How to understand that you have hemorrhoids: signs and symptoms, treatment methods, reviews

In the article, we will consider how to understand that you have hemorrhoids. With the appearance of ominous symptoms, people are in no hurry to the hospital, embarrassed to go to specialists for help. How to treat hemorrhoids, why is it important to see a doctor in case of a disease, and not use folk remedies at home? Answers to questions should be known to every person. With limited mobility, poor nutrition, hemorrhoids can affect anyone. If it is treated with the onset of the first signs, you can cope without serious complications.

how to understand that hemorrhoids appeared

A large proportion of humanity suffers from such an unpleasant disease as hemorrhoids. Some go to the hospital amid the first symptoms of the disease, while others endure and wait, and then still run away to the doctor. Suffer from this intestinal pathology mainly people who lead a sedentary life. Thus, it turns out that absolutely every office worker or someone who does not pay due attention to sports and physical activity can get sick. Next, we will analyze how to understand that you have hemorrhoids, and what kind of disease is it.

A bit about the disease itself

All people have hemorrhoidal nodes that look like folds that occur on the surface of the rectal mucosa. Together with the muscles, they do not allow feces to exit the intestines before the process of emptying. Hemorrhoids are varicose veins of this gut.

Such an expansion of the veins in the anus (hemorrhoidal inflammation) is a pathology associated with stagnation of blood and very strong stress. This leads to a violation of the normal position of hemorrhoidal folds. They move down to the anus along with the intestinal mucosa. Because of this, the wrong blood flow of the folds occurs, they, in turn, begin to grow, appearing outside the anus.

How to understand - a hemorrhoid or a crack in a person has formed? The factors that provoke the appearance of such formations include:

  • The effect of alcohol and smoking.
  • Excess weight and problematic bowel movements.
  • Leading a sedentary lifestyle.
  • Regular lifting of heavy objects.
  • Passion for anal sex.
  • The presence of pregnancy and childbirth.

Also, the ailment can occur as a consequence of malnutrition, for example, among lovers of spicy and spicy food. Pregnancy can also be a provoking factor.

How does the disease begin and what are its first symptoms and signs?

Let's figure out how to understand that you have hemorrhoids? Many people realize that they have a mess with their intestines only after they see blood on paper or on their underwear. But this is only one of the few signs of pathology. How to understand whether hemorrhoids developed? Its symptoms, as a rule, are:

how to understand what stage of hemorrhoids
  • The presence of pain during movement, sitting and against the background of an act of defecation.
  • Palpation of cones by hands, sometimes sharp pain occurs.
  • The appearance of discomfort near the anus, burning sensation or itching may occur. Still how to understand that hemorrhoids appeared?
  • The presence of heaviness in the abdomen along with the sensation of a foreign body in the anus.
  • The appearance of blood in the feces or the occurrence of bleeding during emptying.

This symptomatology complicates life, as a person feels insecure and uncomfortable. How to understand that hemorrhoids appeared? For an accurate determination of intestinal pathology, you need to contact a doctor, namely, a proctologist. A doctor can easily diagnose an ailment by pronounced symptoms and instrumental methods of research.

How to understand that hemorrhoids got out?

Varicose veins in the anus is a disease during which inflammatory processes occur with thrombosis in the blood supply system of the rectum. The patient has an unpleasant sensation in the area of ​​the anus, as well as during the act of defecation. But with such a problem, many are not even in a hurry to see a doctor and try to somehow independently determine whether it is hemorrhoids or not.

Patients forget that some intestinal pathologies may have signs similar to hemorrhoids. And the correct diagnosis is made only by the doctor and then after a thorough examination. The main factor in the appearance of the disease is the occurrence of inflammation, which is located under the skin in the perineum, in areas of plexus vessels.

The disease is divided into:

  • The external type, when inflammation affects almost all the plexuses of the vessels that are located under the skin of the perineum.
  • The internal type is a pathological process that begins in the walls of the rectum.

But, regardless of the type of pathology, sections of the rectum are always inflamed, venous blood flow is disturbed, and at the same time, muscle tissue is depleted. How to understand what stage of hemorrhoids is described below.

hemorrhoids during pregnancy how to understand


At the initial stage, hemorrhoids, as a rule, rarely bother. Therefore, most patients do not notice it. Anxiety usually begins when near the anus there is a burning sensation with itching, swelling. It happens that after emptying, small bleeding begins. If you do not pay attention to such signs and do not heal, then the ailment develops into the second stage, in which it becomes difficult to empty, as severe pain occurs. Patients try to postpone going to the toilet as long as possible, which will provoke high pressure in the nodes and will be a source of inflammation.

How to understand the stage of hemorrhoids correctly? At the third and fourth stages of this disease, the nodes fall out. At first, it will be possible to return them back with the help of hands, but then they will cease to drag themselves inward on their own. Those will fall out not only after a visit to the toilet, but even with little effort, for example, coughing or amid sneezing.

Treatment methods

After making the correct diagnosis, the doctor decides which treatment to prescribe to the patient. But at all stages, treatment is performed that allows you to stop the symptoms of the disease, that is, reduce pain by stopping bleeding. When hemorrhoids refers to the first or second stage, then it can be cured provided that conservative therapy is used, that is, drugs that relieve discomfort and prevent complications, as well as contribute to postoperative rehabilitation of patients. The best results are obtained by the combined use of medications for external or internal use.

how to understand hemorrhoids or a crack

In the event that after a week there are no positive changes, it is imperative to undergo a second examination with your proctologist, who must offer another treatment method.

When hemorrhoids are at the second or third stage, it will not be possible to cure it with drugs alone, in this case they use minimally invasive methods, which, in contrast to operating rooms, are less traumatic for patients, while patients are in hospital for less time and recover faster. This includes:

  • The use of infrared radiation. With it, the doctor acts on the hemorrhoids with a high temperature, cauterizing blood vessels. Such an operation does not require anesthesia (except in cases characterized by high sensitivity of this area in patients) and has the least trauma. Coagulation is also possible with the help of laser beams.
  • The use of sclerotherapy. A special substance is added to the patient in the area of ​​hemorrhoidal nodes, gluing the walls of blood vessels. Usually, it is injected into no more than two nodes so that patients do not develop pain. The subsequent session is carried out in two weeks.
  • Ligation of hemorrhoidal nodes with latex rings. This technique is most often applicable for the treatment of hemorrhoids in the elderly, who have complicating the course of treatment of the disease. Against this background, a small latex ring is imposed on the node, gradually squeezing it, which leads to its necrosis and rejection. In this case, bleeding does not occur, since the stump is closed by a ring. Subsequently, healthy connective tissues are formed in its place. The procedure is considered virtually painless, having low invasiveness.
  • The use of cryotherapy. With this method, the hemorrhoidal nodes are exposed to low temperatures, then after thawing they die, the resulting wounds heal over time, and connective tissue is formed at the site of the node. The operation is performed under local anesthesia.

All minimally invasive treatment methods are used only if there is no exacerbation of hemorrhoids. When hemorrhoids enter the acute stage, it is necessary, first of all, to eliminate inflammation and reduce bleeding.

how to understand internal hemorrhoids or external

Hemorrhoids during pregnancy - how to understand that he appeared?

The reason for the development of hemorrhoids among pregnant women is the compression of the veins of the cavernous body of the rectum, which causes a violation of the outflow of blood along with the overflow of blood vessels and the formation of the corresponding nodes. Also, the occurrence of hemorrhoids in pregnant women can provoke constipation, when the feces of the rectum stretch and the cavernous bodies are injured. Very often there is hemorrhoids after childbirth. How to understand why it arises?

After childbirth

Usually in the last months of gestation, women are forced to lead a sedentary life, which does not contribute to recovery. During labor, the muscles in the perineum tend to tighten, stretching the cavernous bodies of the rectum. With severe muscle strain in the perineum, weakening of the anal sphincter and prolapse of the nodes is likely.

How to understand that hemorrhoids appeared after childbirth? Often, women who have given birth confuse the symptoms of hemorrhoids with the consequences of childbirth, not contacting a doctor right away, thereby provoking the development of the disease.

How can I find out that the disease is internal?

Now let's find out how to understand internal hemorrhoids or external. Under the mucous membranes of the lower region of the anal canal is the localization of hemorrhoidal internal nodes. They usually do not fall out, there is no pain with bleeding. The patient can only feel an unpleasant sensation in the anal canal, as if there was a foreign object there. But this is only at the first stage of the disease, since the education is still small in size. Only a doctor can determine hemorrhoids in humans or not.

Nodes under the influence of negative factors are filled with blood and increase in size. Blood clots occur, veins lose elasticity with strength. Self-treatment can only aggravate the disease and contribute to the development of a chronic form. And to understand that a person has hemorrhoids without the procedure for feeling the reverse, a specialist will help. Be sure to go to the proctologist if bleeding occurs or the patient feels discomfort in the rectum.

how to understand what got hemorrhoids

External hemorrhoids

External hemorrhoids is a pathological change in the external nodes. Such a change leads to blood stasis in the cavernous bodies, and, in addition, to their inflammation and thrombosis. In the modern world, this pathology is extremely common: from five to twenty-five percent of the population suffers from it (and, according to some authors, up to eighty percent). This ailment was known in ancient periods and it is believed that it was first described by Hippocrates.

The term itself translates to bleeding. In proctology, subcutaneous and submucosal hemorrhoids are distinguished. The proportion of the external form of hemorrhoids in the overall structure of the disease ranges from thirty-four to forty-one percent. Men get sick much more often than women. About eighty percent of cases of this external form of the disease are diagnosed in men who are in active working age from thirty to sixty years. Next, we move on to familiarize ourselves with the reviews of patients who have encountered the described ailment. How to understand if there is hemorrhoids, from the comments it will become clear.


People write in reviews that it is easiest to avoid the appearance or exacerbation of hemorrhoids, if you eat properly, then the stool will be soft, and this will be the best "medicine".

how to understand the stage of hemorrhoids

Experienced patients advise other people suffering from this ailment in their comments that there are many foods high in fiber, we are talking about fruits, vegetables, cereals. This softens the stool, increasing its volume, which helps to avoid increasing pressure in the abdominal region. True, they advise dietary fiber to be introduced into your diet in small portions so that they do not provoke increased gas formation. It is recommended to avoid seasonings, spicy dishes and alcohol.

Many are also advised to drink plenty of fluids with this problem. A day, as a rule, it is recommended to drink from six to eight cups of water or any other liquids (alcohol, of course, is not included here) so that the stool in a person is soft and can not injure the walls of the rectum.

How to understand that you have hemorrhoids? If there is discomfort during bowel movements, pain, and also blood remains on toilet paper and linen, then most likely the disease has developed. For an accurate diagnosis, you should visit a doctor.

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