Streptocide powder is often used by modern doctors to fight infectious inflammation of a bacterial or fungal nature. It is intended solely for external use and is a white crystalline powder that does not have any specific odor.
Streptocide (soluble powder): composition and properties of the drug
It is a very effective antimicrobial agent with bacteriostatic properties. The main active ingredient is sulfonamide.
Its fatal effect on the pathogenic microorganism can be explained by a violation of the synthesis of tetrahydrofolate acid, which makes it impossible to further reproduce the bacterial DNA. Thus, microorganisms are unable to actively reproduce.
Streptocide powder affects both gram-negative and gram-positive microorganisms, including chlamydia, Escherichia coli, and toxoplasma. This drug also affects some types of actinomycetes, preventing the development of fungal diseases. It also helps accelerate tissue regeneration and wound healing on the skin.
Streptocide Powder: Indications
In most cases, this medicine is used as part of complex therapy, and very rarely as an independent treatment.
The drug is very effective in treating open wounds, scratches or other skin lesions in which the process of inflammation and suppuration has already begun. The tool is often used in the treatment of burns of the first, second and third degree. It is also prescribed in the presence of acne, boils, carbuncles. Streptocide is effective in folliculitis, erysipelatous skin diseases and other purulent or inflammatory processes of soft tissues.
Streptocide: application
The drug must be carefully applied to the affected areas of the skin and in no case rinse off. The regimen is prescribed by the doctor. As a rule, the use of therapeutic powder is combined with oral antibacterial drugs - this allows you to achieve the maximum effect.
Streptocide Powder: Contraindications
This drug does not have many contraindications. First of all, the use of the powder is prohibited for those patients who are allergic to its components. It is not recommended for women during the period of bearing a child and breastfeeding, as it penetrates the placental barrier and has the property to be excreted along with the secretion of the mammary glands.
On the other hand, Streptocide must be taken very carefully in the presence of diseases of the cardiovascular system, as well as with problems with blood formation. Powder is not recommended in the presence of renal or liver failure. People with anemia, porphyria, and thyrotoxicosis should also not use the medicine, at least without consulting a doctor.
Streptocide Powder: Side Effects and Overdose Symptoms
Negative consequences are not so common in medical practice and are represented mainly by skin allergic reactions - rash, redness, mild burning and itching. Occasionally, headache, nausea, dizziness, and vomiting occur.
As for overdose, when using a powder, such conditions develop extremely rarely. The main symptoms are drowsiness, dizziness, nausea, abdominal pain, and sometimes vomiting. With the constant use of too much medicine, sleep may be disturbed, confusion may occur. In some cases, visual impairment and the development of a depressed state are diagnosed.
In case of acute overdose, you should immediately drink a large amount of liquid and reduce the dose of the drug. For prolonged periods, it is recommended to go to the hospital.