"Validol": instructions for use, indications, composition, analogues and reviews

The drug is a medicine whose pharmacological effect consists in the expansion of blood vessels, as well as calming the central nervous system, eliminating the attacks of the syndrome, which is characterized by a feeling of discomfort behind the sternum, and nausea during motion sickness. It is used for various forms of neurosis as part of complex treatment.

Release form

The drug is dispensed from pharmacy points in tablet form for resorption under the tongue. Capsules are packaged in shiny blisters of ten pieces.

The main active component of the drug is a menthol solution. One tablet contains 0.06 grams of active ingredient.

Pharmacological properties

According to the instructions for use of "Validol", the tablets must be slowly absorbed under the tongue. The pharmacological effect is noticeable already five minutes after application. The main trace element has a reflex vasodilating effect, which is due to irritation of the receptors.

The sublingual zone is considered the location of a large number of blood vessels, with the help of which the therapeutic effect occurs instantly. Patients on the background of treatment with this medication note the onset of some sedation, the elimination of migraine, nausea and abdominal cramps.

The menthol solution eliminates the feeling of discomfort behind the sternum and neurological pain. In addition, the drug is effective in panic attacks that are caused by neurocirculatory dysfunction.

validol instruction


According to the instructions for use of "Validol", resorption tablets are recommended for use by patients with the following conditions and diseases:

  1. Pain in the heart of various etiologies.
  2. Attacks of angina pectoris (a heart disease that manifests itself in sharply occurring pain in the chest, usually behind the sternum).
  3. Neurosis (a combination of psychogenic functional reversible disorders, which tend to a long course).
  4. Insomnia.
  5. Feeling of fear and excitement.
  6. Tantrum, nervous strain.
  7. Headaches.
  8. Nausea.
validol instructions for use tablets


Like any other drug, Validol has a number of prohibitions on its use. The medicine is not prescribed for individual intolerance to the components, as well as for increased sensitivity.

With extreme caution, this medication is prescribed to people with diseases of the respiratory system. According to the instructions for Validol, tablets are not recommended for people with acute myocardial infarction.

Instructions for use

Tablets are prescribed to patients for resorption under the tongue. You can use the drug regardless of food intake two to three times a day. The duration of therapy is determined by a medical specialist individually for each patient.

According to the instructions to "Validol" it is known that if within ten to fifteen minutes after applying the tablet there is no positive dynamics, then the person needs to take another drug after consulting a doctor.

If nausea occurs during a ride in transport, one medication is enough.

validol instructions for use

Can I use the medicine during pregnancy?

Medication is sometimes prescribed to women in an "interesting position" to eliminate early toxicosis. According to reviews of Validol, it is known that pills really help to eliminate nausea, increased salivation and prevent flatulence due to antispasmodic action.

The use of tablets during lactation is possible if the expected benefit for a woman is higher than the risk for a baby. In medical practice, there is no reliable information about the ingestion of an active trace element in milk, so it is better not to use Validol for treatment during breastfeeding.

According to the instructions and indications for Validol, it is known that the drug should be taken by pregnant women only under the supervision of a doctor, while it is important to monitor the pulse and blood pressure.

Side effects

As a rule, the drug is remarkably tolerated by patients, but in rare situations it can provoke the occurrence of the following negative reactions:

  1. Dizziness.
  2. Skin rashes.
  3. Nausea and abdominal pain.
  4. Lacrimation.

In most cases, the above symptoms do not require symptomatic treatment.


Sugar is not included in the structure of the drug; therefore, Validol is allowed to be used for the treatment of patients with diabetes mellitus.

According to the instructions to Validol, it is known that when pain in the heart appears, it is not recommended to sharply grab pills, especially for people at risk for developing heart diseases. Pain in the heart can be the first sign of myocardial infarction, and in this situation, the use of medication is strictly prohibited.

Medical workers and pharmacists are advised to consult a doctor and only then take any medicine.

With extreme caution, "Validol" must be used by people with low blood pressure, because under the influence of the medication it can become even lower, which will lead to fainting.

Interaction with other medicines

The combined use of "Validol" with adrenergic blockers or antihypertensive agents can provoke a sharp decrease in blood pressure and the appearance of acute vascular insufficiency in humans, so these drugs should not be combined.

validol instructions for use indications

Validol: analogues

The drug has a number of generics both in spectrum of action and in composition, for example:

  1. Cavinton
  2. Corvalol.
  3. "Aspecard".
  4. Oxybral.
  5. Riboxin.
  6. "Cefasel."
  7. Corvaldin.
  8. Accardium.
  9. Magnerot.
  10. "Neocardyl."
  11. "Heparin."
  12. Atheroclephitis.
  13. "Atenolol".
validol tablets


A medication for oral administration with a pronounced sedative and antispasmodic effect.

The drug is dispensed from drugstores in the form of drops, which have a mint flavor, the solution is placed in dark-glass glass bottles with a volume of twenty-five milliliters.

The structure of Corvalol includes the following active trace elements:

  • phenobarbital;
  • peppermint;
  • ethyl ether.

In addition, the composition of the medicine includes additional components. Drops belong to combination drugs, the pharmacological effect of which is explained by the trace elements that make up the medication.

Phenobarbital, which is part of the drug, has a sedative and hypnotic effect on the body, while taking it with sedative medicines, the substance can enhance their therapeutic effect.

The cost of the drug varies from 30 to 230 rubles.

validol indications instruction


The drug has hypnotic and sedative effects. "Corvaldin" is a calming drug that has an antispasmodic effect. Its effect is due to the properties of trace elements included in its structure.

The sedative and antispasmodic effect of ethyl bromisovalerianate is determined by its ability to irritate the nerve endings of the nasopharynx and mouth, as well as reduce reflex excitability in the nervous system, increase inhibition in the cortical neurons.

Phenobarbital enhances the calming effect, with it the excitation of the central nervous system decreases and sleep improves.

Peppermint oil and hop oil have reflex vasodilating and antispasmodic effects, while irritating the cold nerve endings of the mouth, it has a mild choleretic effect and eliminates bloating. The cost of the drug is 70 rubles.

validol indications for use instructions


The drug refers to magnesium-containing drugs and is recommended for use by patients for the treatment and prevention of magnesium deficiency.

Magnerot is available in tablet form. Capsules are intended for oral administration. Tablets are packaged in blisters of ten pieces. In total there are two or three blisters in the package.

One capsule contains five hundred milligrams of an active trace element - magnesium orotate dihydrate.

Magnesium is considered a vital substance in the human body, which takes part in the metabolism, as well as the transmission of nerve impulses and the contraction of muscle fibers.

This trace element ensures the full functioning of the myocardium, has a positive effect on the contractility of the heart muscle.

With a lack of magnesium, muscle cramps occur in the human body, the cardiovascular system is disrupted, insomnia, depressive disorders and irritability appear. In addition, against the background of a lack of the necessary microelement in humans, the likelihood of a rapid heartbeat increases significantly, pain behind the sternum occurs.

In women in an "interesting position", a deficiency of magnesium in the body increases the risk of developing toxicosis, as well as premature birth. The cost of the drug varies from 200 to 600 rubles.

Storage conditions

Tablets are dispensed at drugstores without a doctor’s prescription. Shelf life of the drug is thirty-six months.

According to the instructions to Validol, it is known that it must be stored in a dry place, inaccessible to children, at a temperature of no more than twenty-five degrees. The average price of a drug is 30 rubles.


On the net you can find many different responses about Validol. And most of them will be positive. In general, this is one of the rare medications that are quite effective and have virtually no negative effects.

Patients in their reviews note that Validol does not cause a headache, so many angina pectoris use this medicine.

The safety of the drug is quite high. The medication lowers blood pressure due to the same sedative effect. Therefore, hypertensive patients can safely use it. In addition, the positive point is the low cost of the drug and a convenient form of release.

Negative reviews about Validol are usually associated with insufficient information about the drug itself. There are even articles devoted to the negative effects of Validol in angina pectoris. Although this indication is spelled out in the instructions for the medication itself. It should be remembered and understood that the medicine does not eliminate the cause of recurring pain.

Short-term dulling of the pain syndrome can lead to a late diagnosis of myocardial infarction or severe angina pectoris, which is fraught with serious consequences.

Taking Validol on its own, despite its harmlessness, is still not recommended. Repeated pain in the heart can indicate a serious illness, and trying to eliminate them with this medicine without consulting a doctor is unacceptable.

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