The first symptoms of influenza: diagnosis and prevention

In the article, we consider the symptoms of influenza in adults. What is this pathology, why is it dangerous?

Influenza is an acute viral respiratory infection that is caused by viruses of the type "A", "B" and "C". The disease manifests itself in the form of fever, intoxication and damage to the epithelial surfaces of the upper respiratory tract. Influenza was included in the category of acute otolaryngological infections. The most dangerous patient infected with influenza is in the first six days from the onset of the disease. The way of getting the flu is by aerosol. The duration of the disease usually does not exceed one week. But various complications can be observed in the form of otitis media, sinusitis, pneumonia, cystitis, myositis, pericarditis, in addition, hemorrhagic syndrome. Flu is especially dangerous for expectant mothers, as it can lead to threats of abortion. Read more about the symptoms of influenza, its diagnosis and methods of prevention below.

flu symptoms in adults

Medical history

Influenza has long been known to mankind. The first epidemic of this disease occurred in the sixteenth century. At that time, people still did not know anything about the nature of the disease. Respiratory disease is called the Spaniard, who called the epidemic of severe flu. Against the background of the disease in those days, there was a huge mortality, which occurred almost immediately. It is worth noting that even young, healthy people developed pneumonia with pulmonary edema.

The viral nature of the disease was established only at the beginning of the last century. Then scientists realized that a specific virus can have an effect on the respiratory tract. At the beginning of the twentieth century, experiments were carried out on hamsters that were specially infected with the flu. Then it became clear that the causative agent of the disease is a type A virus. A little later two more types of flu became known: "B" and "C".

Influenza virus is poorly resistant to chemical and physical factors. In just a few hours, it can break down at room temperature. But at low temperatures, for example, at -25 ° C, it can persist for several years. It is usually killed by drying along with heating and exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Also, it does not withstand exposure to chlorine with ozone.

Flu symptoms can be very unpleasant. More on this below.

The basic concept and characteristic of the disease

Type A influenza virus can infect humans and certain animal species. Types "B" and "C" reproduce only in the human body. Influenza virus can be characterized by a high level of antigenic variation, which is more typical for type “A”. The nature of antigenic polymorphism contributes to the appearance of frequent epidemics, and at the same time, multiple incidences during the season, which does not make it possible to develop sufficiently reliable group prophylaxis. The influenza virus is unstable and dies easily enough if the temperature rises to sixty degrees. He also dies under the influence of chemical disinfectants. At 4 ° C, the virus can survive for up to three weeks.

The direct reservoir and source of infection is a sick person with the presence of obvious clinical manifestations or an erased type of infection. The maximum nature of the isolation of this virus is observed in the first six days of the disease. Contagiousness directly depends on the severity of catarrhal symptoms, in addition, the concentration of infection in the secretion of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract.

flu symptoms and treatment

Sick pigs with horses and birds can also produce the influenza A virus. One of the modern theories is supposed that a certain role in the spread of the influenza virus within the framework of the global scale is played, first of all, by migratory birds with mammals. They serve as a reservoir of infection, contributing to the formation of strains that are able to further infect humans.

The transmission mechanism of a disease such as influenza, as previously noted, is aerosol. Thus, this virus can spread by airborne droplets. Its direct release is carried out with saliva and sputum during coughing or sneezing, as well as against the background of a conversation. The infection, which looks like a small aerosol, gets into the air, after which it is inhaled by other people. In some situations, it is possible that a domestic method of transmission of the disease will be realized. For example, this can happen through dishes or children's toys. Why do people have flu symptoms?

The natural susceptibility of people to this virus is extremely high, especially in relation to new serotypes. Children who are breast-fed can receive harmful antibodies from the mother and very often the immune system does not protect against the further development of a dangerous infection. The prevalence of a virus such as influenza is ubiquitous and regularly flares up. Emerging epidemics often reach global proportions. Let us now consider how the symptoms of influenza manifest themselves.

Symptoms of pathology

The incubation period of this disease is usually from several hours to four days, the onset of the pathology is mainly acute, and its course can be carried out in a mild, moderate or severe form with or without complications. The clinical picture of influenza is represented by three main symptomatic complexes: intoxication, catarrh and hemorrhage.

The manifestation of intoxication syndrome occurs from the first hours of the disease, the temperature can rise up to forty degrees, while chills with headaches, dizziness and general weakness will be noted. Other flu symptoms may also be observed - mild myalgia and arthralgia with convulsions and impaired consciousness. The intensity of the intoxication syndrome usually forms the severity of the course of the uncomplicated form of the flu and can vary within a very wide range, from the appearance of moderate malaise to intense febrile reactions, vomiting, convulsions and confusion, delirium. Symptoms and flu treatment are interconnected.

Fever often goes away in stages, and symptoms usually begin to subside by the seventh day of illness. During the examination during the febrile period, patients have hyperemia of the face along with hyperthermia and dry skin, they find tachycardia, probably also a slight decrease in pressure. The catarrhal nature of the symptoms manifests itself some time after the development of intoxication (this condition may be mild or completely absent). Patients may complain of a dry cough with discomfort and soreness in the throat, and, in addition, in the nasopharynx. In this case, a runny nose also appears. The manifestation of a clinic of laryngitis or bronchitis is not excluded, which will be expressed in hoarseness of the voice and squeezing behind the sternum against the background of a dry, increasing in intensity, strained cough. As part of the examination, mild hyperemia of the pharynx is sometimes noted. But the main symptom of the flu is temperature.

In ten percent of cases, the flu contributes to the development of hemorrhagic symptoms. Against this background, small hemorrhages in the region of the oropharyngeal mucosa, along with nosebleeds, are added to the catarrhal manifestations, with the development of severe hemorrhage, progression to acute pulmonary edema is not ruled out. Influenza, as a rule, is not accompanied by symptoms from the activity of the pelvic organs and abdominal cavity. But in the event that such a clinic does occur, it will be predominantly neurogenic. The symptoms of swine flu in humans are discussed below.

swine flu symptoms

Intestinal disorders due to influenza in young children are associated with the development of intoxication syndrome. The appearance of diarrhea in influenza in adult patients is likely to indicate the presence of a chronic disease of the digestive system, which was triggered by an exacerbation of the infection. The total duration of this disease on average does not exceed five days. In the subsequent period, general asthenia can sometimes persist for several days. In medical practice, cases of the appearance of an atypical course of influenza have been noted. Next, we find out what complications are possible against the background of this pathology.

Signs of different types of flu

First, consider the symptoms of swine flu:

  • It is characterized by severe intoxication of the body, which manifests itself suddenly.
  • Hyperthermia - high body temperature.
  • Headache of a sharp nature, intense.

What other symptoms of swine flu are possible?

  • Problems in the respiratory system - the patient suffers from a dry cough.
  • General weakness, accompanied by aches throughout the body.
  • Compression sensation - severe pain behind the sternum, inability to take a deep breath and exhale.

Symptoms of bird flu are similar to flu. It is characterized by fever, intoxication, catarrhal phenomena. In the case of the hypertoxic form of influenza, not only the lungs suffer, toxic shock can occur, which is fraught with swelling of the brain, damage to the kidneys, liver, gastrointestinal tract (diarrhea, vomiting).

Symptoms and treatment of intestinal flu in adults are of interest to many.

It manifests itself as a sharp increase in temperature, diarrhea, vomiting. But a gradual onset is also possible - weakness, malaise. The next day, intestinal manifestations join. Also, the symptoms of intestinal flu in adults can be erased: abdominal pain, rumbling, loss of appetite, unexpressed weakness.

Diarrhea with intestinal flu occurs almost always. Feces will be abundant, liquid or mushy, yellow in color, with an unpleasant odor, foamy. In severe cases, the stool loses fecal character, its portions are reduced, it turns green. The body loses a large amount of water and electrolytes, which in a short time can lead to dehydration. Symptoms of intestinal flu in children can manifest this way.

A similar process for babies is very dangerous, since the volume of fluid in their body is less than in adults.

The basis of treatment is fluid replenishment and salt balance.

Symptoms of Australian influenza H 3 N 2 are manifested mainly:

  • Weakness, chills, increased subfebrile temperature.
  • Fever in the evening.
  • Pain in the stomach, nausea, in some cases, vomiting.
  • Loss of appetite, discomfort in the throat, problems with swallowing.

Consider also the Hong Kong flu. Symptoms are similar to other types.

Patients have weakness, nausea, headache in the frontal area, pain with eye movement, insomnia, dry mouth, coughing, sneezing, hyperhidrosis, general malaise and chills. It is difficult to bring down body temperature with antipyretic drugs. Myalgia and arthralgia are present, which worsens the condition of patients. Patients have low back pain, eyes hurt.

australian flu symptoms

Influenza and its complications

Influenza can be complicated by a variety of diseases in the early period (in this case, they are often caused by joined bacterial infections), as well as in the late. The severe nature of the complicated course of the disease is usually found among young children, in addition, in elderly or debilitated patients who suffer from various chronic pathologies of various organs.

It is extremely rare in the presence of severe intoxication that this disease can be complicated by a life-threatening condition. We are talking about acute hemorrhagic pulmonary edema. At the same time, doctors note a sharp increase in shortness of breath along with cyanosis. Foamy bloody sputum may also be released. The result of the development of acute pulmonary edema is the progressive nature of respiratory failure with hypoxic coma, often leading to death.

Joining infections with the flu often contributes to the formation of pneumonia. In this case, the lungs are mainly affected by a streptococcal or staphylococcal form of infection. Pneumonia of this etiology can occur with a tendency to destruction of lung tissue, they can also be complicated by bleeding and edema. Pneumonia can trigger the development of an infectious toxic shock in the body. After pneumonia, patients often retain residual symptoms in the form of bronchiectasis and pneumosclerosis.

Influenza can cause otitis media. Often this insidious disease is complicated by sinusitis, sinusitis or frontal sinusitis. From the other organs, nephritis can be noted along with pyelocystitis, myositis and inflammation of the heart bag. Complications of the work of the heart on the background of the flu are considered the main reason for the increase in the frequency of heart attacks during the epidemic. Also, in the context of flu complications, the development of acute heart failure is likely. Influenza is especially dangerous for women in position, as it can cause an abortion along with fetal death.

Flu diagnosis

A preliminary diagnosis is carried out based on the clinical picture and analysis data. At the same time, procedures are carried out aimed at identifying influenza antigens in the smear of the patient, which is taken in the nasal cavity. A reliable confirmation of this diagnosis is the method of serological diagnosis, in which the increase in antibody titers is determined using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. At the same time, more than four-fold increase has diagnostic value.

If there is a suspicion of the possible development of pneumonia, patients with influenza may need to consult a pulmonologist along with an X-ray examination of the lungs. In the event of development of any complications from the activities of the otolaryngological organs, an examination of the ENT with rhinoscopy will be necessary.

Next, we find out how the treatment of influenza is carried out and what medications doctors consider appropriate for the appointment as part of the treatment of this disease.

intestinal flu symptoms in children

As already noted, the symptoms and treatment of influenza are closely related.

Flu treatment

Influenza is treated primarily on an outpatient basis. Only patients with a severe or complicated infection are hospitalized. In addition, patients from orphanages and boarding schools are subject to mandatory hospitalization.

At the time of fever, patients are advised to bed rest along with a plentiful drink, a balanced, full-fledged diet and, of course, vitamins. As part of the etiotropic treatment, in the first days of the disease, the well-known “Remantadine” is prescribed. True, this drug has some contraindications, which include the age of patients under fourteen years of age, pregnancy and kidney pathology. Late prescription of antiviral therapy is ineffective. Patients may be prescribed interferons. In addition to the main antiviral treatment, patients need the appointment of vitamin C, calcium gluconate, rutin, various antipyretic and antihistamines.

Symptoms and treatment of influenza in children should be known to all parents.

The severe nature of the pathology in a child often requires detoxification measures. In this case, an infusion of Hemodez and Reopoliglukin solutions is prescribed. Eufillin is often added to detoxification solutions along with ascorbic acid and diphenhydramine. With the emerging pulmonary edema, the dosage of saluretics should be increased, thus, “Prednisolone” is prescribed intravenously, in addition, the necessary measures of intensive treatment are carried out. In case of heart failure, thiamine pyrophosphates with sulfocamphoric acid should be prescribed, and potassium and magnesium preparations are also required. In parallel, the necessary correction of the internal acidic and basic homeostasis is performed, the total airway patency is controlled.

flu symptoms

Influenza Prediction and Prevention

Mostly the prognosis of this pathology is favorable, and recovery usually begins immediately after six days. A worsening prognosis can cause severe illness in young children and the elderly. For these categories of patients, the development of extremely dangerous complications is not excluded. The prognosis during pregnancy is unfavorable, since the flu often provokes its termination.

Currently, measures are being developed for the specific prevention of this pathology. . . , , . , . , , .

General prevention

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hong kong flu symptoms

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With these products you can make a great cure for the flu. To do this, grind the lemon in a blender, add 150 grams of honey and the same amount of grated ginger root, then mix everything in a glass container, which is left in a cool place, tightly closing the lid. The resulting mixture should be taken one spoon a day. Such a medicine will be a great way not only to treat the flu, but also to prevent it regularly.

We examined the symptoms of influenza in adults and children.

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