Pain in the lower abdomen has a wide variety of causes, which do not always depend on gender and age. In some cases, they are insignificant and do not require special intervention and treatment, and in others - this may be a signal of a disease or the need for emergency assistance to the body. Determining why the lower abdomen is aching is sometimes difficult even for a qualified doctor. Therefore, it is necessary to know the possible causes of this and pay attention to the accompanying symptoms.
In case a woman’s lower abdomen hurts , it is recommended, first of all, to consult a gynecologist. Often the causes of this disease can be endometriosis or other diseases, including an ovarian cyst. In pregnant women in the early stages, aching pains in the lower abdomen can be either a normal occurrence or a threat of an upcoming miscarriage. To determine the exact cause, it is important to consult a specialist in time.
Men experiencing such pain are advised to consult a urologist, as this can be the cause of diseases such as cystitis, adenoma, or prostatitis. If the main cause is cystitis, then the disease is accompanied by symptoms such as pain in the urethra when urinating, and, accordingly, it is most simple to identify.
If the child’s lower abdomen is aching, then this should be taken very seriously. It must be remembered that children cannot accurately describe their pain, and many diseases (for example, appendicitis) pass atypically and develop very quickly (in comparison with adult patients).
If inflammation of the pelvic organs is detected, then the doctor prescribes a study for the presence of infections. Depending on the capabilities of the clinic, tests are also carried out for diseases such as trichomoniasis or other hidden infections. Women who have aching lower abdomen are most often advised to undergo an ultrasound scan to exclude endometriosis or myomatous nodes. Depending on the identified pathologies, the necessary treatment is prescribed.
Men, in addition to consulting a urologist, must undergo research for infections and ultrasound, which can determine the adenoma or prostatitis, if any.
Children are always special patients. If they chew on what pulls the lower abdomen, the reasons can be - from infectious diseases to acute appendicitis. Therefore, do not delay the trip to the pediatrician with such a symptom. Before you see a doctor, it is not recommended to take painkillers or anti-inflammatory drugs, otherwise incorrect diagnosis and, accordingly, incorrect treatment may occur.
It should be noted that the pain can be different. If the lower abdomen pulls and, at the same time, bleeding from the genitals appears, then the cause is most likely to be diseases of the reproductive system. In the first months of pregnancy, women may experience pulling pains in the lower abdomen that are not particularly dangerous, however, a doctor’s consultation is still necessary here.
Drawing pains, nausea, vomiting, lack of appetite can be triggered by diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or infectious diseases.
Vascular collapse, fainting, shock, can occur with internal abdominal bleeding. In this case, urgent medical attention is needed, since the health risk is quite large. Inflammation of the urethra is characterized, in addition to aching the lower abdomen, by pain in the lower back and during urination.
Periodic aching pains can signal a chronic illness. Therefore, if such a symptom occurs, do not brush it off, believing that it will pass soon. Specialists such as a therapist, infectious disease specialist, oncologist, gastroenterologist, urologist or gynecologist can help identify the causes.