Chronic prostatitis: symptoms of the disease, treatment

Chronic prostatitis often occurs as an outcome of acute prostatitis with inadequate treatment. However, the development of primary chronic prostatitis is possible against the background of stagnation in the gland. Chronic prostatitis symptom in the histological picture has the following: the formation of wide cavities in the follicular system, which arose due to blockage of the ducts of the gland and stagnation of the secretion. This process is characterized by a sluggish inflammatory process leading to sclerosis and scarring of the prostate.

Prostatitis symptom

How is chronic prostatitis manifested?

The symptom most characteristic of prostatitis is discomfort and a burning sensation in the urethra during urination, more often in the morning. After defecation from the urethra, discharge may appear. The first symptoms of prostatitis in men can be accompanied by pain in the perineum and rectal region, radiating to the scrotum. After a long stay in a sitting position, the pain intensifies, this symptom is explained by the plethora of the vessels of the pelvic organs, including the prostate. Such pains decrease after walking. Exacerbation of chronic prostatitis, the symptoms of which are characteristic for acute prostatitis, is manifested by a more pronounced clinic with the addition of signs of intoxication. Timely diagnosis involves more intensive antibacterial and anti-inflammatory therapy.

Sexual function and prostatitis

The symptom associated with impaired sexual function is manifested by insufficient erection, accelerated ejaculation. Erectile dysfunction leads to the appearance of neurasthenia, insomnia, decreased performance. With a digital examination through the rectum, an enlargement of the prostate gland in size with areas of compaction painful on palpation can be detected.

first symptoms of prostatitis in men

Diagnosis of prostatitis

The most important diagnostic value is a digital study, in which moderate soreness, heterogeneous dense consistency is detected. No less important is the study of the secretion secreted by the prostate. Chronic prostatitis is characterized by an increase in the number of leukocytes and a decrease in lecithin grains, the presence of bacteria. It is important to use a three-glass test, which allows you to clarify the localization of inflammation. An ultrasound examination of the prostate reveals heterogeneity of the gland tissue, a decrease in the size of the organ with sclerosis. Examination of the bladder reveals residual urine. It is very difficult to differentiate the combination of "prostate adenoma and prostatitis", the symptoms of which are very similar to tuberculosis and cancer of the gland. In this case, the data obtained in the determination of oncological markers, prostate biopsy are important.

exacerbation of chronic prostatitis symptoms


Therapy of prostatitis is aimed at a systemic antibacterial effect and local action on the gland tissue. For antibacterial purposes, macrolides, cephalosporins, aminoglycosides, and uroseptics (Nitroxoline, Furazidine, Nalidixic acid) are prescribed. To eliminate sclerotic phenomena, hyaluronidase is used. Locally apply prostate massage, sedentary baths, microclysters, mud therapy. In modern medicine, reflexology is used with great success. With regard to recovery, the prognosis is poor. The disease is characterized by a long undulating course.

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