In principle, the fungus that causes the development of the well-known disease, called “thrush”, is present in the body of every person. This fungus is found on the skin, in the oral cavity, on the mucous membranes of the nose and intestines, even in absolutely healthy people. As soon as favorable conditions are created, for example, a person's immunity decreases, the microflora changes, the blood sugar level rises, the fungus activates and begins to multiply rapidly. Many are interested in whether there is candidiasis on the tonsils? The photo is not attached for ethical reasons. Let's try to figure it out.
Development reasons
Most often, thrush develops on the mucous membrane of the throat, including the tonsils. Moreover, before such a disease was found mainly in children, and now adults are increasingly coming to this problem with doctors. Tonsil thrush can develop due to improper treatment of throat diseases, as well as due to oral sex with a partner infected with the same disease.
Candidiasis on the tonsils in a child can begin against a background of diseases such as yeast or fungal tonsillitis. Thrush quickly develops if a person has a severely reduced immunity. A burn or any other injury to the throat or oral cavity can lead to the colonization of the fungus in the damaged mucosa and its further reproduction. This pathogen secretes special acids, which gradually begin to corrode already damaged mucous tissues. This leads to the formation of ulcers and the appearance of a characteristic cheesy plaque.
Candidiasis on the tonsils in a child often begins due to caries, teething or some kind of chronic infection in the pharynx or oral cavity. The infection develops well in the body of those people who have several times higher blood sugar levels. Especially often lovers of sweet pastries, sweets and soda suffer from tonsil thrush.
The first and most obvious symptoms of candidiasis (photo is not attached for ethical reasons) is an acute sensation of dry mouth. Do not confuse with thirst. Dryness, which manifests itself in candidiasis, is accompanied by burning and tingling pains. This is how the first manifestations of the disease can be described when urgent measures are needed.
Secondary signs of the disease do not appear immediately, but after a while. The formation of plaque occurs on the mucosa, after a while it is delayed by a transparent film. Over time, without taking measures, the pain intensifies sharply and can cause seizures that occur due to the inability to control pain.
The following symptoms are added to these symptoms:
- Reducing salivation to a minimum amount, because of this it becomes extremely difficult for the patient to make mouth movements, partial numbness occurs.
- There is a feeling that a foreign object is in the mouth, it prevents swallowing and breathing normally.
- Gustatory receptors are disconnected, the patient practically cannot distinguish some tastes from others.
- Swelling of the oral cavity - this symptom manifests itself in a protracted form of the disease, and with a protracted disease, lethargy and a sharp decrease in appetite appear.
- An important point is the increase in the size of the tonsils, they quickly become inflamed and become large in size. Not even a professional can detect a significant increase.
Many are used to the fact that with inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity there should be an increase in temperature. In this case, with all the symptoms listed above, the human body temperature remains normal. But we must remember that in the absence of proper treatment, oral candidiasis can develop into a chronic form. In this case, it will begin to affect other organs, but this should not be allowed.
It is quite difficult to diagnose candidiasis on the tonsils, since its symptoms are similar to similar pathologies. Most often, candidiasis can be confused with stomatitis, in which severe inflammation and the appearance of ulcers also occur in the oral cavity. In addition to this, patients are usually not in a hurry to seek help at the initial stages of the disease and decide to go to the doctor only if complications arise.
To diagnose a certain type of fungus, it is necessary to pass a scraping from the mucous membrane of the tongue and glands. They will be aimed at a thorough analysis. For additional diagnosis, the doctor can take the patient's blood and urine for examination.
After determining the number and type of fungus, the doctor will prescribe appropriate medications, the patient's use of which will reduce the activity of microbes to a safe level. But before starting any treatment, you should deal with the root causes of candidiasis and take measures to eliminate them. Otherwise, there will be a risk of relapse. Do not panic when a small amount of fungus is detected, their presence in a limited amount in the human body is necessary for its normal functioning.
Drug treatment
Tonsil candidiasis is a disease that can be treated in various ways. Everyone chooses whether to contact doctors or be treated with the help of folk remedies. At the same time, the practice of many cases shows that in any case it is necessary to use the medication method of combating the disease and consult doctors.
All medications that are used to treat candidiasis of the tonsils have an antifungal effect. This disease is spread by fungi. There are various drugs of local or general effect. Each of the options is prescribed at different stages of the disease. At the very beginning of the disease, local drugs are used, these include:
- Various ointments, gels, creams.
- Sprays of various composition, suspension.
- Also used are solutions that are used using cotton swabs.
The duration of treatment with these drugs depends on the intensity of the spread of the disease. The individual parameters of each patient should also be taken into account. That is why even drugs that are dispensed in a pharmacy without a prescription must be prescribed by a doctor. The speed of treatment and the consequences depend on this, because candidiasis with the improper use of drugs can become chronic, and this is very dangerous.
Modern drug manufacturers provide an opportunity to receive treatment in a form that is convenient for the patient. Today, the use of chewing lozenges for the treatment of diseases of the oral cavity is very important. This method has several important advantages:
- You can chew a lozenge anywhere, you do not need to look for special conditions under which it will be possible to use the drug.
- The drug has a pleasant taste and does not cause discomfort when used.
- Such a tool has no side effects, it does not need to be washed down and rinsed after it with a mouth.
- It is worth noting once again that even such a tool that, it would seem, is completely safe cannot be used without the testimony of a doctor.
- Such lozenges are effective in the case when acute manifestations of the disease are found in unexpected situations.
- The best option for a sick person is to carry such a tool with them.
In other cases
With complex forms of the disease, the use of stronger drugs is required. In this case, complex medication is prescribed. If the disease spreads intensively and after passing through one course of treatment the symptoms appear again, then several courses are required. Complete cure - the process is quite lengthy. It must be understood that candidiasis cannot be eliminated in a few days.
In addition, it is important to understand that taking medications should be regular, as prescribed in the doctor’s instructions. You can not interrupt the course or take funds from time to time. Such a negligent attitude to taking medications can lead to disastrous consequences. Insufficiently intensive treatment can cause a protracted form of the disease and it will be harder and harder to fight it over time.
In the treatment of oral candidiasis in children, weaker drugs are prescribed than for adults. Many substances that are part of the main treatment complex are contraindicated for the child's body. That is why children are often prescribed herbal infusions and antiseptics. In this case, you need to be especially careful about the intensity and regularity of treatment. Infant infections require special treatment for parents. Constant monitoring by doctors is required, in which case there is a great chance for a timely cure of the disease.
Treatment with folk remedies
Candidiasis of the tonsils, or in common people thrush, most often affects a fragile children's body. The causative agent of the disease is a fungus of the genus Candida, present in the normal flora of the throat and vagina, but growing with a local decrease in immunity and damage to the mucous membranes.
Along with the traditional treatment, folk remedies are effectively used. The latter have the role of strengthening and maintaining immunity, which plays a major role in getting rid of candidiasis. As general strengthening agents, it is advised to take honey, as well as warm drinks containing it. Thus, the throat is softened, and the natural components include the body's defenses.
Vegetables and fruits
The following vitamins from vegetables and fruits come to the rescue. First of all, it is vitamin C, being an antioxidant, in the body it stops the development of pathogenic processes and activates the immune system. B12 - stimulates local immunity and accelerates metabolism; A and E - protect cell membranes from microorganisms. All of them are found in foods: lemon, sprouted wheat, in the cod liver and in carrots.
Natural yogurt is essential for the restoration of local microflora, it contains probiotics that displace harmful microbes and “populate” the territory with the right microorganisms.
For its preparation, a sourdough is bought at a pharmacy, added to milk, and healthy yogurt is ready.
Sage + Chamomile
Local inflammation and pain with candidiasis will perfectly remove rinses from decoctions of sage and chamomile. In addition, sage has an antiseptic effect and gently fights against a local infection. The broth is saturated, at the rate of one tablespoon of dry mixture per one tablespoon of water.
Tea tree
Rinsing the mouth with warm water and tea tree oil (2-3 drops) produces a positive effect, enhancing the action of the previous components. The best solution is to gargle with a solution overnight.
You can gargle with a weak solution of soda with candidiasis of the tonsils after each meal, at least three times a day. To achieve the most pronounced local effect, it is necessary to alternate all solutions.
In addition, cranberry juice, St. John's wort and flax decoction are taken inside. To relieve edema - Kalanchoe juice. It should be remembered that treatment with folk remedies can only have a local effect and a mild effect. For the complete destruction of fungi, it is necessary to adhere to the treatment regimen prescribed by the doctor.