Low sodium salt: reviews. The chemical formula of salt

Salt is an ancient spice, without which almost no dish can do. It’s not for nothing that they call it “white death”. Salt with a low sodium content avoids unpleasant consequences. Without a sharp transition to special diets.

low sodium salt

Low sodium salt - true or fiction?

So, more details. Recall the school years. The chemical formula of the salt is NaCL. Sodium cannot be removed from this compound in any way. But you can lower the content. This is the same as selling cigarettes with a low tar or non-alcoholic beer. This is not a marketing ploy. It's true.

Why exactly this salt?

Sodium in the human body plays a very important role. It maintains the osmotic balance and secretion of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. True, the consumption of this product recommended rates often exceed.

Salt with a low sodium content avoids excess water in the body. Accordingly, the burden on the kidneys and heart is reduced. That is, the risk of developing hypertension is also reduced.

chemical formula of salt


Salt with a low sodium content can be used by everyone. But it is primarily recommended for pregnant women and nursing mothers, people suffering from obesity, diabetes and hypertension, elderly people to reduce body weight, improve kidney and heart function, normalize blood pressure, for everyone who uses iodine in tablets. The daily rate is one teaspoon.

Get used to it gradually

Low sodium salt is a product recommended by doctors also for the prevention of the above diseases. Reducing the consumption of this element is the main non-drug method of treatment. Only without sodium, food may not seem too tasty. Therefore, in the first stages, it is advisable to add a little dill or parsley to each dish.

salt valetek


The chemical formula of salt speaks of its constituent sodium. Replacing it with potassium and magnesium reduces the harm to the body of this product. These elements can only have positive effects.

Sodium chloride in such a salt is 30% less than in ordinary table salt. A little bitterness is felt in it if the dish is salted. Very often, such a salt is artificially enriched with iodine. But it is not stored for long. Just for nine months.

An important component of healthy nutrition

A great example of such a product is Valetek salt. Many people stop their choice on it, for whom their health and the health of their loved ones is not in last place. This product does not interfere with the normal functioning of the body. Deficiency of potassium and magnesium is compensated. Blood pressure is normal.

Proteins, fats and carbohydrates are absent in this salt. For people who are not ready to change their taste preferences, but who want to reduce the negative effect of sodium on the body, this is exactly what you need. Such an acquisition will surely please you.

low sodium salt

Adyghe salt

A man cannot live without salt. However, its excessive use (over 5 grams per day) can be hazardous to health. Low sodium salt can save you from the risk of hypertension, urolithiasis, and osteoporosis. Sodium is the only harmful ingredient in salt. By the way, reducing its consumption is quite difficult. It causes a certain dependence.

Another great option is Adyghe salt. It is traditionally made in the Caucasus. From salt and spices. To date, the Institute of Innovative Biomedical Technologies has developed a new formulation of Adyghe salt. The sodium content in it is reduced by 40%.

low sodium core salt


Salt for cores with a low sodium content is essential for people suffering from atherosclerosis and hypertension. A safe product makes it possible to reduce the usual dose of the right medicine. Pay attention to LoSalt - a whole mixture of salts, enriched with potassium and magnesium, with a low sodium content. Sodium in this product is as much as 66% less. In general, the best option.

low sodium core salt

The problem of modern society

Low sodium salt always gets very good reviews. And this is not surprising. Indeed, one of the main problems of modern society is precisely the excessive use of salt. Sodium retains water in the body. Well, an excess of fluid leads not only to a deterioration of the cardiovascular system and an increase in blood pressure, but also to edema. In a word, salt with a low sodium content is an excellent way out of this situation.

The risk group, as already mentioned above, is overweight people, pregnant women, diabetics, elderly men and ladies. It is for them that it is very difficult to refuse salt. And the effect of sodium on the body is much stronger.

By the way, every person needs sodium. True, in moderation. No more than 5 grams per day. But, unfortunately, the modern Russian consumes three times more salt than expected. We do not count and do not notice how much it enters our body with various products. In addition, we often add food reflexively, without even having time to try.

Few people decide to refuse to add salt to food on their own. Many love her. After all, this is an excellent amplifier of taste, to which each of us managed to get used to since childhood.

low sodium salt reviews


And finally. Salt is, of course, very good. And everything would be absolutely perfect, if not one but. We are used to salt our dishes to taste, not quantity. Salty food is obtained precisely due to sodium salt. It contains 30%, or even more sodium. Therefore, it is more salty. In general, for you to understand, a low-sodium salt is like salt diluted in chalk. Not salty, but harmless.

Having set a goal to reduce salt intake for your own health, you will have to start getting used to food that is not salty or at least less salty than usual. By the way, a variety of spices help reduce salinity and at the same time enhance the taste of food.

The low sodium salt has an excellent composition. This does not include salt, but table salt. However, it remains as useful as possible.

Its cost is quite low. About 40 rubles per 350 grams. Demand for this product is growing more and more every day.

In general, if you care about your health, about the health of your loved ones and about your appearance, watch your diet. For the amount of salt used including. Be sure that the less you use it, the better you will feel. If you can’t refuse salt, just pay your attention to the option with a low sodium content. You will surely be satisfied.

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