One of the most unpleasant and widespread diseases caused by the virus is herpes. The source of this pathology is a person wearing this infection. The virus can be transmitted in the following ways:
-in the implementation of bodily contact;
-when transplanting various organs;
- with blood transfusion.
The virus can enter the body of the child from the mother during fetal development, as well as at the time of birth.
At the first symptoms of this viral infection, you must consult a doctor. External manifestations are diseases manifested in a vesicle rash on the mucous membranes and skin, accompanied by burning and itching, which enable specialists to correctly determine the diagnosis and recommend a course of taking drugs.
Currently, the pharmaceutical industry produces pills for herpes, which allow you to get a positive and lasting effect in patients suffering from this viral infection. Also, these drugs allow you to control periods of the external manifestation of the virus. To achieve the complete release of the patient from this infection is not possible. To date, the best way to get rid of external manifestations is to maintain the body in a state that does not allow the virus to enter the active stage. In medical practice, there are two widely used principles in the appointment of treatment:
-use of acyclovir-containing drugs;
-immunotherapy in combination with agents that suppress the virus.
Herpes pills, which are the primary remedies for relapses of the disease, contain acyclovir. These include Valtrex, Virolex, Acyclovir-Acre and Zovirax. These drugs may be in the form of a cream. Basically, the disease is accompanied by a decrease in the body's immune forces. And if its manifestation occurs in autumn or spring against the background of acute respiratory viral infections, then in combination with drugs that stimulate the production of interferon by the body, it is necessary to take preparations for herpes. Immunity enhancing agents are also prescribed. This course can be taken for prevention, a month before the onset of the autumn or spring seasons. Herpes pills that are used for recurrent infections are Timalin iTactin, Myeloid and Timogen.
Prevention and personal hygiene are what help from genital herpes . For diseases of genital infection, it is necessary to consult a doctor without delay. This virus is akin to the one that causes rashes on the lips with a cold. This disease is able to affect the entire body by switching to other mucous and genital organs. It is genital herpes that is the most common form of this infectious disease. His treatment is urgent.
Herpes pills can reduce the period of vesicular rashes, and also contribute to the speedy cleansing of the skin. In order for the drugs to work faster, it is recommended to start taking them at the first symptoms of infection. For preventive purposes, it is possible to use a vaccine containing the herpes virus. When large foci of rashes appear, the use of drying and antiseptic agents is recommended.
Help with herpes and traditional medicine. The most effective way to combat the rash on the lips is to treat them with fir oil. Cauterize the bubbles and tincture of propolis. Fifteen minutes after this procedure, the lesions are lubricated with cream with chamomile or calendula ointment. Lubrication of the vesicles with earwax or Kalanchoe juice helps . Cold sores are treated by cauterizing rashes with a hot spoon dipped in freshly brewed tea. Dries the bubbles cologne and valocordin. If the exacerbation is caused by hypothermia, then applying a few grains of salt to the rashes helps the process of getting rid of unpleasant symptoms.