"Drotaverin": instructions for use, reviews, analogues

In the article, we consider the instructions for use for ampoules and tablets "Drotaverin".

This is an effective drug that has a pronounced antispasmodic effect. The drug positively affects the smooth muscles of various organs, allowing you to eliminate spasm, as well as relieve soreness, including muscle and nerve origin. "Drotaverin" does not have pronounced adverse reactions, but its administration should be agreed with the attending physician. The drug is used for diseases that are accompanied by the appearance of spasms, and, as a result, a pain syndrome of a high degree of intensity. As a rule, the drug is prescribed for diseases of the digestive and vascular systems.

drotaverine tablets

Release Forms

According to the instructions for use, Drotaverinum is produced in several therapeutic options - a solution for injection, as well as tablets for oral administration. According to the instructions, and the active component of the drug is drotaverine hydrochloride.


The composition of the solution for injection is also supplemented with purified water. In addition to the active ingredient, tablets contain povidone, talc, magnesium stearate, lactose, starch, etc. The instructions for use with Drotaverin in ampoules are very detailed.


In tablet form, the drug is prescribed much more often than in the form of injections. “Drotaverin” has an antispasmodic effect, as well as an effect on the smooth muscles of the genitourinary, biliary, digestive and cardiovascular systems. Another property of the drug is a vasodilator, which allows oxygen to flow freely to organs and tissues.

drotaverine ampoule instructions for use

As indicated by the instructions for use with Drotaverinum, the components of the drug have the ability to change the permeability of the membranes of tissue cells, as well as reduce the activity of the phosphodiesterase enzyme.

The maximum concentration of drotaverine hydrochloride according to the instructions for use is reached 40-60 minutes after taking the drug. Withdrawal of the drug from the body occurs mainly with urine, and a small amount of it - with feces. It practically does not have side effects on the endocrine and cardiovascular system. The drug can be described in a few words, as an effective vasodilator, myotropic, antispasmodic and hypotensive agent.

Indications for use

As we are told by the instructions for use for Drotaverin, before prescribing a medication, you need to be sure that there is no sensitivity to its individual components. The main purpose of the medication is to eliminate pain, spasms of various origins, including those provoked by diseases such as:

  1. Cholecystitis.
  2. Peptic ulcer of the duodenum and stomach.
  3. Constipation, characterized by intestinal cramps.
  4. Colic in the intestine resulting from increased gas formation.
  5. Cystitis and urethritis.
  6. Proctitis, accompanied by soreness of a pronounced nature.
  7. Nephrolithiasis, urethrolithiasis, pyelitis.
drotaverine instructions for use reviews

The listed pathologies serve as the reason for the appointment of Drotaverin as an anesthetic. In this case, the drug is part of complex therapy along with other drugs.

In addition, Drotaverin can be used during a number of diagnostic procedures, such as cholecystography. The main purpose of the drug is the relief of spasms and pain.

Due to the ability of the drug to dilate blood vessels, it is often prescribed to relieve severe headaches resulting from cerebral spasms in the brain.

drotaverine hydrochloride instructions for use

In gynecology

Drotaverin is widely used in gynecological medical practice. In this case, the drug is used to eliminate cramping in the uterine throat. In addition, it is given to women in childbirth with prolonged disclosure. It is also widely used in emergency deliveries, when the risk of developing severe cramping in the uterine cavity increases. Another area of ​​application of the medication is the relief of pain during menstruation, as well as in pathological diseases of the reproductive organs.

Instructions for use with Drotaverinum

The instruction prescribes to take the tablets orally with a sufficient amount of clean water. The drug is not dependent on food. With intestinal colic, cephalgia and other diseases accompanied by soreness from the gastrointestinal tract, tablets should be taken in the morning on an empty stomach.

If the pain is very severe, then the injection of Drotaverinum is prescribed (intramuscularly). This method will allow the drug to act as soon as possible and relieve intolerable pain. Tablets, in turn, begin to act only after 40-60 minutes after administration.

If the patient has a history of renal or hepatic insufficiency, an exception is made for him. In this case, Drotaverinum is administered intravenously. In this case, the prescribed dosage should be strictly observed. In addition, such measures require strict medical monitoring of the patient's condition, since there is a high risk of collapse, that is, a violation of the blood supply to tissues and, as a result, some functions of organs and systems. During this procedure, the patient should be in a prone position.

Duration of Admission

drotaverine instructions for use analogues

As for the duration of the drug, this decision should be made only by the attending physician. Self-determination of the duration of the course of treatment can lead to unpleasant complications. Only a qualified specialist is able to adequately assess all possible risks. Intramuscularly, the drug should be administered even more slowly than intravenously. This confirms the instructions for use for the Drotaverin product. Reviews and analogues will be considered below.

Contraindications and special recommendations

The drug can not be prescribed if the patient has a history of the following diseases and conditions:

  1. Cardiogenic shock.
  2. Heart failure of any kind.
  3. Malabsorption.
  4. Antihypertensive syndrome.
  5. Lack of liver and kidney function.
  6. Atrioventricular blockade of the second or third degree.
  7. Lactase deficiency (congenital).
  8. Changes in the coronary arteries of an atherosclerotic nature.
  9. Atherosclerosis of the obliterating type, localized in the arteries of the legs.

It should not be forgotten that Drotaverinum does not mix well with certain drugs and substances. Therefore, before using it, you must tell your doctor about all the medicines that you are taking at the time of the examination.

So, while taking Drotaverinum and tricyclic antidepressants, experts do not exclude an increase in blood pressure. Morphine, in turn, significantly reduces the antispasmodic effect of Drotaverinum.

Simultaneous administration with other medicines seems safe and does not require restrictions or adjustments to the dosages prescribed by the instructions.

drotaverine instructions for use for children

Adverse reactions

Some undesirable reactions are not ruled out against the background of the use of Drotaverinum in tablets and injections. Instructions for use contain such information. The most common side effects of the drug are:

  1. Disturbance of the digestive process, consisting in dyspepsia and a change in stool.
  2. Fainting state.
  3. Cephalgia
  4. Swelling of the mucous membrane.
  5. Spasm of the bronchi.
  6. Quincke's edema.
  7. Sleep disturbance.
  8. Dermatitis.
  9. Increased sweating.
  10. Reduced arterial pressure.
  11. Depressed respiratory function.
  12. Atrioventricular block.
  13. Bradycardia
  14. Impulse patency from the atria to the ventricles.

Many are interested in the question of whether it is permissible to give Drotaverinum to children according to the instructions for use and from what age. In tablet form, the drug can be given to children from the age of three. Injections are acceptable for children over one year old. The restriction in the use of tablets is due to the fact that a child under three years old is not able to swallow them. If the baby has this skill, then the pill can be given to him from the year.


The pharmaceutical market is ready to offer several products similar to Drotaverin at once. They all contain identical active ingredients, but their cost can be dramatically different. So, the most popular analogues of Drotaverin are:

  • No-Shpa.
  • Ple Spa.
  • The biosphere.
  • "Spazmonet."
  • "Spazmol."
  • "Spazoverin."

We will not consider in detail instructions for the use of Drotaverin analogues.

There are drugs based on papaverine hydrochloride, which is essentially a precursor of drotaverine, and has identical properties:

  • "Papaverine".
  • Nikoverin.
  • "Papazol".
  • "Platifillin."

Drotaverine is considered more effective than Papaverine, however, it may have more adverse reactions.

As for the difference between No-Shpy and Drotaverin, their effectiveness is largely similar, but a more modern version of the drug helps to better cope with the tasks assigned to it. This is due to the fact that No-Shpu is produced from higher quality and better refined components. At the same time, the drug has fewer side effects, which makes its administration safer.

drotaverin instructions for use reviews analogues


Drotaverin is widely used in medical practice. It is prescribed for various diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. The drug shows high efficiency due to its analgesic properties, especially with pain syndrome of pronounced intensity.

Reviews are mostly positive. Patients and specialists emphasize the rapid action of the drug in eliminating pain of various origins. Intramuscular injections found the greatest number of positive responses, since in this case the effect occurs almost instantly. Often, doctors prescribe Drotaverin injections according to the instructions for use by patients undergoing surgery.

There are minimal reviews containing information on the development of adverse reactions to Drotaverin intake. Most of these are nausea and dizziness, as well as digestive upsets. In general, the drug is called a quality and effective tool. In addition, it is affordable and can be used not only in inpatient settings, but also at home, but as directed by a doctor.

We reviewed the drug "Drotaverin" instructions for use and reviews.

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