A lot of people face a problem when a toenail has grown. A similar phenomenon gives a person a lot of trouble. And in such situations, an examination by a doctor is mandatory. Indeed, in the absence of treatment, a wound to the nail roller can develop into inflammation and suppuration of tissues.
Why does the nail grow on the foot?
A similar violation in medicine is called onychocryptosis. This pathology is accompanied by a change in the direction of growth of the edges of the nail plate, as a result of which they grow into the soft tissues of the nail roller. To date, it is customary to highlight several main causes of this disease:
- If a nail has grown into the skin, then this may be due to genetic heredity and some features of the anatomical structure of nails.
- On the other hand, a similar problem is often encountered by people who prefer not particularly comfortable fashionable shoes with a narrow toe. Women wearing high-heeled shoes are also at risk, since in this case the pressure on the toes increases.
- Some experts associate nail ingrowth with improper cutting, in particular the removal of their edges.
- Injury to the nail plate can also be the cause.
- If the nail is rooted on the foot, then this may indicate a previous fungal infection. Fungal microorganisms often change the structure and thickness of the nail plate, which, of course, affects the process of its growth.
Onychocryptosis is an extremely unpleasant phenomenon. Fortunately, modern medicine offers methods to solve the problem.
Ingrown toenail: photos and symptoms
At the initial stages of the disease, the edges of the nail plates cut into soft skin tissue - a slight swelling and redness of the skin can be seen around the nail. Soreness appears, which increases while walking in uncomfortable shoes.
As the disease progresses, swelling, redness, and pain become more pronounced. Damaged soft tissues become an excellent place for the penetration of bacterial and fungal organisms - this is how inflammation develops, which is often accompanied by the formation of ulcers. Along with this, a change in the structure of the nail plate itself is observed. In some cases, the tissue grows around the ingrown edges of the nail - because of their very characteristic appearance, they are often called "wild meat."
Methods of treating ingrown toenails
If your toenail has grown, you should immediately consult a doctor. Lack of treatment is fraught with grave consequences. Therapy depends on the severity of the symptoms.
In the absence of infection, doctors generally recommend conservative treatment. In the initial stages, regular warm baths with chamomile broth will be effective - they will help soften the nail plate and relieve inflammation. In some cases, patients have special nail tires. Such a device is designed to even out the growth of the nail and reduce the pressure of the nail plate on soft tissues.
In the presence of infection accompanied by suppuration, surgical intervention is necessary. During the procedure, the doctor removes part or all of the nail plate, after which it cleanses the tissue from purulent masses.