Treatment for genital herpes should be immediate!

Genital herpes is a disease that affects the entire population of developed countries at an early or late stage. So leading experts consider, and it is impossible not to agree with it. This virus is able to be transmitted through any sexual contact, including anal and oral. In modern medicine there is a fairly large number of different means of combating this disease. At the same time, it must be said that the treatment of genital herpes with folk remedies is rather successful.

This virus very strongly affects the human immune system and in some advanced cases can even lead to infertility, so you should know how to get rid of genital herpes and begin a radical and effective treatment. If herpes is found on the genitals, you should immediately contact a specialist and begin treatment with antiviral drugs that do not leave the disease a chance to develop further. The initial stage of the disease is difficult to identify. If we talk about men, then there may be a manifestation of a small rash around the glans penis, gradually turning to the scrotum, testicles and urinary canal. Women are prone to rashes in the labia, vagina and buttocks. They may have pain in the lower abdomen, severe itching and increased discharge. These symptoms are especially unpleasant during the second part of the menstrual cycle.

How to get rid of genital herpes? You can use recipes from traditional medicine. A mixture of green onions and olive oil strengthens the body in the fight against this disease. It should be eaten daily. Helps tincture of capsicum and horseradish. Make lotions from sage, oak bark, lemon balm and walnut, which have a drying and healing effect. Cold compresses reduce severe pain. Just lower the bandage into ice-cold water and then apply it to the sore spot. A very effective mixture of honey and celandine greens, applying it to sore spots can achieve rapid healing of wounds.

You should be aware that herpes on the genitals is most dangerous during pregnancy, and therefore, women need a thorough examination before planning it. Only after a complete treatment of genital herpes and making sure that his tests are in good condition can you plan a pregnancy. This disease can infect the fetus at an early stage of its development and lead to serious complications, and in some cases even a miscarriage or death of a newborn. If herpes is in an active stage, the fetus may develop chronic diseases such as hydro- and microcephaly, sepsis, and heart disease. For safety of the fetus, a caesarean section may be used during labor.

Quite often, the disease proceeds in a latent form and is expressed in unpleasant pains in the lower abdomen, cystitis, muscle pain, general malaise, fever, swollen lymph nodes in the groin and pain in them, headache. The treatment of genital herpes today is carried out with the help of the most effective drugs, but still no means have been found to cure it completely. However, the disease can be put into a dormant state and a complete absence of relapse can be achieved. In cases where the exacerbation of the disease occurs more often than once every three to four months, immunomodulating treatment is required. Treatment of genital herpes in this way consists in the appointment of antiherpetic drugs to the patient. Immunomodulators and interferon inducers are used. All procedures are quite expensive, but treatment should always be carried out immediately, as the result of this disease can be problems in the sexual sphere, prostate cancer, conjunctivitis, cervical cancer and serious neurosis.

In order not to look for the answer to the question of how to get rid of genital herpes, it is better to try not to get infected, and for this you should lead a sex life only with a stable, “trusted” partner, and in case of “communication” with new people, use a condom. Which, by the way, cannot become a full guarantee, since herpes can be transmitted through any touch of the hands and lips. The best guarantee against infection will be sex with a faithful and pure partner. Remember that this is not only complete safety in the present, but also the health of your children in the future.

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