Removal of warts by the radio wave method: description of the procedure, advantages, reviews

Most of us know firsthand what warts are. Such neoplasms can cause a huge number of aesthetic inconveniences and eventually degenerate into malignant formations. In this article we will talk about the removal of warts by the radio wave method, get acquainted with what this method is, and also find out what its advantages and disadvantages are, what doctors and patients think about it. Carefully read the information provided in order to arm yourself and protect yourself as much as possible.

the appearance of warts

What are warts?

First, consider what a wart is. This is a benign skin formation, which most often has a viral origin. There are several varieties of these neoplasms, however, they are all similar to each other and have the same symptoms.

Structural features

Before you understand how warts are removed by the radio wave method, it is worthwhile to find out what the structure of these formations is. Many people think that a wart is just a modification of a small piece of upper epithelial tissue. However, in fact, this is far from the case. Each wart has not only the upper part that can be seen with the naked eye, but also a very long root that extends into the deepest layers of the dermis.

the presence of the virus

The upper part of the formation is usually covered with keratinized skin with a protective layer. But the root is penetrated by blood vessels, which provide the process of nutrition of the wart. That is why, if you damage the growth, bleeding may begin. Self-treatment and removal of the neoplasm can lead to sad consequences.

The main causes

Most often, warts occur as a result of infection with the human papilloma virus. However, in addition to this, there are other reasons for the occurrence, namely:

  • the presence of microcracks on the fingers;
  • visit to nail salons in which the instruments do not undergo thorough processing;
  • work with meat products;
  • in children, such neoplasms can occur if there is a habit of biting nails, as well as when trying to tear an existing wart.
wart on the arm

Is it worth it to remove

In fact, so many people have warts. Some of them are so small that we simply don’t notice them. Most often, such formations do not carry a danger, but sometimes they are so visually noticeable that patients want to get rid of them. There are many ways to do this. One of them is the removal of warts by the radio wave method. This method can only be implemented in specialized institutions by a highly qualified health worker, so the risk of complications is minimized.

The principle of radio wave removal of warts

The main feature of this method is that for its implementation there is no need for the instrument to come into contact with the patient’s skin. So, an incision will be made using the radio wave beam of the Surgitron apparatus. Such a beam has another name - a radio knife. Most often, after this procedure, the patient has no scars on the skin.

However, they can still occur provided that the wart has a broad base. Since the method is quite safe and does not affect the formation of cosmetic defects, it can be used on any part of the body and even on the face. After removal of the neoplasm, it is recommended to send the material for histological examination. Using this, you can determine the etymology of its origin, as well as recognize a malignant wart or benign.

wart removal

Radio wave removal of warts: benefits

Based on the feedback of doctors and patients, we can conclude that this method of removing neoplasms has a large number of advantages, namely:

  • lack of strong pain;
  • the rehabilitation period after the procedure is quite short;
  • most often after removal of the wart, the skin remains clean and smooth, without swelling and scar tissue;
  • after the procedure for removing the wart by the radio wave method, there is almost no chance that a new formation will arise in this place over time. Many patients are very worried about this very thing;
  • also, by performing this procedure, you can reduce the risk of warts in nearby areas of the skin;
  • This method also allows further histological studies of the material obtained.

Are there any flaws

This method has almost no drawbacks, since its implementation is not accompanied by severe soreness, and the recovery period of the skin is quite fast. However, it is worth considering that the removal of warts with a radio knife is an expensive procedure. Depending on the city, as well as the clinic, the removal of one entity can cost between five hundred and two thousand rubles. It will be most expensive to remove just one wart using the Surgitron apparatus. Usually, for group removal of several entities at once, hospitals make good discounts.

Features of the operation

Before carrying out the procedure, it is very important to consult a doctor, because perhaps you have some contraindications to this method, so another one may be suggested. In no case do not ignore the advice of a doctor. If during the examination and questioning the doctor did not find any contraindications to this procedure, then it can be carried out immediately.

radio wave removal of warts

So, first of all, anesthesia will be performed using drugs such as Lidocaine or Novocaine. Also, your doctor may suggest special painkillers sprays or ointments. This will depend on the pain threshold of the patient, as well as on the individual characteristics of the body.

After the analgesic has begun to act, a beam will be directed to the wart, which will gradually remove the neoplasm, cauterizing at the same time the damaged tissue. Thus, you can avoid blood loss. However, be prepared for the formation of a wound in the treated area, which will heal gradually.

As you can see, the described procedure for removing warts with radio waves is simple. The operation is carried out very quickly, taking only a few minutes.

How to properly care for the skin after the procedure

It’s easy to take care of the wound after the removal process. The patient will be able to easily do this at home, so often there is simply no need to visit the hospital.

After the procedure, a small wound will remain on the body, which will become covered with a crust. So, in no case do not tear it off. She will disappear on her own in a few days.

Until this crust disappears, in no case take a bath, and also do not go to the pool and sauna. Allowed to take a quick shower.

Be sure to treat the wound with antiseptic agents. If the tumor was on the face, do not apply decorative cosmetics to the affected area, as this can adversely affect the healing process.

If the procedure was carried out in the summer, be sure to use products with skin protection from ultraviolet rays, otherwise pigmented spots may appear on the treated areas.

After the crust disappears, a scar will remain on the skin, which will heal for several months, depending on the individual characteristics of your body.

When the procedure is prohibited

Please note that there are still prohibitions in the presence of which it is worth abandoning the procedure for removing warts by the radio wave method. The consequences may not be the most comforting.

So, we will consider to whom and when this procedure is prohibited:

  • pregnant and lactating women, as well as during critical days;
  • it is not necessary to carry out an operation if you have chronic diseases that are currently at the stage of exacerbation;
  • the procedure is also contraindicated if the patient has dermatological diseases near the site of exposure;
  • it is impossible to carry out the procedure in the presence of malignant tumors, as well as electronic implants.

What do doctors and patients think

Reviews of the removal of warts by the radio wave method are mostly positive. Patients are satisfied with the results, since after the procedure there is no trace of a wart. This method is painless, as it is performed under local anesthetic. However, if a woman agreed to carry out the procedure during menstruation, then removing the plantar wart using the radio wave method can be quite painful.

beautiful hands

The method has almost no drawbacks, so patients really like the results that can be obtained after the procedure. A negative characteristic of this procedure is its high cost. But if we are talking about our own health and attractiveness, then saving is not advisable.

Doctors quite often recommend this particular wart removal method to their patients, as it is considered one of the safest, most painless and has a short recovery period. At the same time, the accuracy and effectiveness of this technique allows the use of a radio knife in any part of the body, including on the face.


Warts are benign formations that will introduce a huge number of aesthetic defects. It is up to you to decide whether or not to get rid of them. If you still decide to do this, it makes no sense to check for yourself various medications, as well as alternative treatment methods. A wart is a formation that requires surgical removal. This is exactly what the radio wave method is for. With its help, you can quickly and painlessly remove any wart on any part of your body, without causing harm to your health.

visit doctor

Remember, warts do not occur on their own. Most often, they appear if the human papilloma virus is present in the human body. Therefore, it is not enough just to remove the formations, it is also very important to be tested for this virus and treated with antibacterial drugs. Take care of yourself and be healthy, and do not forget that any disease is easier to prevent than to treat.

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