Green apples: good for the body. Charlotte Recipe

the benefits of green apples

The most popular fruits in our country are apples. They are affordable, low-calorie and healthy. Their juicy taste, pleasant incomparable aroma leaves no one indifferent. Red and green apples are used in any form: dried, raw, baked, soaked. And how many dishes are prepared from them: jams, compotes, juices, pies, jam - you can’t list them all at once.

Health Benefits of Green Apples

Regular consumption of fresh fruits helps to normalize the digestive system, prevents the occurrence of constipation and provides liver functionality due to the content of chlorogenic acid. Green apples are especially rich in citric, malic and tartaric acids, and they also have a huge amount of tannins, which, as you know, stop the unpleasant processes of decay and fermentation in the stomach.

Not without reason, many experts recommend on an empty stomach to eat one raw apple for normal gastrointestinal tract activity. As a prophylaxis of urolithiasis and cholelithiasis, it is necessary to include these fruits in your diet daily, and it is better to drink freshly squeezed juice. So you can increase the acidity of the stomach.

green apple recipes

Green apples are rich in iron, but, of course, this element is much less in them than in natural meat or liver. But this trace element necessary for the body is easily absorbed, which allows the use of fruits to prevent such a serious disease as anemia, especially in pregnant women and children.


The benefits of these popular fruits have been repeatedly proven by doctors, let's figure out the mineral composition. It is green apples that are the most useful and have a healing effect on humans. Ripe fruits are rich in pectin, fructose, a whole complex of vitamins - A, B1, B2, E, C. In addition, they contain mineral salts, organic acids and valuable trace elements. In unripe fruits, starch is present, which, when ripe, breaks down and is replaced by sugar.

Now we describe the popular recipes. From green apples you can cook many dishes. The most popular and easiest is charlotte with apples. Pie is loved by both small and large, the combination of air dough and baked fruits gives an amazing result. In addition, baking is very fast.

Products: a glass of flour, four eggs, sugar, 10 g of baking powder (you can soda), cinnamon (20 g) and green apples.

green apples

Cut the fruits into thin slices, sprinkle them with cinnamon and sugar, allow to soak. During this time, beat the eggs, gradually add granulated sugar and flour (preferably sifted). Then pour the baking powder.

Lubricate the baking dish with butter. At the very bottom, evenly spread the fruit and fill with batter. We put in a preheated oven for 20 minutes. This classic dish always turns out fragrant, airy and juicy. Instead of apples, you can add various berries, jams, preserves. Serve with vanilla syrup or warm ice cream.

Amazing pies with apples. Also, these fruits are often added to second courses and sauces to give a piquant sweet and sour taste. This versatile product is truly unique.

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