Painting "Friends" Shirokova: description

Picture friends shirokova

The true master of his craft appears portrait artist E.N. Shirokov. The paintings are particularly realistic. Images painted on canvases primarily affect the viewer’s inner world. They do not call for anything and do not blame anyone, but they make people see something that can somehow affect their worldview and make them think about important things.

Motives of the work

The problems that are revealed in the painting of E. Shirokov are not similar to those that his world perceives as global. These missing, sometimes imperceptible, moments in our consciousness are displayed in ordinary everyday reality. You only need to consider what the author shows.

An example of such a work is the painting "Friends" by Shirokov. Why did the author call her that? What did he portray on canvas and what did he want to show? In order to understand this, you need to carefully consider the composition of the picture, dwell on each individual element and briefly introduce yourself as an artist who paints well-known secrets with a brush.

Boy in composition

Picture e shirokova friends

E. Shirokov’s painting “Friends” has the shape of a vertical rectangle. The objects are located in a convenient angle for the viewer. In the center of the composition are the characters. A teenager, about fifteen years old in appearance, in light summer clothes, comfortably sat on a bedspread spread out on the floor. Dark blue T-shirt and socks, gray shorts and sandals. Shades are not bright, but fit perfectly into the general background, thereby highlighting the figure of a boy. Two-tone clothing emphasizes that now the state of the hero expresses a minimum of feelings. He has no desire to jump up and run on some business, there is only peace, which is hidden in a patient character. Also, the boy’s mood is betrayed by a slight tilt of the head and facial expression: no smile, slightly pouted cheeks and eyelids sadly lowered down.

All these subtleties can be noticed, creating a detailed description of the painting "Friends". E. Shirokov did not show the boy’s eyes. Apparently, he did so because some secret is hidden in them that no one should know. This image is given a light, laid-back mystery.

Sitting, the boy pressed one leg under himself, and the second bent at the knee. His left hand rests on the floor. The whole position of the character suggests that at the moment he does not care about anything important.


The story in the picture Shirokova friends

Next to the teenager, on the right, on the same blanket, lies a dog, which the boy strokes with his hand. The pet is arranged so that it can be perfectly seen. The black dog lies with his back to the teenager, while creating the feeling that she feels invisible protection from the owner. Her white legs stand out against the background of the plaid, which makes this character not just a black creature, which is difficult to notice, but a real characteristic personality. The head of the dog lies in front, closer to the viewer, on its front legs. The dog’s left ear has sharpened. In the eyes of the dog, the viewer can read the same calm and the same sadness, which until then clearly differed in the gaze of its young owner. It would seem how an animal can be sad? After all, there is a person nearby and a warm coverlet on which you can sleep with pleasure. But no, the picture “Shirokov's Friends” shows how the mood seems to be transmitted from one character to another, and it is impossible to determine from whom exactly these emotions come. Either the pet is sick and does not feel well, or the boy has difficulties that he decided to share with the animal.

The comfort of the overall composition of the picture forces the viewer to go beyond the bounds of what is happening, to plunge into peace and silence. Just sitting at home on a soft carpet, delving into your own thoughts, taking a break from work is a pleasure that is increasingly slipping away from a modern person.

Friendship is a moral reference

Description of the painting friends e shirokov

Comparing the teenager and the animal, it should be noted that the medium-sized pet is neither large nor small. The boy also does not stand out tall or physique. Why? The painting "Friends" by Shirokov embodies the equality of heroes. None of them are worse or better. This is what true friendship is based on. No need to become a superhero or take leadership in something. The main thing is understanding your friend as yourself. So the author tried to solve the problem of the value of friendship.

“Well, think about it! - some passerby will say, - friends come and go. Money is more important. You can buy something good on them. And in general, we have a crisis in the country and the army is weak! ” That’s the hidden meaning - the wrong problems seem important to us. Will money earned during a month at work or a war that supposedly bring victory and justice bring happiness? Money will go nowhere: over time it will be spent or depreciated. And wealth is nothing compared to friendly sincerity, which is capable of accomplishing truly unimaginable things. Without thinking about it, people are then surprised at the tears in their eyes that have passed through years together, hand in hand, and life given for a friend.

Impact on the viewer

How does Shirokov's “Friends” reveal such morality? Through emotions and images that arise in the mind of a person examining the canvas. Everyone in life had moments that are rightfully considered the best, as well as those that simply remained forever in the heart. These moments are most often seen in everyday situations, and therefore the background image of the characters in the picture is life.

Friendship, which acquires the value of the whole world in childhood, is shown by the example of the image of a boy. It is at this age that great importance is attached to the guidelines adopted as principles of a virtuous existence in society. The memories that are in us open up, and behind them appears an unusual vision of our own life. At such moments, we perceive reality in a different way, realizing that the fuss in which we forget the beauty of the vital structure prevents us from seeing these special minutes. In pursuit of someone and a desire to get ahead of time, friendship ceases to be wealth. This is the problem that the artist wanted to open in his composition. The viewer who wants to understand and establish for himself the motives of the work, can make a story based on Shirokov’s painting “Friends”, based on his memories and ability to fantasize.

Shirokov paintings

Faithful companion

The viewer may have a logical question: why is the dog depicted as a friend of a teenager? This is an ordinary yard dog, in which there is nothing special. But this is precisely the answer: the artist portrayed just such a dog, unremarkable at first glance, because true friends often look like that.

People are not able to keep friendship as faithfully as their beloved animals. This shows the description of the painting "Friends." E. Shirokov hinted that a man immersed in his own complexes and dissatisfaction ceases to be a friend, because he forgets what he needs, friendship for. He seeks to solve his problems first of all, he does it in all ways, even at the cost of sincerity. A dog is a faithful creature. Well, which of us in childhood did not have a puppy or kitten? Not many. A pet is the kindest creature that does not need money and beautiful clothes. He is able to love the owner, just for the fact that he is. That is why the boy came to share his difficulties with his best friend. Perhaps the dog will not understand the words spoken and will not read the thoughts swarming in the head, but she will certainly feel the presence of a person and support him with her mutual affection and love.

The meaning of the name

The relevance of the value of friendship forever remains unchanged. In the modern world, the warm support and reciprocity shown by E. Shirokov’s painting is lacking. “Friends” - the author gave this name to his work. An ordinary word that will not surprise anyone. But it reveals the whole deep meaning of the picture, once again emphasizing that the main thing is hidden in the details. Friends are the subjects on which friendship is built. Without comrades, it does not exist. And the motive of friendship is revealed precisely on the example of the heroes of the picture, where each of them is a separate, independent being.

The creative meaning of the painting

An artist is an amazing person who sees this world in a different way, perceiving all colors and details as images and symbols. But each viewer in his own way will compose a story based on Shirokov’s painting “Friends”, resorting only to his own impressions.

Friends painting

This creation of the author is a huge contribution to morality and culture, already immense. The picture "Friends" does not carry any negative meaning; it does not have a hidden political ideology and traditionally suggested problems. She is part of the revival of universal values.

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