The first signs of pancreatic disease in women: symptoms and treatment features

Ancient anatomists believed that the organ located under the gastric pouch was soft muscle matter. Only after a long time did it become known how underestimated the importance of this baby gland is.

General information

The gastrointestinal tract is one of the most important functional systems in the human body, which is responsible for well-being, metabolic processes, the production of a number of hormones, as well as for appearance. Persons who have problems with the digestive system have certain external (identification) signs that make it possible to suspect something is wrong in the physiological mechanism of the gastrointestinal tract.

So, suspicious yellowness of the skin, hypersensitivity of the third tooth in the upper or lower row, as well as suddenly appeared imperceptible wrinkles between the eyebrows or around the eyes indicate malfunctions in the digestive internal organs. Of course, it will be wrong to independently designate a diagnosis for yourself, but nevertheless it is logical to take into account the method of self-diagnosis .

It is known that pancreatitis, which is an inflammation of the pancreatic tissues in males, is directly caused by alcohol abuse. In women, the appearance of this disease provokes gallstone disease. Both of these are true, but there are plenty of levers for launching a dangerous disease. Do not underestimate this important, albeit small organ.

signs of pancreatic disease in women

The weight of the pancreas is extremely small - only 70 g, while the function of this organ is highly active. The pancreas is prone to instant manifestation of a reaction to the emotional and nutritional stress that the body experiences. Numerous adverse factors: frequent and acute stresses, influenza virus, poisoning, aggressive medications and poor-quality food, immediately affect its condition. And this is only an incomplete list of reasons that contribute to the launch of the disease in acute form and its further transition to the chronic stage. What are the signs of pancreatic disease? Symptoms in women, treatment and prevention will be discussed later.

How to recognize pancreatitis in women?

What are the signs of pancreatic disease in women? Probably, one can hardly compare the general state of health with pancreatitis, the most painful and serious disease of the gastrointestinal tract, especially in the acute phase. Pain has a peculiarity - its nature is girdle.

How do you know if you have a diseased pancreas? The first symptoms appear brightly, begin with anxiety in the left hypochondrium. Next, the pain threshold extends along the upper abdomen and passes to the back, mainly on the left. An indicator of the presence of the disease is repeated vomiting, exhausting the patient. The skin is marked by pallor and earthy tint. Pulse, breathing quickened.

Symptoms of pancreatitis in women

What are the signs of the disease? When to sound the alarm? The first symptoms of pancreatic disease:

  • deterioration in well-being;
  • sharp, girdle pain in the upper abdomen, radiating to the back and both hypochondria;
  • nausea;
  • frequent vomiting
  • bad taste in the mouth;
  • increase in body temperature
  • pallor and yellowness of the skin;
  • oily sheen of feces, indigestion, diarrhea;
  • progression of autonomic symptoms - weakness, dizziness, excitement, sweating.

signs of pancreatic disease symptoms in women
During research activities in the blood and urine, an excessive content of pancreatic enzymes and leukocytosis are found. The diagnosis is confirmed using the ultrasound method.

The relationship of the stress factor in the occurrence of pancreatitis

The female half of humanity is characterized by increased sensitivity and reactivity, as a result of which it tends to perceive the surrounding reality most emotionally, and this cannot but affect the health of the fairer sex. There is no clear distinction between those who have outbreaks of pancreatitis are more likely, but, based on practice, it is still women who are in the predominant risk zone.

The main enemies of the pancreas

What causes often block the normal functioning of the pancreas in women?

  • Alcohol. In more than half the cases, acute and chronic inflammation of the gland tissue is directly related to the abuse of alcohol. Ethanol has a toxic effect on the cells of the gland and leads to a disruption in the production and outflow of pancreatic juice. The very first attack is almost always recorded after drinking unreasonable doses of alcohol.
  • Gallstone disease and cholecystitis. If a woman has a history of diagnoses that tell about complications with the gall bladder or liver: the presence of stones, enlarged liver, sand in the bile ducts, gastritis, gastroduodenitis, enteritis, and peptic ulcer, the pancreas becomes vulnerable. This is due to the fact that the ducts of the pancreas and gall bladder have a common outlet into the duodenum. If there is stone in this ductal region, then inflammation or obstruction of the duct with stone is inevitable. In this case, bile simply begins to destroy the glandular tissue itself. Acute pancreatitis may well develop due to the transfer of the inflammatory process from neighboring organs.
  • Fatty and fried foods. Periodic infatuation with completely unhealthy foods, in particular overcooked, fatty, spicy, cold foods, leads to an excessive load of the pancreas, which is an increased risk factor for pancreatitis. In addition, overeating exacerbates not only the state of the pancreas, but interferes with the stable and coordinated work of all body systems.
  • Poisoning. Acute inflammation of the pancreatic tissue always develops with poisoning of any nature. Poor food, the use of potent drugs, viruses - all this triggers the failure mechanisms in the functioning of the body, giving way to a serious disease.
  • Operating injury. Unfortunately, this is possible when an operational error becomes the cause of pancreatitis .
  • Autoimmune disease. With this ailment, healthy cells are recognized by the body as foreign, and the immune system destroys them. Violations of this nature lie in hereditary causes that require a special approach.
    the first signs of pancreatic disease in women

How to help with an attack

If the first signs of pancreatic disease in women or men have been noticed, urgently need to see a doctor. Do not mess with pancreatitis! Hospitalization in the acute course of pancreatitis is strictly required. Prior to the arrival of the emergency team, in order to alleviate the condition of the patient, follow the prescribed recommendations:

  • attach a cold object or ice to the solar plexus area;
  • do not violate bed rest ;
  • refrain from eating;
  • allowed the use of clean still water in small sips in small quantities;
  • it is forbidden to drink aspirin, analgin, ibuprofen (you can take an antispasmodic);
  • hot warmers and heat are strictly contraindicated.
    pancreatic disease prevention

Treatment of pancreatitis in the acute stage of the disease

To stop the acute process and alleviate the symptoms of the disease in acute pancreatitis in most cases is not possible immediately. Acute pancreatitis is treated within the walls of the hospital and requires serious medication.

Therapy includes:

  • compulsory bed rest,
  • cold on the epigastric region,
  • creating functional rest for the gland (absolute hunger),
  • taking medications.
    first symptoms of pancreatic disease

Effective collection of herbs for chronic pancreatitis

Herbal medicine has been used in the treatment of many diseases for a very long time and, it is worth noting, effectively. Herbs act gently, their therapeutic effect is long-lasting and as part of complex therapy can bring a good result. All herbal preparations are selected individually.

The effect on the pancreas is beneficial:

  • peppermint
  • coriander fruits
  • immortelle flowers
  • Anise fruit
  • dandelion roots
  • grass of the mountaineer,
  • Hypericum perforatum,
  • chamomile pharmacy
  • sage officinalis.
    symptoms of pancreatitis in women treatment and diet

Diet is an important step in the treatment of pancreatitis

Now you know what are the symptoms of pancreatitis in women. Treatment and diet are two concepts without which it is impossible to cope with pancreatitis.

Diet is one of the main conditions for recovery. Iron should not be under pressure, and the diet should be gentle. In order not to feel the signs of pancreatic disease in women, you must listen to the following rules:

  • Eat often, at least 5 times a day;
  • reduce portions, since the impressive volumes of dishes are too stressful on the pancreas;
  • fried foods, smoked meats, fatty foods are excluded, and the process of creating dishes is defined as steaming, stewing or boiling;
  • with pancreatitis, it is undesirable to get into foods rich in plant fiber (cabbage, persimmons, celery, tomatoes, bell peppers), as their frequent use can trigger an attack;
  • acidic berries and fruits are unacceptable in the diet, and apples are best eaten baked or mashed;
  • the amount of carbohydrate food needs to be reduced, and instead of this to increase the intake of protein foods: lean meat, lean fish, turkey. An egg can be one per day and only soft-boiled. Sour-milk products, cottage cheese are required, but with intolerance to the body, you can replace them with milk;
  • the pancreas harms to one degree or another the same way as hot and cold food, so it is recommended to eat dishes in the form of heat;
  • limit salt and canned foods.

symptoms of pancreatitis in a woman what are the signs
In order to no longer worry about the signs of pancreatic disease in women, it is necessary to completely exclude:

  • alcohol,
  • cocoa, coffee, strong black tea,
  • carbonated drinks.

It is important to follow a strict diet for a long time: as a rule, it is not less than 9-12 months. With the stabilization of the patient's condition, stable remission and good tolerance of dishes, the diet can be somewhat expanded, but only by especially observing the most stringent recommendations: a ban on alcohol and fatty foods.

Pancreatic Disease Prevention

It is very easy to harm the pancreas, and many mistakenly believe that once you have had pancreatitis, you can not remember about it. Feeling better, recent patients forget about the attack and shamelessly exploit the newly recovered organ.

Important! Do not eat monotonously: for each type of product or culinary dish, the stomach reflexively releases its specific enzyme.

Leave the habit of chewing food badly, as the digestion of carbohydrate food begins already in the oral cavity. The fact is that the enzyme contained in human saliva and designed by nature to break down carbohydrates begins to work only if a person makes at least 20 chewing acts or movements. It is also important how you swallow food. There is such a thing as swallowing wave failure. This violation occurs when we smoke, lie, eat and drink in front of the TV screen. The same thing happens if we greedily swallow food, eat dry food or drink in one gulp.

An outgrown round abdomen presses on a delicate organ, interfering with the normal functioning of the pancreas.

It is worthwhile to pay special attention to the treatment of the disease and prevent the development of chronic pancreatitis, since with the untreated acute disease there is a risk of insufficiency of the insular apparatus and, as a result, the development of secondary diabetes. It is important to be prudent during the off-season, when a tendency to exacerbation of chronic ailments is revealed. In general, a close attitude to oneself after an illness will provide a stable and long-term remission.

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