Tomato Preservation

Red tomato is an undoubted favorite of the second half of summer. It attracts with its vibrant color and diverse shapes. If you want, eat a tomato round, if you want, cream, or maybe even an exotic yellow color. There are fans of black tomato. How many varieties of tomatoes, so many flavors, but the most interesting is that it is impossible to bite them for the future.

The year is good when there is a big harvest of this tasty and healthy vegetable. From it you can cook a lot of dishes, make juice or just preserve for the winter. Some kitchens even use dried tomato, it also retains its vitamins and beneficial properties.

And he came to us from South America, where he was known before the Spanish conquest. Did you know that tomato includes such important elements as calcium, iron and potassium, as well as citric and malic acids. It contains: magnesium, iodine, zinc, sodium, manganese and many vitamins. The beneficial properties of tomatoes become even better not in raw, but in boiled form. More recently, scientists conducted serious research and came to the conclusion that eating tomato can prevent the development of cancer of the stomach, as well as the prostate and pancreas.

The conservation of tomatoes has a large arsenal of recipes, because mankind intensively breeds this vegetable, and more and more inventions are being invented every year. Especially delicious tomatoes are those that you yourself have grown in the beds. They, like bright lights ripened in the sun, then to give all the most useful to people for health.

Each housewife has her own, branded recipe, and the preservation of tomatoes, maybe you will not believe it, turns into a pleasant hobby. Her face shines with special pride when in winter the first can is solemnly opened with bright, as if just fresh tomatoes from a garden. They are tried, praised a beautiful, smelling in the summer workpiece, the hostess modestly accepts congratulations, and to himself notes the correctness of the selected recipe. In fact, the conservation of tomatoes is not so difficult, you need to learn a few rules that should be strictly observed. This applies, first of all, to hygiene and the ratio of components, such as: salt and sugar, vinegar and herbs, peppers and spices.

Good varieties of tomato for pickling "Agate", "Angelica", but there is a very nice variety, which is called "Budenovka", it is small with a small funny nose, an unusual raspberry color. Mistresses like to experiment with such varieties as: Caspar, Countryman, Golden Fleece, Snow Fairy Tale, Golden Heart, De Barao, Volgogradsky.

There is a wonderful recipe where the conservation of tomatoes takes place with onions. So let's call this yummy - tomatoes with onions. To begin with, as usual, we sort out the tomatoes, select the best, without damage and the same size. Wash them thoroughly under running water and let it drain.

While our smart and clean tomatoes are lying in a bowl and preparing for the main action, we will prepare a delicious filling for them, this will be our future conservation. Tomatoes are nourished with aromatic ingredients and will retain our red tasty vegetables for a long time. We take 3 liters of water, add 3 tbsp to it. tablespoons without top of salt, there we send 7 tablespoons of sugar. Mix well and set on fire.

Bring the mixture to a boil and add one glass of 9% vinegar. In this recipe, you can use sunflower oil, or you can without it. If you add, then you need one tablespoon and we get spicy conservation. Tomatoes will be not only fragrant and pungent, but also with butter.

We take a clean jar, which before this was doused with boiling water, put tomatoes in it, put our highlight - half the peeled onion in the middle of the jar, then again the tomatoes, and the second half of the onion will complete our composition. Next, fill the tomatoes with hot pouring, not boiling water, and send it to sterilization for 15 minutes. Then we get out the jar and roll up. Enjoy your meal!

A particularly experienced housewife has one culinary technique, this is the conservation of green tomatoes. For cooking, we need: green tomatoes - 6 kg and 4 - heads of garlic, water - 6 liters, salt - 1 cup, 1 cup of vinegar and 2 cups of sugar. In the prepared jars we add spices: black pepper, bay leaf, parsley, cloves. You can put small pieces of carrots and onions, as well as chopped celery.

Preservation of green tomatoes will be especially tasty if you do the following: cut clean tomatoes and take out the insides from them. We do this carefully, but do not take everything out to the end, leave a little pulp. We insert a flat piece of garlic clove into it, you can add parsley to the same place if desired. We boil water and fill it with our tomatoes. Pour the cooled water with tomato from the cans, and again boil the solution. For the third time we cook marinade, in the same water we send sugar salt and vinegar and boil again. Pour marinade into cans. We roll containers with lids, turn them over very carefully and cover them with a blanket until cool.

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