Red rice: benefits and harms. Useful properties of red rice

In this article we will talk about the Saracen grain. Most likely, you now mentally imagine all the cereals known to you and are perplexed: "What exactly is it about?" This is the name of the most ordinary, known to every mistress, rice.

Sometimes it is called the Saracen grain, because until the 19th century it was known only under this name, received in honor of the Muslims who discovered it in European society. However, we moved away from the topic and delved into history. In fact, we are more interested in what is characterized by red rice, the benefits and harms of its use. That is what we will continue to talk about.

What kind of grain?

Red rice is actually the most useful variety of this grain, below we give some numbers to compare its properties with white rice. It can not be replaced when preparing the “plouahmar” dish - Iranian classical traditional pilaf. The benefits of red rice were known to people in the period of Ancient China. Legends were made up about this grain and it was glorified; it was available only to the elite sections of society or was given for certain merits.

red rice benefit and harm

In the years that had long sunk into oblivion, such rice was called "forbidden" because only members of the emperor's family had the opportunity to use it. In times of wars for special services to the homeland and ruler, the most outstanding soldiers of the elite units regaled them.

Composition and benefits of red rice

Such amazing properties are known all over the world, because the chemical composition of rice is special. It is useful abundantly contained in it vitamins of group B (B1 and B6, as well as others - B3 and B2). Minerals are also abundant in it: potassium and calcium, iodine and phosphorus, as well as irreplaceable iron in anemia. It is known that without amino acids the body will not be able to work for a long time, and there is an opinion that they can only be obtained from meat. If we recall the properties of red rice, then we can argue with this statement.

beneficial properties of red rice

This grain contains eight priceless and irreplaceable amino acids that allow all organs and systems to work normally for a long time, and therefore, in some way, by its nutritional value, it is akin to meat and is able to partially replace it in nutrition.

The energy value

As for the calorie content of red rice, this product is nutritious and very satisfying. Moreover, the energy value directly depends on how it was prepared. It can be 100 g. a product from three hundred and fifty to four hundred or more kilocalories, and therefore red rice, the harm of which is not significant in small doses, can also cause it when overeating, especially for those who follow a diet. However, eating rice dishes is extremely difficult, because it is nutritious and very quickly causes a feeling of fullness, so fears are often in vain.

Beneficial features

Red rice in our country began to grow relatively recently. This is a special product with a soft shell. It is easily and well absorbed by the body, and a rice dish thanks to it acquires the aroma of rye bread. And it is in this softest part of the product that minerals, vitamins, and amino acids are most contained. Therefore, in order to preserve the useful properties of red rice, porridge or pilaf from it must be prepared and, accordingly, consumed with a shell. For this reason, this grain is not completely polished, but only partially. The dish from it will be ideally combined with meat, vegetables and various mushrooms.

red rice photo

This culture contains a record amount of dietary fiber, the most famous of which is fiber. These fibers very well help the work of the gastrointestinal tract, make peristalsis more intense, and also regulate the microflora of the large intestine. What other beneficial properties of red rice are known? This product can be consumed by people who lose weight, because it is difficult to eat a lot because of its nutritional value - a person quickly gets saturated with a dish.

It is useful for those who suffer from diabetes. It is also used to detoxify the body in combination with medicinal products, namely, for poisoning of various origins. If taken regularly, it removes the so-called bad cholesterol, which clogs blood vessels, and helps cleanse the body.

Red rice: benefits and harm to humans

properties of red rice

Red rice is the subject of close attention of nutritionists, it contains some antioxidants that prevent the formation of tumors. In addition, they remove free radicals from the human body. As mentioned above, this is truly a storehouse of B vitamins, and therefore the product has a very beneficial effect on the condition and appearance of the skin of the face, hands, as well as nails and hair of the person who consumes it. In red rice, there is no gluten vegetable protein, which provokes allergic reactions, and therefore it is an ideal product for children and people who are prone to allergic manifestations of different genesis.

Here he is - red rice. The benefits and harms of it are incommensurable. Due to the huge amount of nutrients and minimal salts, it is recommended to include this product on the menu with almost no restrictions even to people with diseases of the cardiovascular system and kidneys. However, moderation should still be present, and one rice should not be consumed, of course.

red rice harm

If we talk about the dangers of this product, then it does not cause it to the body.

Important Notice

Summing up the above, we can safely conclude that the main benefits of rice and all the main vitamins and minerals are not contained in white grain, but in its red “harvest”, and in the natural shell. More than eighty percent of the substances are in it, making this product useful. By cleaning such rice, we not only deprive it of good substances, but also leave it with carbohydrates, increasing the risk of obesity, so red rice, the benefits and harm of which, we thought was obvious, may not be the most useful.

Small comparison

Now you know what this type of grain is. As you may have noticed, red rice, the photo of which is placed in our article, is very useful. Finally, I would like to note an important fact. When choosing which rice to buy - white or red - it is worth giving preference, no doubt, to the second option. As proof, we can cite the following figures: white, carefully peeled rice contains seven percent protein, seventy-four percent starch, and low fat, vitamins, and fiber.

the benefits of red rice

White rice is well received and digested by the body, however, if you compare its composition with red, it will also noticeably lose in terms of the amount of nutrients. Therefore, try to cook dishes of red rice more often, always giving it a clear preference, if possible.

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