Sometimes children get bored. Many adults at this time try to brush aside their offspring, justifying their behavior by the fact that this is not a problem at all, which should be solved jointly and without delay. And they are absolutely wrong! This is a serious problem. And adults need to come up with something for the child. You can, for example, offer your baby to draw. But what can you draw when bored?
Joint classes for adults and children
Most of all, children like to portray their favorite cartoon characters or fairy-tale characters. Well, do not bother them in this. You can even help: make sketches in thin lines on paper, and let the baby, if he is very small, circle and color the picture. Older children are encouraged to suggest creating a comic strip featuring the same cartoon characters. Although it is important not even what to draw when the child is bored, but the fact that, taking part in children's activities, an adult already relieves his offspring of a state of loneliness, restlessness and boredom.
We draw cartoons!
Today, few people remember that when you are bored, you can draw a real cartoon! To do this, you just need to make identical sketches of one of the actors on two equal strips of paper. Here it is worth considering what you can draw. When a kid is bored, his cartoon character will best cheer him up. Although a little man with legs-sticks and a bullock-cucumber is also quite suitable. Then begins the most important stage in creating the cartoon - drawing details. Here the figures should be made different: on one segment the hands of the character can be lowered, and on the other - raised, on one leg standing together, and on the other - the right one set aside and so on. After coloring the “frames”, the segments are superimposed one on top of the other so that the drawn objects coincide, with the images facing up. The top piece of paper is wound on a pencil and the "cartoon showing" comes. To do this, sharply move the pencil, unwinding the roll of paper, then return it to its original position. These movements should be repeated several times, the pictures will change dramatically, and the drawn hero move!
An interesting thing is drawing!
1. Waxography
And for someone it will be a revelation that you can draw, when boring, a picture of wax. It’s just that adults will need to grate the cardboard in advance with this substance or paraffin, cover it all with a layer of gouache on top. The baby is invited not to paint or pencil the image, but to remove the excess. Thus, an original engraving in the style of waxography can be obtained.
2. Finger painting
For this entertainment, special paints should be prepared: take a glass of flour, 2 tablespoons of salt, 1 tablespoon of oil (any vegetable is best) and water. The ingredients are mixed in a mixer, vegetable dyes are added (food grade ones are also suitable). To the delight of the kids with these paints, they can draw with their fingers on tiles and the floor, on each other's faces and on wallpaper spread across the floor with their fingers or palms!
3. The game "What can I draw?"
When bored, parents can offer the kid a fascinating lesson. This game will wake imaginative thinking, imagination, desire to create in a child. On the sheet, someone draws a shape of arbitrary shape. Task: by adding the necessary elements, you need to turn a shapeless object into a recognizable animal, character or object. Several people can take part in the game, it is only important to transfer the figure with the help of glass or carbon paper unchanged to each participant on a sheet. The results are different for everyone! During the inspection, they rarely remain indifferent, and boredom evaporates without a trace.