Quinoa: calorie content, unique properties

Quinoa is the seed of a plant in the haze family, which is related to spinach and beetroot. However, in terms of taste, appearance and processing methods, quinoa resembles cereals, many mistakenly attribute it to cereals.

Porridge is prepared from quinoa, used as a side dish for meat and fish dishes, added to desserts and salads. The seeds of the plant are ground into flour. Therefore, they call quinoa seeds groats. In Russia, this plant has many names: quinoa, rice quinoa, quinoa.

Quinoa: a bit of history

This plant is grown in the mountainous regions of Chile, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador. His homeland is the mountain slopes of the Andes in South America. Since ancient times, quinoa (or quinva) has been the staple and revered food of the Indians.

Seven millennia ago, indigenous tribes consumed wild kinwa; about four millennia ago, this plant began to be cultivated, that is, specially sown. During the conquest of South America by the Spaniards, the main food of the Incas was potatoes, corn and quinoa.

quinoa calories

The Spaniards brought potatoes and corn to Europe, and the quinoa seemed too plebeian plant, unworthy of the attention of the Old World (and very vain!).

Residents of countries growing this unique plant use all its parts:

  • seeds are processed into flour, various dishes are cooked from them;
  • green leaves are eaten fresh, added to various salads;
  • dried stems are used as fuel.

At present, quinoa penetrates widely into the cuisines of the world. The unique beneficial properties of this plant are of interest to nutritionists and restaurateurs in many countries.

Breeders are trying to find the possibility of cultivating quinoa in different parts of the world.

Quinoa: Unique Benefits

Advantages and uniqueness of the plant - in the rich content of all kinds of vitamins, minerals, amino acids.

If we compare its seeds with rice, buckwheat or millet more familiar to us, then the winner in terms of useful properties will undoubtedly be a queen. This is especially true for proteins.

She is a champion in their content. 100 grams of raw product contains up to twenty-eight percent of the daily value, in boiled cereals - up to nine percent. In other similar products, the protein content is much lower: in rice - seven and a half percent, in corn and wheat - three and a half.

Quinoa proteins are similar in composition to breast milk proteins, they are easily digestible and useful to children, athletes, pregnant women.

The croup of a unique plant does not contain gluten. It is indicated for allergy sufferers and diabetics.

quinoa calories per 100

Quinoa: composition and energy value

Characteristics of the nutritional benefits of quinoa, calorie content per 100 grams of raw cereals:

  • energy value - 368-370 kcal;
  • fat content - 6.07 g;
  • protein content - 14.12 g;
  • carbohydrate content - 64.16 grams.

What indicators become after heat treatment? The calorie content of boiled quinoa is much lower, it is only 120 kcal per hundred grams, the content of fats and carbohydrates is reduced by three times, which makes dishes from this cereal attractive for dietetic nutrition of people who want to lose weight.

Kinva is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. It contains in sufficient quantities for the daily intake rate the following components:

  • B vitamins (in full strength);
  • folic acid;
  • manganese;
  • magnesium;
  • calcium;
  • potassium;
  • selenium;
  • copper;
  • zinc;
  • iron;
  • phosphorus.

Of course, undergoing heat treatment, cereal loses some of its beneficial properties, the calorie content of quinoa is reduced, and when boiled, the amount (by 100 grams) of vitamins and minerals decreases. However, their unique set is preserved.

boiled quinoa calories

Why boil quinoa?

Groats can be eaten raw in order to preserve all the nutritional properties. For this, the grains are first cleaned from the upper skins (husked), then soaked, ground or germinated before use.

The fact is that the cereal is covered with a hard skin, which is destroyed either in the process of grinding, or when boiling the grain. It is not advisable to eat hard grain, it will not give up the nutritional properties of the body.

When heat treated, quinoa remains unique and acquires amazing properties:

  • When boiling, the grain absorbs water, the content of which in quinoa increases five times. At the same time, the calorie content of boiled quinoa is reduced by three times.
  • The set of vitamins and minerals in cooked cereals does not change; only vitamin B5 is broken down in hot water. Of course, the concentration of nutrients per 100 grams of product is reduced, but the unique composition remains unchanged.

The heat-treated quinoa, whose caloric value is reduced, is an excellent addition to the diet of losing weight and people with diabetes.

Quinoa: a recipe for cooking

In supermarkets, quinoa is sold in the form of cereals or cereals. There are three types of grains: black, yellowish and red. They do not differ significantly in taste and nutritional properties, so for the sake of economy, you can buy cereals of any color, focusing on the price.

calorie quinoa boiled

Dietary quinoa porridge, the calorie content of which is very low, is the most acceptable and common dish from this cereal. The recipe for making porridge is simple and accessible to any housewife:

  • Grains should be thoroughly washed under a stream of cold water.
  • If the cereal purchased in the store is cleaned of a dense shell, then there is no need to soak it in advance. Before making porridge, you should try one seed, if it is bitter, then it is better to pour the cereal with cold water for two or three hours, then rinse again.
  • To make porridge, you need to take a sufficiently large pan, since when cooking the volume of porridge will increase four times. One part of the cereal should take two parts of the liquid.
  • Pour water into a saucepan, put on fire, salt. Pour the prepared cereal into boiling water, continue cooking over low heat under a closed lid. During the cooking process, porridge should be mixed several times so that it does not stick to the bottom of the pan.

Boil the porridge until it is completely absorbed (about fifteen minutes) under a closed lid, then open the pan, hold it on fire for one or two minutes (until the liquid has completely evaporated). Porridge is ready to serve.

quinoa porridge calories


Croup is used for making soups, salads, smoothies. Quinoa, whose caloric content satisfies nutritionists of the world, is gaining well-deserved popularity in many culinary recipes. No wonder the ancient Incas called quinoa "golden grain".

Guided by the confirmed data on the nutritional value of the product, your own interests in the culinary preferences of different nations, prepare quinoa with fashionable dishes for your family and friends.

Enjoy your meal!

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