Meloxicam and alcohol: compatibility, interaction

In the article, we consider the compatibility of Meloxicam and alcohol.

The drug is a good anti-inflammatory drug, which is one of the non-steroidal ones. This medication is considered a breakthrough in the pharmaceutical industry. It is used as a strong pain medication in the treatment of various joint pathologies, severe varicose veins and osteochondrosis.

meloxicam interaction with alcohol

However, patients often can not do without adventures in a hospital bed, so sometimes they ask whether it is possible to drink an alcoholic drink for relaxation along with the medicine. They are interested in what compatibility alcohol and Meloxicam have, and whether it can be used against the background of treatment. The answer will be given in the article below.

General description of the drug

The drug "Meloxicam" is a selective inhibitor of the 2nd generation or COX-2. According to expert reviews, this drug inhibits cyclooxygenase several times more, thereby reducing the risk of bleeding in the stomach and minimizing negative complications during therapy. It has anti-inflammatory and anesthetic effects on a sick body and has the ability to eliminate a febrile state at high body temperature. The drug is metabolized in the liver cells and is excreted completely by the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys after twenty-seven hours.

The compatibility of alcohol and Meloxicam in injections and tablets is doubtful.

meloxicam injections and alcohol compatibility

Composition and release forms

"Meloxicam" is produced in the following varieties: rectal suppositories; tablets; injection solution with which injections are made. As an active ingredient in each form contains meloxicam, only its dosage is different. In tablets of 15 and 7.5 milligrams of the active ingredient, in solution - 10 milligrams per milliliter, in suppositories the same amount as in tablets.

Can I take Meloxicam with alcohol? This is a common question. Let's figure it out.

In what cases will the drug help?

If you read the instructions for the drug carefully, you can establish that its main purpose is to relieve pain syndrome with arthritis of varying severity. However, this is far from the only direction of the drug. "Meloxicam" is effective in the fight against diseases such as: severe sciatica; osteoarthritis (a disease of the joints of a severe type, which can cause complete damage to cartilage tissue); complicated varicose veins; Ankylosing spondylitis (joint inflammatory diseases of the vertebral sections).

The drug effectively eliminates painful manifestations, eliminates severe swelling, reduces the development of the inflammation process. As a result of this, significant relief of all movements of the diseased joint is observed. However, when using the drug, it must be taken into account that Meloxicam eliminates only painful manifestations, but does not affect the disease itself.

The medicine is not the main treatment. It is included only as an auxiliary, capable of perfectly stopping the impulses of pain.

Compatibility of "Meloxicam" and alcohol

If you carefully study the instructions for the drug, you can see that it does not mention the compatibility of β€œMeloxicam” with alcohol. However, this does not mean that such a combination is not prohibited.

meloxicam and alcohol as much as possible

Medical studies show that there is a lack of compatibility between Meloxicam and alcohol.

Despite the fact that the medication does not directly interact with ethyl alcohol, this combination has a very bad effect on the functioning of the kidneys. How does this happen? To explain, you need to recall the features of the removal of ethanol metabolites from the human body.

This is primarily done by the liver. Hepatocytes (organ cells) in response to the penetration of alcohol into the body produce special enzymes that break down ethanol and help to remove it from the body naturally. However, for such work, the body needs a large amount of water. Because of this activity, all the liquid that is accumulated in the internal systems is rapidly consumed. That is why a person during a hangover is very thirsty. Tissues and organs begin to suffer greatly from the resulting dehydration.

The load on the liver during treatment with the drug "Meloxicam" increases sharply, since this organ also cleanses the human body from a lot of toxins, toxins and excess substances. The medicine contains a large number of chemical components. If the liver has to cleanse the body of the remnants of alcohol and the drug, then it works literally "to wear".

Poor compatibility of alcohol and Meloxicam in tablets and injections must be taken into account.

meloxicam can be taken with alcohol

The consequences of a dangerous combination

Since the combination of alcohol and anti-inflammatory drugs increases the load on the activity of the kidneys several times, the patient develops strong urination. As a result, a sad event may occur - acute kidney failure develops. In such a situation, urgent hospitalization of the patient is necessary due to the threat of malfunctioning of the paired organs.

In addition, experts note the frequent appearance of many adverse reactions that the medicine can cause due to an overdose. The use of "Meloxicam" against the background of alcohol intoxication can cause a sudden increase, for example:

  • the occurrence of peptic ulcers;
  • open bleeding;
  • internal hemorrhages, especially in the digestive tract;
  • the occurrence of cirrhosis and hepatitis (with an exhausted liver due to prolonged alcohol abuse).

Blood thinning

It is also noted that the use of the drug causes blood thinning. However, exactly the same effect is characteristic of ethyl alcohol. As a result, a combination of two substances with identical reactions sharply expands blood vessels, blood pressure decreases significantly, blood flow increases. Due to low blood coagulability, profuse subcutaneous or nasal hemorrhages may appear.

meloxicam tablets and alcohol compatibility

There is also a high probability of earning peptic ulcer diseases, especially of the stomach and pancreas. This is due to a strong decrease in the production of prostaglandins while taking the drug. Alcohol, once in the body at this time, begins to strongly burn through the mucous membranes, which become especially vulnerable and sensitive.

What exactly will be the reaction of the human body during the interaction of Meloxicam with alcohol is very difficult to predict. The development of negative consequences in each case is individual.

How do various body systems suffer?

Other organs of the human body can suffer, namely such systems of it:

  • immune: as a result, various kinds of allergic reactions may appear: skin itching, redness and irritation of the mucosa, in some cases stomatitis appears;
  • circulatory: the combination of drugs and alcohol in some situations can lead to the formation of thrombocytopenia or leukopenia;
  • digestive: such problems are especially common and consist in the appearance of colitis and ulcers, severe flatulence;
  • nervous: negative effects manifest themselves in the form of somatic disorders: depression, attacks of causeless irritability, ringing and tinnitus, lethargy;
  • respiratory: in this case, the likelihood of inhibition of the activity of the respiratory organs increases until asthmatic attacks occur that can cause respiratory arrest to stop.
    alcohol interaction

After Meloxicam, how much alcohol can I take? Doctors allow the adoption of an antiperspirant no earlier than 4-5 hours before taking a pill or injecting. After taking at least 14-15 hours should pass, when alcohol is allowed, and possible negative manifestations are minimized.

First aid

Joint diseases are often accompanied by pain, which intensifies when combined with alcohol and causes side effects on blood vessels and the stomach. To avoid negative consequences, as well as to alleviate the condition of the patient on the background of alcohol intoxication, you need:

  • apply a cold compress to the inflamed area of ​​the joint;
  • take a pill "Omez" or "Ranitidine", washed down with water;
  • ban the intake of acidic juices and brines;
  • put a person in bed, intensely drink him with boiled warm water or jelly;
  • if severe intoxication has occurred, call a doctor immediately.
    meloxicam and alcohol compatibility reviews

Meloxicam and alcohol compatibility reviews

The main difficulty with the use of Meloxicam is that it is not recommended to be taken simultaneously with many drugs, since in this case it will not work in accordance with the tasks set. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to use one medication for certain diseases that require complex treatment.

When studying the full description of the medicine and patient reviews, we can conclude that it is absolutely not compatible with alcohol. The composition of Meloxicam contains strong and active toxic substances that can very quickly cope with serious diseases, and therefore the additional load in the form of ethanol on the patient's body should be excluded.

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