Mysterious rosacea - what is it?

Rosacea what is it

Rosacea - what is it? Let's get it right. Cosmetic defects of the skin of the face - the "calling card" of any person, can not only complicate communication with business partners, reduce self-confidence, interfere with career growth, but also worsen the impression of others. One of these serious aesthetic flaws is rosacea. What is it: a disease or just a temporary inconvenience?

According to medical sources, rosacea is a chronic inflammatory disease of the dermis that is characteristic of adults. It is often called "middle-aged acne," because men and women are exposed to this ailment "for 30 years." Some scholars are inclined to believe that representatives of the northern peoples are more likely to suffer from this disease. The English, for example, call it the โ€œcurse of the Celts,โ€ the French, on the contrary, because of its redness, small scarlet papules and pustules filled with pus, call it โ€œwine eels,โ€ although rosacea is not directly related to alcohol. It only provokes the onset and relapse of this skin disease.

Rosacea Cream

Rosacea - what is it? Symptoms of the disease

One of the initial symptoms of rosacea is considered to be a tendency to soon redden the face from various factors: temperature jumps from cold to warm, taking an alcoholic drink, eating spicy and hot food, applying cosmetics and others.

At the same time, red spots may appear in the T-zone with small red acne or pustules. Further, the disease can progress, leaving visible blood vessels on the cheeks, on the nose (telangiectasia). There are frequent cases of the attachment of ophthalmorosacea (every second) - redness, burning and itching of the eyes. Over the years, unaesthetic tubercles form on the nose, from which it takes the form of โ€œpotatoโ€ (rhinophyma).

Rosacea Facial Treatment

Course of the disease

If rosacea is not treated systemically, but treated as an unfortunate misunderstanding, then the skin condition will worsen over time.

The course of this chronic disease is cyclical. Rashes can disappear spontaneously or under the influence of folk remedies, the skin will be visually healthy from several weeks to several months, but then exacerbation will follow followed by an aggravation of the situation. It should be understood that with such an insidious disease, only timely treatment to a dermatologist, a complete examination and prescription of appropriate drugs can guarantee a prolonged, stable remission without a relapse of the disease. Rosacea cream should also be advised only by a specialist! Many existing cosmetic and therapeutic products contain alcohols, acids and other components that are pretty irritating to the skin. This significantly aggravates the course of rosacea.

Rosacea Treatment

What is it and where from: causes of the disease

The main reason for the appearance of rosacea, scientists consider the genetic nature of the disease, but there are many factors that provoke its manifestation and exacerbation: hot food and drinks, spicy foods, alcohol, a sharp change in temperature, sunburn, severe short-term or chronic stress (vivid negative emotions), hot baths, baths, saunas, treatment with hormonal agents (creams, ointments), taking medications for cardiovascular problems, including hypertension (drugs that dilate blood vessels).

If rosacea appears on your face ...

Rosacea Treatment Result
Treatment of such a serious skin ailment should only begin with a visit to the doctor! In addition to external treatment (ointments, creams, gels), the doctor prescribes antibiotics to relieve inflammation, in severe cases - โ€œIsotretinoinโ€, if other drugs are not effective enough. Optometrists prescribe drops to relieve exacerbation of ophthalmic frost with hormonal components. Rinofima is treated with laser or electrosurgery. Such a serious disease requires professional treatment. Traditional medicine recipes are aimed solely at relieving inflammation and first aid for exacerbation, and the main therapy should be carried out by specialists.

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