Several ways to cook fish: mackerel on the grill, in the oven, in the pan

Going into nature or intending to have a picnic in the courtyard of your own home, you should first consider the menu. To dishes served in the air, in addition to standard requirements (usefulness, taste, beauty of design), simplicity of preparation and ease of serving are added. One of such dishes that are easily prepared and quickly eaten is mackerel on the grill. You can cook this fish on the grill in several ways, depending on the situation and the preferences of the cook. In all cases, it will turn out tasty, satisfying and simple.

grilled mackerel
Grilled mackerel marinated with herbs

Before baking fish, it should be marinated. It takes a little time, but it’s better to go on a picnic with already prepared mackerel. The dish is designed for 4 people, for a different number of people the amount of ingredients can be increased or decreased proportionally.

For 2 medium mackerels take a little salt and ground pepper, 2 sprigs of thyme and rosemary, 2 lemons, a little olive oil. First, you should thoroughly wash and gut the fish (you can leave your heads - so the finished dish will look better on the table), and then add salt, pepper and lightly grease with oil. Fresh mackerel is ideal, but frozen can also be baked after defrosting.

how to cook mackerel
It is very simple to cook mackerel in nature, but in order to make it juicy and tasty, several manipulations should be done. Firstly, along the entire length of the fish, cuts are made on both sides of the carcass (they should be 4-5 on each side). Secondly, juice is squeezed from one lemon and rubbed with fish inside and out, and the second is cut into slices and part is placed in the abdomen of the fish along with branches of greenery, and part is left according to the number of cuts on one side.

Mackerel is marinated for just half an hour, so you can go out into the countryside immediately after cooking. If the picnic is organized at home, you should immediately start lighting the fire and setting the table.

A mackerel is prepared on the grill literally for 5 minutes on each side. After the carcass is turned upside down, the remaining lemon slices should be inserted into the cuts on the finished side. Serve the fish immediately after removal from the grill. Mackerel on the grill goes well with white wine, beer, and as a side dish, baked potatoes and any vegetables are suitable.

cook mackerel
Mackerel in a pan

For those who do not know how to cook mackerel, but want to please loved ones with a delicious dish of this fish, the following recipe is suitable. A large carcass of mackerel is taken a couple of large tomatoes, a few cloves of garlic, salt, olive oil, a handful of capers, a little ground pepper.

The prepared (washed and dried) fish is salted and fried in oil. Then the mackerel is removed, and finely chopped garlic is fried in its place. Peel the tomatoes and pass them through a meat grinder, add to the garlic. They add salt to the mass, sprinkle oregano, add pepper and return the fish there. After 10 minutes, capers are sent to the pan, and the mackerel is turned over. After another 10 minutes, the fire is turned off. Mackerel is served immediately, laid out on a dish and sprinkled with sauce.

Fish casserole

From a kilogram of mackerel fillet, you can cook an excellent dinner in the form of a fish casserole. For it, you should take potatoes, onions, a spoonful of flour or starch, salt, caraway seeds, pepper, a little oil. Mackerel, along with onions and potatoes, is passed through a meat grinder (or chopped with a blender), then minced meat is added, pepper and caraway seeds, flour are added, mixed well and laid out in a mold (it should be greased with oil beforehand). Bake for about an hour in a moderately hot oven. Served with potatoes and vegetables.

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