The lack of certain vitamins in the human body causes disruptions in metabolic processes. All this is fraught with various diseases. Often, upon detection of certain ailments, symptomatic therapy is performed. But she can not completely eliminate the cause of the disease. That is why it is so important to contact the doctors to make the correct diagnosis and receive appointments. In neurology, the drug "Binavit" is often used. Instructions for use characterize it as a complex of vitamins and essential substances. More detailed information about this tool will be presented to your attention in the article.
Description and composition of the drug
About the medicine βBinavitβ, the instructions for use say that the product belongs to the B vitamins. The composition includes pyridoxine hydrochloride, thiamine, cyanocobalamin and lidocaine. The drug is produced in the form of a solution for intramuscular administration. The volume of one ampoule is 2 milliliters. The package contains a spike of 5 ampoules, as well as instructions for their use.
Binavit: indications for use and limitations
What diseases does the Binavit solution help with? Instructions for use say that the medication makes up for the lack of B vitamins. These substances are responsible for nerve cells and are involved in the transmission of impulses. The drug is used for neurological diseases of a different nature, such as:
- polyneuritis and neuritis;
- intercostal neuralgia;
- trigeminal neuralgia;
- peripheral paresis ;
- myalgia, radicular pain syndrome;
- ganglionitis, plexopathy;
- stress and depression;
- neuropathy of different origin (including alcohol);
- muscle cramps that occur mainly at night;
- various manifestations of osteochondrosis and so on.
The drug is often prescribed by neurologists in complex therapy. But you need to consider the possibility of combining drugs. You can read about it further. Pay particular attention to contraindications. These include:
- pregnancy and lactation (there is no data on the safety of such therapy);
- hypersensitivity to any component or its intolerance;
- acute or chronic heart failure;
- thromboembolism and thrombosis;
- age up to 18 years (due to the lack of clinical studies).
Caution must be observed in case of violation of the heart rhythm, tachycardia or arrhythmia.
"Binavit": instructions for use. Features of the injection
You already know that the medication is available in the form of a solution. It is administered intramuscularly. If you have no experience with injections, then it is better to entrust this procedure to a medical professional. During manipulation, you must follow the rules of asepsis. Be sure to use disinfectant wipes or alcohol solutions. Open the ampoule and syringe just before the injection. Store opened solution is prohibited. After completing the procedure, be sure to close the syringe needle and discard the device. After the injection, the patient is recommended to lie down for 2-4 minutes.
Symptomatic drug therapy "Binavit" involves the use of the drug for a week, one ampoule daily. In severe situations, this period is extended to 10 days. Further, the frequency of application of the solution is reduced to 2-3 times a week. With this scheme, therapy continues for another 2 weeks. The general rate does not exceed one month. According to the appointment of a specialist and if there are appropriate indications, you can repeat the treatment after a while.
For the introduction of the drug, it is preferable to use the gluteus muscle. But if this is not possible, then it is permissible to inject the drug into the leg or shoulder. It is important that the injection is performed intramuscularly.
Additional Information
An important component of the drug (thiamine) completely decomposes when combined with such compounds as iodide, acetate, thianic acid, benzylpenicillin, mercury chloride, and other oxidizing substances. The remaining components of the solution when thiamine is eliminated become inactive. Therefore, it is important to clarify the compatibility of the drugs prescribed to the patient with each other.
The medication must be administered slowly, otherwise the patient may experience dizziness or convulsions. Among the side effects, allergic reactions of various manifestations can be distinguished. If they occur, discontinue therapy and consult a doctor.
Opinions about the medicine
The drug "Binavit" reviews is good. The medicine positively affects the functioning of the nervous system, makes up for the lack of vitamin B in the body. The tool also has an anesthetic effect. This is important for patients with pain. This action is due to the presence of lidocaine in the vitamin complex. Patients say that the medication after administration causes discomfort. These are exacerbated when using a cold solution. Therefore, before use, you need to warm the ampoule in your hands.
There are negative reviews about the drug. In some consumers, the drug caused tachycardia, a change in blood pressure. If you develop such symptoms during treatment or those that were previously aggravated, you should consult your doctor about the possibility of continuing therapy.
Consumers say that the price of Binavit is relatively low. You can buy 5 ampoules by paying about 100 rubles. A full course of treatment may require from 2 to 5 such packs. You will not need a prescription from a doctor at the time of purchase. Some pharmacy chains, according to consumers, sell the medicine individually. This means that you can purchase as many ampoules as necessary. But in this case, you will not have instructions for use on hand.
Known substitutes
Has a solution of "Binavit" analogues. Drugs have a similar effect. But do not pick them yourself. All medications for neurological problems should be prescribed by a doctor. Popular analogues of Binavit include: Milgamma, Trigamma, Vitagamma, Compligam, Vitaxon and others.
The article described the drug "Binavit": the price of the medication, the method of its use, indications and other information. The tool belongs to vitamin complexes, it positively affects many processes that occur in the body. Reviews about the solution are more likely to be positive. But this does not mean that the medication can be used by everyone without limitation. Remember that an overdose of B vitamins can affect a person even worse than their lack. Be healthy!