How to get rid of beer addiction: signs of addiction, treatment methods, reviews

A painful addiction and craving for beer is beer alcoholism, or gambrinism. Officially, there is no such diagnosis in the ICD, but the urgency of the problem does not end there. And it lies in the emergence of a psychological dependence on beer, which the alcoholic does not recognize. After all, many do not perceive a low-alcohol drink as alcohol.

Nature of the problem

Gambrinism is not a separate type of alcoholism, but the shortest path to alcohol dependence. For beer, it forms 3-4 times faster. Constant advertising also makes its modest contribution, where happy young people show beer as an indispensable companion of friendly feasts and an easy, happy life.

Beer addiction has the same stages and manifestations as alcoholism. The difficulty is that beer is drunk in liters, more ethanol enters the body than with vodka, and the drinker does not see this point blank. Also, the drinker moves from beer to heavier drinks. Addiction to beer is not expressed in binge. Just with beer, periods of sobriety are shortened, because binge is constantly applied to the bottle.

Pathology stages

Initial stage: beer is bought irregularly and no more than 1-2 bottles. Without control, in six months or a year there will be another step.

The first stage - from it, gambrinism starts. There is an obsessive need to drink daily, the amount of drunk is already difficult to control. There is a desire to get hangover, a person becomes rude, irritable, nitpicks, prone to depression, forgetfulness, distraction. Libido decreases, erection suffers. A gag reflex to large doses of alcohol still occurs.

how to get rid of beer addiction

The second stage - doses need to be increased in order to improve mood. There is a need for increased drinking. Symptoms

  • sleeping condition;
  • memory impairment;
  • frequent aggressiveness;
  • hand tremor;
  • swelling of the legs;
  • craving for a drink becomes round-the-clock;
  • vomiting does not occur anymore - a physical dependence is formed.

The last stage is the third, beer is drunk daily and hard drinking begins. Not only behavior changes, but health also worsens. The body becomes depleted, the liver suffers from hepatitis and cirrhosis, there are attacks of amnesia (memory lapses), paranoia, impotence, and mental disorders are possible. Such changes are no longer cured.

Symptomatic manifestations

Many alcoholics always deny their addiction, and therefore do not consider it necessary to be treated. This becomes the main obstacle to therapy. After drinking a couple of bottles of beer, a person experiences a slight pleasant intoxication and wants to prolong it. After a short time, to achieve the effect of relaxation, not a couple of bottles are needed, but more.

It is not difficult to identify the symptoms of beer addiction in men, as the patient gives a partial account of what is happening. He has a beer belly overhanging, tormenting heartburn, an unpleasant odor from his mouth. Other symptoms:

  • absorption of more beer;
  • frequent migraines;
  • periodically problems with potency;
  • excessive sweating;
  • emotional instability.
how to get rid of beer addiction yourself

The signs of a beer addiction of a psychological plan are formed quite quickly:

  • beer needs more than a liter;
  • In the morning, a hangover syndrome occurs - headache, diarrhea, poor health;
  • drowsiness during the day, sleeplessness in the evening;
  • if there is no beer, the light becomes not sweet: everything is annoying, a person breaks down into trifles, spoils the mood not only for himself, but also for those around him;
  • outwardly expressed sloppiness.
  • during intoxication, amnesia occurs;
  • there is already no control over the situation: a person begins to drink anywhere, in the company, and at any time;
  • It’s already impossible to relax and be in a normal mood without beer.

The withdrawal syndrome in beer resembles vodka, but getting rid of it is more difficult.

Symptoms: swelling on the legs, malaise, binges in the generally accepted sense, but after applying a little and constantly sobriety to the bottle does not occur and there is a constant feeling of intoxication. It is measured in months, years.

The consequences of beer alcoholism

Beer leads to degradation, and a person loses his face. His motto is: "There is no reason not to drink." The liver reacts quite quickly, she does not like beer, and this manifests itself in her inflammation and cirrhosis. If you drink a surrogate, it collapses even faster. Beer contains toxins such as aldehydes, fusel oils, esters, methanol. Under their action, the walls of the heart thicken and expand, heart failure develops.

In beer, there are salts of heavy metals, phytoestrogens, which negatively affect the hormonal background:

  • the level of androgens decreases and increases - estrogen;
  • beer belly is formed, fat accumulates on the hips;
  • breasts grow;
  • muscle mass is reduced;
  • impotence develops.

The stomach and intestines, kidneys suffer. The diuretic effect of beer gives an enormous load on the kidneys, causing their spasm. All useful substances such as vitamins, minerals, proteins are washed out with urine. It depletes the body. 89% of alcoholics die in a dream.

Beer addiction in women

Female alcoholism is much more difficult to treat. The first signs of addiction are constantly lowered mood, anxiety, detachment, which pass only with beer. The status of hormones changes: the voice becomes coarse, tendrils appear, infertility develops.

beer addiction signs

Signs of female addiction

A woman without beer does not stand a day. She is tormented by morning headaches, it is becoming more and more difficult for her to endure a hangover - she is tormented by thirst, troubled, dizzy, etc. Sleep disturbances are noted: during the day she is overwhelmed, and at night insomnia. There is a loss of self-control. If cases of amnesia during drunkenness repeated more than 3 times - this is definitely an addiction. A woman clings to a bottle of beer, showing aggression to her relatives who want to protect her from this. Excessive tearfulness is observed - women can scream and cry for no reason. They are indifferent to home, children, husband. Such a woman now has another concern - to get a dose of beer. Such drink lovers constantly feel sorry for themselves.

Features of female beer alcoholism

A woman needs only a year to sleep. They tend to drink alone and do not see the extent of their booze. A woman gets drunk much faster than men and does not control the amount of alcohol consumed. This is because the mass in women is usually less and the unit of alcohol per 1 kg of weight is more. The activity of the alcohol-decomposing enzyme in a woman is negligible, and the decay products are excreted much longer. The liver is destroyed many times faster. Women have very fast absorption of ethanol into the walls of the stomach, especially during menstruation.

Beer alcoholism treatment

The main thing for starting treatment is the presence of motivation in the patient. Without this, therapy does not make sense. In the hospital, measures are aimed at cleansing the blood, eliminating edema and stimulating the work of the affected organs.

All drugs for alcoholism are divided into 3 groups:

  1. Drugs that suppress all types of addiction.
  2. Means that give a feeling of disgust for alcohol.
  3. Detoxification drugs.
beer addiction men


How to get rid of beer addiction pills? Usually used "Teturam", "Colme", ​​"Antabus". They are based on disulfiram, which forms a physical aversion to alcohol. To relieve traction and nervous tension, narcologists prescribe “Proproten 100” and “Medichronal”. The course of admission is 2 weeks according to the scheme. Then prescribed drops of "Colma" - 20 drops three times a day with meals. "Protroten 100" take another 2 months.

Coding is also a way to treat beer addiction. It can be medication, laser and hypnotic (Dovzhenko method). The latter is very effective in women. Medication is carried out with subcutaneous binder of the French preparation "Esperal" (contains disulfiram). Its concentration in the blood increases so that the reception of beer with a hemmed gel becomes impossible due to the threat of death.

Laser coding is an innovative method. Its essence lies in the fact that a psychoacoustic program is being compiled - it is introduced into the subconscious with the help of a laser.

Hobbies instead of beer

How to get rid of beer addiction on your own? An excellent and effective distraction is to find a hobby. It is different for everyone:

  • needlework;
  • hand-made (do-it-yourself crafts);
  • sport;
  • table games;
  • Hiking
  • Crosswords;
  • reading;
  • Cooking
  • gardening and more.
getting rid of beer addiction

Each hobby has its own. A good way to distract from drinking is to get a dog: there simply will not be free time for a drink, besides you will get a faithful friend for many years to come.

How to help a woman?

How to get rid of beer addiction on your own woman? Without her personal desire and participation, no help would be effective. Be sure to do something and distract yourself: start the repair, look after the child, get a new job, meet an interesting man, finally. If only there was no time to drink. All this will begin to help get rid of psychological dependence. Break the old ties with your drinking buddies, do not go to their company. Do not go to the store every day after work, so that the reflex of buying beer does not work.

How to get rid of beer addiction to a woman yet? Elementary heart-to-heart talk, identifying and voicing the problem of why a woman drinks can often help . How to get rid of beer addiction? At home, immediately start switching: instead of beer, gnaw on seeds, nuts, drink sweets like lemonade, cocktails, compotes, fruit drinks.

Find yourself a hobby - this is a powerful incentive for any sick person: painting pictures by numbers, cooking, knitting, embroidery. Change your occupations from time to time: a change of activity is also a vacation. Outside the house, go swimming, tourism, travel. The main thing at this time is not to be left alone: ​​the thought will immediately appear that one small bottle of beer will not hurt, and no one will see. As soon as the beer gets into your mouth, you have to start all over again.

how to get rid of beer addiction on your own woman

Financial motivation

How to get rid of beer addiction? Money is becoming a powerful motivator for many. From the side, a sober person is always a witness to squandering a mass of funds for beer and cigarettes. It remains to prove and show this booze. Within 1-2 weeks, it is necessary to fix the amounts that are spent on beer and on related products for high: fish, chips, nuts, meat for barbecue. Smokers who drink while drinking beer still smoke a lot, so record these expenses. And then present the result of such expenses during the year with simple calculations for the day, week and year. The result will be amazing! This will clearly show the full extent of the disaster. It makes many think.

Folk recipes

How to get rid of beer addiction folk remedies:

  1. Half the bottle should be filled with walnut color and filled with vodka to the top. Insist 10 days. When a sample is taken, the craving for alcohol disappears forever.
  2. In 1 mug add wild rose, in another - birch chaga. 0.5 l of boiling water is poured into each of them and boiled for a minute, they insist for an hour. Then everyone mixes and drinks during the day.
  3. Ordinary thyme in the form of a decoction causes both disgust and vomiting.
  4. How to get rid of beer addiction? Dry bearberry leaves will help, from which a decoction is prepared and taken in a spoon every 2 hours. The infused broth is taken twice a day for 0.5 cups for 2 weeks - the craving is noticeably reduced.
  5. Oat broth with calendula. A glass of oats is boiled in a liter of water for half an hour. Then, 100 g of calendula flowers are poured into the broth, covered and insisted until it cools. Take a glass 3 times a day for 2 weeks.

How to get rid of beer addiction on your own? There are many recipes tested and working, and anyone can choose the right option. Another effective way to get rid of gambrinism on your own is by inhalation over a fire. Dried birch firewood is abundantly sprinkled with sugar and kindle a fire. When it burns out, they breathe 10 minutes of smoke emanating from it, and then drink alcohol. Craving disappears.

A proven tool is tincture of wormwood. Equal parts of centaury, wormwood and thyme should be combined. 15 g of the mixture are brewed and insisted for 3 hours. Drink 2 tsp. five times a day.

Forms a persistent aversion to beer dung beetle mushroom. A small amount must be crushed and boiled for 30 minutes. 1 cup of broth is enough to fight off traction.

beer addiction treatment folk

Conclusion from beer binge at home

How to get rid of beer addiction at home? The body of such a patient is dehydrated. Therefore, start with liquid: mineral water (still), milk, weak tea, it is possible with honey. Food should not be spicy - in the form of broths, mashed potatoes. Fatty and fried should be consumed as little as possible.

Activated charcoal helps to remove toxins - it is taken three times a day. It will absorb toxins in the intestines. In case of nausea, Cerucal or Polypefan can be used. However, vomiting is even beneficial because it also removes toxins.

Some urge to reduce beer gradually. This can not be considered the right method, especially with binge. Interesting reviews of the former alcoholics themselves. They write that if you are an addicted alcoholic, any dose of alcohol will provoke a progression in consumption. Therefore, only a complete rejection of beer is a key condition.

After overcoming physical traction, the mood remains depressed. Therefore, the next stage is the conduct of psychotherapy. Talk with your ward about everything, be patient. Draw him into conversations on any topic. In emergency situations, a helpline will help. To understand how to get rid of beer addiction, you need to remember the main principle - the presence of one's own desire. Without this, nothing will move.

In severe cases, a narcologist will help. He will recommend coding or a course of necessary preparations. The duration of therapy depends on age, general condition and alcoholic “experience”.

beer addiction how to get rid of at home

Beer alcoholism prevention

The main milestone on the path to getting rid of beer addiction and recovering is the acceptance of the problem, that is, the awareness of dependence, and then the search for ways to get rid of it. For some, a strong-willed decision is enough. To cure, you usually need to change the whole way of life.

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