How to eat pineapple, or Everything you need to know about this tropical fruit

There are foods that you can eat only in accordance with certain rules. Their eating is a whole ritual. Sometimes the benefit or harm of one or another part of the product plays a major role in this matter. Not everyone, for example, knows how to eat pineapple, coconut and other little-known fruits.

The structure and properties of the exotic product

how to eat pineapple
The number of fruits on store shelves in recent years has been striking in its diversity. Some of them have been familiar to us since childhood, but there are those that you have to see with your own eyes for the first time in your life. Therefore, before you figure out how to eat, you must first study in detail one or another fruit.

Take, for example, pineapple. This exotic miracle belongs to the genus of herbaceous plants. It is well known to all residents of tropical countries. Eat the fruits of this unusual plant, which are quite interestingly arranged.

Looking at a regular pineapple, you can see that it is as if assembled from several components, like a designer or a children's puzzle. These are ovaries fused into a single ball. Therefore, pineapple is otherwise called "fertility", that is, it is several fruits gathered together.

A reasonable question arises as to how to eat pineapple. Before answering it, you need to understand the structure and properties of the tissues of this fruit. Scientists have found that the soft tissues of this plant contain a huge amount of minerals and minerals that are beneficial for the human body. Here you can find in excess zinc and manganese, iron and calcium, iodine, potassium and magnesium. A rich set of vital vitamins (A, C, B1, B2 and B12) is simply amazing. Thanks to this unique composition, pineapples are able to:

  1. To clean the walls of blood vessels and thereby significantly reduce blood pressure.
  2. Improve the digestion process.
  3. Cleanse the intestines.
  4. Fight colds thanks to ascorbic acid.
  5. Resist the world's No. 1 disease - cancer.
  6. Contribute to the breakdown of body fat without harm to the body. The secret is that pineapple tissue contains an unusual enzyme called bromelain, which takes on the main task of disposing of unnecessary stocks. In addition, it also removes excess fluid from the body. And this is the end of cellulite and a dream for every woman.

Is there really little reason to start eating this real miracle of nature? In addition, it is also very tasty.

What to eat in pineapple?

Ordinary pineapple is an oval shaped fruit. In the upper part there is a crest of leaves tightly compressed into a bunch. By the way, if you cut it and plant it in the ground, then a new plant will appear from it. Pineapple leaves are not used for food. In the 18th century in Russia they tried to cook and even ferment like cabbage, but it somehow did not take root. Today, the green part of pineapple is used as a raw material for the textile industry. Strong enough threads are made of it.

Outside, the fruit is covered with a very strong, thick and prickly crust, and inside there is a juicy fragrant flesh. It is she who goes to food. Now you can think about how to eat pineapple. The simplest and most well-known option consists of several stages that need to be performed sequentially:

how to eat pineapple

  1. Cut off the top with the leaves.
  2. Trim the base of the fertility.
  3. Separate the edible portion from the peel with a sharp knife in parallel movements from top to bottom.
  4. Cut the peeled product into circles.
  5. In each circle, sequentially remove the middle. It is quite tough compared to the main pulp.
  6. Cut the prepared rings into pieces and serve in a bowl with a dessert fork. If desired, the rings can be served whole. In this case, a dessert knife must be added to the cutlery. Separately, for lovers of sweet powdered sugar.

But this is not the only way to eat pineapple. There is a special etiquette that lovers of this tropical fruit know firsthand.

What pulp consists of

Under the firm, prickly crust of the fruit is the flesh. It has a tubular structure and, as a fan, is located around the axis. But the structure of the inside of the pineapple is heterogeneous. Outside, the flesh is looser and looks like bundles of small tubes filled with aromatic juice.

is it possible to eat the middle of pineapple

Closer to the center of the fabric are compacted. This is the core of the fetus. Its structure is solid and slightly glassy. Chewing such a mass is not easy. Therefore, many often wonder whether it is possible to eat the middle of a pineapple. The answer is unequivocal: of course you can. However, there are both positive and negative sides to this issue.

First off, the good. The core is good in that it contains in large quantities the very miraculous bromelain. And those who decide to resort to the help of a pineapple diet should take this into account. Using the "magical" properties of an unusual enzyme, the body begins to intensively get rid of excess, which ultimately leads not only to weight loss, but also to smoothing the skin. Secondly, the disadvantage. Basically, it is that the middle is too hard to eat with pleasure. It is used more as a "medicine." For the mass consumer, this part is carefully removed, and only a ring of loose juicy pulp goes to food.

Ways to Eat Pineapple

Before you eat pineapple, you need to decide for yourself one most important question: why will you eat this fruit? Two answers are possible here:

  • for pleasure;
  • for medicinal purposes.

In the second case, the entire internal part goes with food along with the core. In the first, it's the other way around. In this case, you need to know how to do it correctly. Here it’s worthwhile to figure out how to eat pineapple. There are four ways in which you can prepare the fruit for serving:

  1. how to eat pineapple
    Cut the fruit in half. From each half with a sharp knife around the perimeter, cut out the inner part and grind it into cubes. Put the pieces back into the peel and serve in the form of a natural basket. This option will look great on the festive table.
  2. Cut off the top of the fetus. Cut off the ring from the rest and peel it off. Then, with a knife, cut the circle into sectors and lay on a plate. In this case, you need to eat as follows: take one slice with your fingers on the core, bite off the pulp, and discard the middle. This is very convenient when the pineapple is not eaten whole.
  3. This method resembles the process of eating melon in the East. Pineapple must first be cut into slices. Then gently peel the peel, and cut the pulp into pieces. In this case, the peel will serve as a kind of "plate."
  4. Cut off the top. After that, completely clear the fetus from the crust. Divide the inner part into slices, in each of which remove the middle. Cut the remaining pulp into pieces. This option is used for the preparation of various salads and other dishes.

As you like

Each for himself decides how to eat pineapple. In addition to the main methods, there are many other options. For example, you can:

  • just bite his teeth (this is unsafe);
  • squeeze the juice, and then drink it alive or use to make other drinks;
  • grind in a blender and apply for baking pies, muffins or cakes;
  • make jam;
  • use to decorate drinks and desserts.

Sometimes there is no way to buy a fresh product. It is expensive, but I want to try. What to do? In this case, a great way out is to buy a canned product.

how to eat pineapple
Pineapples in the form of slices or slices in a fragrant sweet fill are usually sold in the retail network. Sometimes fruit mixes go on sale. Such products are served on the table in bowls or bowls. According to etiquette, they should be eaten with a fork or a spoon (tea or dessert). Fruits can be laid out on a platter and serving skewers can be used as cutlery.

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