As everyone knows, the kidneys are a paired organ located in the abdominal cavity, or rather in the retroperitoneal space of the lumbar region, and serving to form urine.
However, this is completely superficial information about them. Because they perform many other vital functions. So, per day they form about 150-200 liters of primary urine obtained by filtering blood through their capillary glomeruli, and then due to its further transformations it remains 100 times smaller - 1.5-2 liters already secondary, that is, ready for urine excretion . It is concentrated, all toxins, harmful metabolites are filtered into it, and with diseases, blood cells, bacteria, proteins,
ketone bodies and much more can get into it. Thus, the kidneys rid the body of many toxic substances, thereby, on a par with the liver, every minute saving your body from death.
Pathogenesis of kidney damage
But thanks to such a speed of blood flow in the kidneys, they become susceptible to many infections. Plus, they suffer very much if a person leads an unhealthy lifestyle or has extrarenal pathologies. For example, arterial hypertension, atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus, etc. And the extreme degree of the serious condition of this important organ is
renal failure. At the same time, toxins incapable of eliminating from the body begin to return to the blood: residual nitrogen,
creatinine, urea, ammonia - all of them poison the body, and especially the brain, causing various kinds of encephalopathy and ultimately leading to a coma. Therefore, to combat such deep disorders of the urinary system, a group of hypoazotemic drugs was created.
These include ornithine (Ornzetil and Hepa-Merz preparations), lactulose (Dufalac syrup),
parenteral amino acids (Hepasol A solution), and plant lespedets (Lespeflan and Lespenefril medication). Instructions for the use of these medicines inform customers about their pronounced detoxifying effect, namely the neutralization of ammonia, increased renal filtration and urine output.
Thus, these drugs have a beneficial effect on the kidneys and contribute to the restoration of their functions. The price of Lespenefril varies in different regions of the country, but on average it is about 90-100 rubles per bottle. By the way, it is made of dark glass so that the sun's rays do not affect the quality of the tincture and do not reduce its shelf life. And the price of Lespenefril in the form of a solution for oral administration is slightly lower than for tincture. However, both vials contain only 120 ml of the drug, which is usually not enough for the entire course of treatment.
The basis of the drug
Means "Lespenefril", the instructions for use of which are rather brief, easy to use. It is a herbal drug, namely - alcohol tincture of capitate lespedesa. This is a bean plant that contains in its various parts catechins, similar in activity to vitamin P, as well as flavones, that is, modified forms of bioflavonoids. On the basis of this natural remedy, such medicines as Lespeflan and Lespenefril are made. Instructions for use of these two drugs are generally similar. However, different types of lespedesa are taken as the basis for the preparations. However, despite this, they both have pronounced anti-inflammatory and diuretic effects.
In the organism of lespedeza itself, bioflavonoids act as signaling molecules between different plant cells, and also protect the photosynthetic apparatus from damage by ultraviolet radiation and from the invasion of microorganisms pathogenic to it. However, in the human body they are of much greater importance precisely for the kidneys.
So, the effectiveness of the drug โLespenephril", the instructions for use of which does not include a specific pharmacological mechanism of action, is explained by the direct influence of the biologically active substances that make up it. The fact is that bioflavonoids strengthen the capillary walls, which are damaged in the kidneys in most diseases. The latter include glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis, interstitial nephritis, arterial hypertension, atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus and many others.
Mechanism of action
Thus, this drug, which can also be attributed to traditional medicine, enhances blood circulation in the kidneys, namely, strengthens previously damaged vessels, thereby restoring the function of this important organ. More specifically, in a patient, the concentration of toxic nitrogen metabolites in the blood decreases, and diuresis increases due to the active elimination of sodium ions, and, together with them (to a lesser extent), potassium. And all this provokes exactly the drug "Lespenefril".
Analogs of this tool are also based on lespedes. One of them is the drug "Lespeflan", which was mentioned above. To create other analogues of Lespenefril, in fact, is impractical, since these funds are already effective, affordable and have low cost. Of course, they are not independent drugs and require administration in combination with the etiotropic and pathogenetic components.
Indications and method of use
Thus, nephritis (acute and chronic course), accompanied by hyperazotemia, as well as the initial stage of renal failure and hyperazotemia of extrarenal etiology are indications for taking Lespenefril. Reviews about this herbal remedy are generally positive. This is primarily due to the cheapness of the drug and its prevalence in pharmacies.
The solution is taken orally in a daily dose of 1-2 teaspoons, however, if necessary, it can be increased to 2-3 (maximum - 6). When switching to maintenance therapy, the amount is reduced to 0.5-1 tsp / liter. every other day. It is better to drink the drug with clean water or slightly mineralized. The course of treatment is about a month, and it can be repeated after a break of 2-3 weeks. The only contraindications are the period of pregnancy and hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.