Enlarged lymph nodes in the legs are a fairly common occurrence, which each of us has probably come across. However, in some cases, this phenomenon may indicate a serious illness. Today we will talk about the lymph nodes located on the legs.
What is lymph?
Lymph is a yellowish body fluid. It is responsible for the protective function of the body and contains lymphocytes that are responsible for the immune response. It washes cells with the goal of internal cleansing. The fluid collects from all organs, flowing into the lymphatic vessels, and then into the general bloodstream. Numerous microbes enter the lymph nodes, which act as filters, where they are disinfected. However, if lymphocytes are weakened, they do not cope with all microorganisms.
The functions of the lymphatic system are not only the production of lymphocytes that destroy bacteria, but also ensuring an even distribution of fluid in the tissues.
Lymph nodes are scattered throughout the body. They resemble small-sized beans from dense tissue, which are practically not palpable through the skin, if they are not enlarged. Their size varies from a few millimeters to several centimeters. They are concentrated in different areas of the body and inhibit the development of the inflammatory process, and even oncology.
Today we will consider the location of the lymph nodes on the legs of a person and the reasons for their increase.
Where are the lymph nodes on the body?
The following types of lymph nodes are distinguished:
- Lymphoepithelial ring of Valdeyer-Pirogov. The ring consists of a group of tonsils.
- Cervical, occipital and anterior ear.
- Subclavian.
- Axillary.
- Thoracic and intrathoracic.
- Elbow.
- Splenic.
- Mesenteric.
- Iliac and paraaortic.
- Inguinal, femoral.
- Popliteal.
In this case, the largest are cervical, axillary and inguinal.
The inguinal nodes of the lymphatic system are located on both sides of the groin and are scattered in small groups on the inner side of the thigh. They cleanse the lymph coming to them from the lower limbs and organs of the reproductive system.
The popliteal lymph nodes are located on the inside of the knees, in the area of their bend.
How do lymph nodes behave if an infection gets into the body? Inflammation of the lymph nodes on the leg is characterized by their increase in size, and a little later - pain when touched. Experts advise regularly checking the condition of the lymph nodes, especially on the legs, since it is here that it is most difficult to notice their increase.
Attention! If the lymph node is enlarged, this is due to the growing number of lymphocytes in it and suggests that the body noticed a pathogenic agent and began to defend itself. This is a good sign, but a prolonged increase in lymph nodes requires a visit to a specialist.
In people with a tight physique and loose skin, lymph nodes can grow for no apparent reason. If the phenomenon soon passes, you should not worry about it. And below we will consider the symptoms and causes of enlarged lymph nodes.
Symptoms of enlarged lymph nodes
How to find out that a tumor is a lymph node? First, a walnut-sized seal appears. When pressed, pain is felt, but the enlargement of the lymph node on the leg can often not be noticed at all if the process is uncomplicated.
Complicated lymphadenitis (inflammation of the lymph nodes) reports purulent inflammation, which is accompanied by headache, weakness of the whole body, fever. If the lymph nodes on the inside of the knees are inflamed, the person suffers from a pulling sensation in this area. Inflammation can be localized in one lymph node, their group, or even cover all organs.
Doctors say that if only one lymph node has enlarged, and not a whole group, this can only mean that it works more actively than others, which is often the result of an infection. As soon as the body fully regains its strength, everything normalizes. But if there is pain in the area of increase, it is better to seek the advice of a specialist.
Lymphadenitis in the knee: causes and complications
So, the main reasons for the increase in lymph nodes. This type of lymphadenitis can occur even after a common cold with a complication. But most often infections from the wound on the leg or foot get into the lymph nodes, if there is a purulent process. This is explained by the fact that the lymphatic paths are located in such a way that the infection easily enters from the damaged area into the lymph nodes.
A complication of such a “trip” can be a purulent abscess in the popliteal fossa, if the microbes that got into the lymph are especially active. In this case, the intervention of the doctor is necessary - he must open the abscess, which hit the lymph node on the leg, operatively, to ensure drainage of pus. In medical practice, there are cases when pus is absent inside. In this case, doctors prescribe medication.
Attention! It is noteworthy that the abscess of the popliteal fossa is distinguished by the scarcity of processes, which is often misleading to patients. The inflamed lymph node on the leg practically does not manifest itself. Symptoms of an abscess are expressed in pain during flexion and extension of the knees, as well as palpation. The swelling in this area is small, and redness is completely absent.
Inguinal lymphadenitis: the main causes
Why is the lymph node swollen in the groin area? The first cause of lymphadenitis in the inguinal region is also a purulent wound on the leg. In addition, doctors isolate wounds obtained from cats, abscesses, boils, phlegmon on the legs and even erysipelas.
But besides this, the following diseases can also be the reason for the increase in inguinal lymph nodes.
Inguinal lymphogranulomatosis.
This is a type of sexually transmitted disease. It is common in the tropics, so it is rare in our countries, but recently, cases of infection have increased. The disease is characterized by the formation on the skin of a papule with fluid, in the place of which an ulcer soon appears. After 2 months, all groups of lymph nodes increase in males, and in women, inflammation of the deep nodes of the small pelvis is observed. Also, lymphadenitis manifests itself in other sexually transmitted diseases - chlamydia, syphilis, gonorrhea.
Lymphoma, lymphosarcoma.
A tumor that develops in the lymph nodes. The disease has a latent course and a malignant nature, so it is almost impossible to detect it in the early stages, and when metastases appear, it is too late to seek help.
Genital inflammation .
These include vulvitis, urethritis, colpitis, balanoposthitis and other diseases. Systemic viral infections also become a cause of lymphadenitis - HIV, cytomegalovirus infection, mononucleosis. The lymph node on the leg first receives information that not everything is safe, and begins to respond to infection.
The nature of the increase in inguinal lymph nodes
In order to independently determine the nature of lymphadenitis, take into account several nuances:
- If the lymph node on the leg has a "wooden" density, this may indicate a malignant nature of the disease.
- When the lymph node is mobile and not fused with the surrounding tissues, this indicates the infectious nature of lymphadenitis.
- Complicated by a purulent process, lymphadenitis proceeds quite painfully - the pain is felt with the slightest movement, the skin above the lymph node acquires a reddish tint, its temperature in this area increases.
And then we will look at how to treat the lymph nodes in the legs.
We treat lymph nodes on the legs
What should I do if you find an enlarged lymph node? This phenomenon in itself does not need therapy, since it is considered only a symptom of a disease or injury.
An enlarged lymph node on the leg requires specialist advice. It is best to contact the local GP who will prescribe appropriate treatment or give a referral to another specialist. It is important to determine why the lymph node has become inflamed, and for this you need to pass the necessary tests. They will help to make a diagnosis and come to grips with the treatment of the underlying disease. With successful therapy, the lymph nodes will return to normal themselves.
How to treat lymph nodes on the legs at home? Experts do not recommend self-medication without knowing the diagnosis. However, warm compresses applied to the area of the enlarged lymph node will help relieve inflammation temporarily.
If you find a painful enlargement of the lymph nodes, consult a doctor who will help identify the problem and prescribe competent treatment.