is a bit different, he uses the image of a tired traveler, which is also found in his other works, and combines it with the biblical legend of the prophet. This book says that an angel came down from heaven and cleansed Isaiah from his sins, entrusting him with a mission - to correct and guide other people on the true path.

An analysis of the poem “The Prophet” by Pushkin allows us to understand that the lyrical hero does not feel deprived or defiled by the lawlessness around him, but at the same time it is unbearably painful to look at the arbitrariness and injustice surrounding him. That is why God decides to make him the chosen one, a prophet who would punish people who act meanly and unjustly.

Analysis of the poem Prophet Pushkin
An analysis of Pushkin’s poem “The Prophet” allows you to see the transformation of a tired traveler. At the very beginning of history, he is barely alive, with difficulty moving through the desert in complete solitude. Then, saving from certain death, the six-winged seraph comes to him . God's messenger removes all that is human from the traveler, endowing him with special abilities to see, hear, feel and speak wisely and correctly. An analysis of Pushkin’s poem “The Prophet” shows that such torment could not pass without leaving a trace for a mere mortal, therefore, after the transformation, he remained in the desert like a corpse.

The work ends with the fact that God himself turns to the traveler with the demand to rise and walk on the earth in order to burn the hearts of people with his own word. An analysis of Pushkin’s poem “The Prophet” allows us to understand that the work has two main themes: the difficult mission assigned to the prophet, and the painful transformation of the mere mortal. The poet firmly believed that such a time would come, and a person would appear on earth who would punish those who committed lawlessness.

In his work, Alexander Sergeyevich resorts to using the union of “and” in order to show the unity of everything that happens. In order for the reader to understand his thoughts, he resorts to images. Also in this creation, there are many hissing sounds that show all the pain and suffering of the author. An analysis of Pushkin’s poem “The Prophet” shows that the poet did not really care about rhyming, he was worried about the very meaning of the work.

The poem of Lermontov the Prophet
The verse accurately conveyed all the emotions and feelings of the author. Alexander Sergeevich was very worried about the loss of his friends, but he could not express a protest directly, so he resorted to a veiled form of presentation of the general meaning in the "Prophet".

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