Grilled brisket with garlic and spices

The brisket baked in foil always turns out to be very tender, aromatic and soft. However, in order to cook such a tasty and fatty cut, before placing it in the oven, the meat should be pre-marinated in garlic sauce.

baked brisket in foil
Foil-baked brisket: essential ingredients

We will need:

  • bay leaf - five medium-sized pieces;
  • garlic - one whole head or eight large cloves;
  • pork belly - two to three kilograms;
  • table salt - two dessert spoons;
  • black pepper - 1/5 part of a small spoon and a couple of peas;
  • liquid honey - one dessert spoon;
  • red pepper - 1/5 part of a small spoon;
  • cloves - three things;
  • basil - a small pinch;
  • lemon - 1/3 of the fruit;
  • tomato paste - one dessert spoon (if desired)
  • mayonnaise - one dessert spoon (if desired).

Foil-baked brisket: processing a meat product

It is recommended to choose meat for such a dish with fatty layers. To begin, the brisket should be washed in cool water and put in a large bowl. After that, you need to cook a fragrant marinade.

To do this, take a shallow bowl, grate half the head of garlic, squeeze lemon juice, chop bay leaf, add honey, black and red pepper (as well as peas), salt, tomato paste, cloves, basil and mayonnaise. All ingredients should be mixed, and then smear the whole brisket with the resulting burning mixture. So that it absorbs all the aromas of seasonings and sauces, it should be closed with a lid and set aside for an hour.

brisket in foil
Breast in foil: preparing meat for baking

After sixty minutes, the brisket should be removed from the dishes, make small cuts on the surface of the knife with a knife, and put small cloves of garlic in the resulting pits. Then you need to prepare a dense culinary foil measuring 50 by 50 centimeters in size, put marinated meat with fat in its middle and tightly wrap it in a large briquette.

Breast in the oven in foil: heat treatment

After the meat is fully packaged, it must be laid out on a baking sheet, which should then be sent to the oven warmed up to 180 degrees.

It is worth noting that the preparation of the brisket takes a very long time. After all, she should languish in her own juice for about two and a half or three hours.

Breast baked in foil: proper serving

brisket in the oven in foil
After one hundred and eighty minutes, the briquette with the meat product should be removed from the oven and set aside until it cools completely. As a rule, during the heat treatment, such meat becomes quite loose. And in order to make future cutting more elastic, it should be put directly under the load in the foil and sent to the refrigerator for further solidification.

Keeping the aromatic brisket in the cold is recommended for about eight hours. After that, it should be freed from cargo and foil, cut into thin and wide slices, and then beautifully laid out on a large plate and garnished with cheese plates or fresh herbs.

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