Muscle dystonia syndrome in newborns - causes, symptoms, effects and treatment

For young mothers who have recently given birth, the period when the child is in infancy is especially difficult. This is especially true for those women in whom pregnancy passed with some complications or the birth was difficult. The fact is that both a severe pregnancy and childbirth can lead to any pathologies in the baby, for example, to the appearance of muscular dystonia. This syndrome is considered quite dangerous, therefore, when it appears, treatment should be started immediately. It is worthwhile to understand in more detail the syndrome of muscular dystonia in the baby. What is it and is it possible to cure it?

muscle dystonia syndrome in children


The imbalance occurs as a result of such causes of muscular dystonia in newborns:

  1. The use of certain medications. Antibiotics, antihistamines, probiotics and other drugs have not only a positive effect, but also lead to side effects and complications. One of them is a violation of the central nervous system by the type of excitation or, conversely, inhibition of many important processes.
  2. Birth injury. Dislocations and subluxations during obstetric care are the most common causes of damage to the autonomic nervous system, which, in turn, leads to the appearance of attention deficit disorder and a general delay in development.
  3. Vitamin deficiency, in particular lack of vitamins B, D and calcium. They are responsible for the proper functioning of the nervous system and autoimmune processes. If they come in small amounts with food, the child begins to weaken, he develops serious pathologies, which, in turn, lead to the formation of persistent neuropathological abnormalities.
  4. Metabolic diseases. Rickets and lactase deficiency in the acute stage are the most common causes of a depressed or, conversely, disinhibited state, and other painful manifestations.
  5. Household Injuries. Falls and headaches affect not only muscle tone, but also the mental development of the child.

If the young mother knew that the external influence that caused the disease was exerted on her body, you should immediately visit a doctor. It will identify the symptoms and treatment of muscular dystonia in newborns. Then it will be possible to start therapy.

muscle dystonia in infants what is it


In newborns, the muscles are still very poorly developed, and the movements of very young children are impulsive, not very frequent and chaotic, such a syndrome of muscular dystonia in newborns is a natural phenomenon and the norm from a medical point of view. Closer to six months, the muscle tone gradually weakens, then completely disappears, but if this does not happen, you should immediately contact your local pediatrician, who will offer to undergo a thorough examination. Parents must definitely pay attention to the presence of hypertonicity, since this physiological process becomes a pathology as soon as the child is five months old. This can lead to the appearance of severe pain, increased formation of lactic acid and the further appearance of muscular dystrophy.

There are several first signs of muscular dystonia in the baby, which young mothers should pay special attention to:

  • hands are not pressed tightly to the body;
  • the baby constantly throws back its head;
  • persistent sleep disturbances occur;
  • constantly flinches the chin;
  • the child becomes tearful and very moody for no apparent reason;
  • persistent involuntary muscle cramps occur.

In addition, the child painfully reacts to bright light and loud sounds, tries to turn only in some specific direction. The infant may also experience weak mobility of all limbs and their lethargy.

muscle dystonia syndrome in infants what is it


The differential diagnosis of muscle dystonia syndrome in newborns is to conduct the necessary examination to distinguish between dystonia and related conditions. For this, the following examination methods are used:

  • Anamnestic data collection.
  • The doctor initially talks with the child's parents about the features of the course of pregnancy, the nature of labor. Also, the presence of any diseases during the period of bearing the baby is revealed.
  • Analysis of the nature of the poses and movements of the baby. The specialist monitors the peculiarities of the movement of the newborn, determines the postures in which the muscle tone increases involuntarily.
  • CT scan.
  • Electroencephalography. Used to determine the state of the brain and study the smallest functional changes in the cerebral cortex.
  • Blood test of the child. In studies of blood parameters, the specialist pays special attention to the exchange of copper and its content.


A neuropathologist is involved in the treatment of muscle dystonia syndrome in newborns. He examines the patient, establishes a diagnosis based on complaints from parents and the symptomatic complex, writes out directions for additional examinations and procedures. It is immediately worth noting that the stabilization of neuropsychic processes has been going on for quite some time. The slightest deviation from the issued prescriptions can lead to a temporary subsidence of the main syndrome with its further progression and the formation of a persistent neuropathological deviation.

To date, the most effective and productive methods of treating the features of muscle dystonia in infants are as follows.

what is the danger of muscle dystonia syndrome in infants

Aqua gymnastics

Aqua gymnastics is a modern and very popular therapeutic area. Medical specialists are eager to get a new certificate for infants swimming, because the use of water procedures has a positive effect on the development of the baby, even without developmental disabilities.

muscular dystonia in the baby the first signs


Massage has a beneficial effect on the muscular system of a newborn baby, allows you to accelerate the formation of bone apparatus and stabilizes the functioning of the nerve fiber. Using a set of standardized procedures of a relaxing and stimulating nature stimulates the artificial launch of the central nervous system for the correct distribution of biological rhythms in the cortical and subcortical layers of the brain, and they are just responsible for the general condition of the muscle fiber and muscle tone.


Physiological procedures - electrophoresis. The impact on the affected area with weak microcurrents leads to significant progress after several procedures. The child becomes less moody, sleeps well. Motor activity is gradually approaching the age norm. The manifestations of spastic disorders disappear. Congenital reflexes begin to fade. The general condition of the child is subject to the regimen of sleep / wakefulness. There is a lively interest in the world. Speech development is stimulated.

muscle dystonia symptoms and treatment


Preparing relaxing baths before bedtime is a great way to quickly calm a child, relieve stress that has accumulated over the whole day. When prescribing herbal procedures, it is allowed to use only a decoction of chamomile and mint. It is diluted with warm boiled water in a ratio of 2: 1. The use of such a technique is allowed no more than 2 times a week. If skin allergic reactions occur, herbal treatment is canceled.

muscle dystonia in newborns causes


Since the skeleton of a newborn is very fragile, exercise therapy is used only when necessary, when there is a risk of developing motor inhibition or, conversely, increased lability of large motor skills of arms and legs. The complex of available exercises for the syndrome of muscular dystonia in newborns includes the usual methods of interaction with small balls that fit easily in the palm of your hand. A child with the help of an adult should hold an object in his hand for several seconds, try to squeeze it. Also apply warm-up of the legs and hip joint, turn on the stomach to train the back to turn the head from side to side.

Classical drug therapy

Medications for children with muscular dystonia syndrome are prescribed only if there are congenital disorders of the central nervous system, if there is a developmental delay. The safest drugs group includes:

  • "Cerebrolysin." It has a general relaxing effect. Relieves symptoms of nervous excitement, spastic and convulsive disorders, helps get rid of excessive activity - it is also called forced. It is prescribed by a doctor when gross lesions of the autonomic nervous system are detected, a mild degree of mental retardation, birth injuries - dislocations, subluxations.
  • Pantocalcin. Helps control relaxation / arousal processes. They are prescribed at the initial stages of the development of cerebrosthenic syndrome.
  • Semax. This drug helps to activate some areas of the brain, increases external excitability. It is prescribed by a doctor in conditions associated with inhibition of the work of higher nervous activity. And also after injuries of a domestic nature, general inhibition and lethargy.
  • Midokalm. This drug regulates the processes of GNI by stabilizing cerebral circulation.
  • "Solcoseryl." A sedative drug is prescribed in the presence of multiple developmental pathologies.
  • "Baclofen." Also refers to a group of sedatives.
  • Vitamins of group B. They have a positive effect after complex therapy, as a prophylaxis.


Prevention of muscle hypotension in infants is primarily in a healthy pregnancy. During the planning period, mom and dad are obliged to refrain from drinking alcohol, from smoking, eat properly and balanced and undergo research in order to exclude or cure infections.

At the time of pregnancy, a woman must regularly visit the street and be observed by a gynecologist, constantly take tests. If you create the conditions for the normal development of the child in the womb, it is possible to exclude a large number of severe pathologies.

What is the danger of muscle dystonia syndrome in infants?

The prognosis depends on the diagnosis. With hypotension provoked by hypoxia, as a rule, a good prognosis. With proper treatment, the child is fully restored.

But with such diagnoses as myasthenia gravis, Down syndrome, Prader-Willy syndrome, and other serious pathologies, absolute recovery is not said. However, if children are treated, trained and trained, they will be full members of society and will begin to live ordinary lives. The prognosis in this case depends on the father and mother, their zeal. The more effort they put into the child’s health and development, the better for him.

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