Long quotes about life, love, friendship

Long quotes with deep meaning are united by a common name - aphorism. Sayings, gnomes, apofegmats - there are various aphoristic genres that have been used for centuries to design wise thoughts. From these separate statements, compilations were compiled, in which readers found suitable statements for all occasions. At first, the aphorism was of a religious nature only, then the sayings of worldly wisdom and thoughts about the fate of a person and his experiences began to appear.

In the works of domestic and foreign authors there are such aphoristic fragments that readers remember and quote. Aphoristic, which is characterized by a summary and generalization of situations related to the world, the behavior of people, their feelings, does not cease to be popular.

Reader Impact

Even long quotes are easily remembered when the authors use certain methods of influence, not limited to stating certain facts, but affirm their truth using logical and rhetorical methods of argumentation. The aphoristic texts contain the ability to suggest, associated with such properties as credibility and intellectual superiority.

Already in the time of Ancient Russia, the collections of sayings corresponded, well-aimed figurative statements were used. In the collections that corresponded in monasteries, sayings and maxims were of spiritual content. The impact on the reader was through the use of the authority of church authority. For the Orthodox culture and other religious teachings, the task of accelerating spiritual enlightenment, stimulating self-improvement has always been accomplished through work with the subconscious.

The psychotechnics of folk culture found expression in proverbs and sayings: the power and power of anonymous authors was used to transmit from generation to generation the idea of ​​what is good and what is bad. The power of influence is higher for aphorisms, the authors of which act as a teacher of life, a preacher, sensei, guru, master, that is, a person endowed with dignity or special powers. Long quotes of great people are better remembered, since they have more confidence than the maxims of unknown authors.

If aphorisms of writers and politicians were popular in the first half of the 20th century, then in the second half of the 20th century the championship passed and continues to remain with famous domestic and foreign actors, actresses and representatives of cinema, such as, for example, Lyudmila Gurchenko, Faina Ranevskaya, Renata Litvinova, Marilyn Monroe, Barbara Streisand, Jeanne Moreau, Ingrid Bergman, Marlene Dietrich, Elizabeth Taylor, Bridget Bardot, as well as trendsetters such as Coco Chanel or Gianni Versace.


Men in the sky

Works written in the genres of little prose can pursue not only the goal of teaching and directing the true path. In modern times, a paradox genre appeared, for which wisdom and truth recede into the background. The paradox can astonish and confuse the reader with a sophisticated wording that requires a mental somersault, without any purpose of positive changes in his life and worldview.

At the beginning of the 21st century, paradoxical quotes about life actively compete with aphoristic statements: this is due to the fact that there are not enough modern authorities endowed with the power of influence and at the same time focused on solving positive problems and transmitting wise thoughts.

Authorities and Idols

Psychologists believe that one who claims the attention of the masses should have authority. The reader can be attracted by a long quote, the author of which is known for being well versed in some important or useful business. In order for the author to “lead” him, the reader must know his name, which is associated with a certain status in society. That is why aphoristic texts are never printed without the author's guidance. If the reader wants to find an accurate and comprehensive statement about the relationship between people, then he will rather turn to the works of Russian classics, the authors of which are famous for the psychological nuances in the image of the characters of the characters.

The authors of many popular aphorisms are famous people who in society play a different role, also in demand among the masses - the role of Idol. Their words are repeated, admired fans post on their pages: it is not the wisdom of what is said that explains the popularity of the statement, but the charm and position in the society of its author.

Aphoristic gender preferences

Gender preferences in the field of aphoristics have changed dramatically over the last century: female aphorisms that occupied marginal positions ceased to be peripheral and took the same place of honor in aphoristics as men. If long quotes about friendship are popular among male aphorisms , then among women - about love. In aphorisms, which have a pronounced gender character, an antithesis is often used, and all men are opposed to all women as carriers of certain qualities.

Sick sheep

Depending on who the author, man or woman, positive characteristics move from one pole to another, as well as those that are responsible for negative emotions. One can give an example of popular female aphorisms: “Women are prettier in love, and men look like sick sheep” (A. Christie); “Is it possible to fall in love with a person whom you feel sympathy for? Excluded. We fall in love with those whom we hate, who are mortally dangerous to us ”(A. Notomb).

Aphoristic life in the conditions of new technologies

The word has a greater impact on the listener when the interlocutor uses non-verbal means - facial expressions, gestures, postures, intonation. And an additional channel for transferring the ideological content of aphorisms to the reader is turning to the visuals. As an analysis of popular sites that “promote” aphorism shows, a tendency has appeared to reinforce long life quotes with examples of their possible use in specific situations.

On social networks, in groups of aphoristic lovers, hundreds of different quotes are accompanied by beautiful pictures every day. The emotional and psychological impact of the image is helpful in creating the necessary image. Especially actively used are such combinations of “wise thoughts” with their visual reinforcement on the so-called women's sites. It is this presentation of long quotes about people that gets more “likes” on social networks than texts that go “unaccompanied”.

What "escort" helps to believe aphorism?

As for the topic, it can be said that it is more diverse than a set of confirming pictures, among which the landscape sketches with delicate young ladies playing the role of Idol are in the first place: they want to believe, because they are so tender, touching, surrounded by beauty. In second place - they are, but already accompanied by a gentleman: the idyll confirms that the advice, guidance, observation was correct - they led to the desired result. The third common option: young mothers or both parents with babies, which also contributes to the suggestion of attitudes in long quotes about happiness, loyalty, love, etc.

Penguins in love

A special support group consists of pictures that also affirm humanistic values, primarily family and friendly ones, which depict domestic and wild animals, as well as fish, insects and birds from the series “Ducks are all in pairs ...”. As in commercials, their appearance helps to create a positive reaction to the text.

Love of the elderly

In a way, romantic pictures of friendship (love) of old people, which carried feelings through the years, turn out to be synonymous with animals. Of additional significance here is the age of those whose example affirms the truth stated in the aphorism: especially in those cases when it comes to rules and attitudes, the authority of age - wisdom comes over the years - acts as a method of influence.

Sensual images in male quotes about love

Thinking about read

The specificity of long quotes is that they always translate abstract concepts into concrete ones, so that every reader can hear, see, taste what the author has experienced and embodied in the word.

Among men's quotes about love, there are many such in which authors reproduce from memory their personal unsuccessful experience, have in mind certain circumstances and experiences, but, correlating them with universal experience, in aphorisms rise to the level of generalization.

Save who can

The flight of a man from love

A gloomy, joyless, negative idea of ​​love is conveyed in these aphorisms through images of an agonal nature associated with struggle, battles, military operations. In them, a woman becomes the embodiment of danger, love for her is poison, a source of mental illness and incurable wounds.

With such a perception of feeling, the aphoristic advice that gives authority in this area to Napoleon becomes a logical conclusion: "In love, the only victory is flight."

The components of the men's behavioral program change through the affirmation of the need to escape love at all costs.

Features of the "female" aphoristics about love

Girl goes on the road

In the long quotes of men at the center, there is always a call to action, even if it sounds like a call to flight. For aphorisms of female authorship, emotions, an assessment of people and events are important.

In female aphorisms there is more reflection, attempts to comprehend oneself in love, to evaluate the situation. Love in them is often represented through spatial images. In women's long quotes about love, the image of the road is often found: it’s easy for lovers to walk along it — love helps to overcome all obstacles. If there is no love or it is unrequited, there are images of a road to nowhere, swamps, walking in a fog, circular motion and even a dead end.

It is important for a woman to remain a person in love, and not just follow her lover. “In order to exist as a person, one must be able to draw boundaries and say“ no ”to something. I don’t want a foggy lump of protoplasm to wander around other people's lives ”(Iris Murdoch).

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