Strawberry and vegetable physalis: recipe for cooking

Physalis, the recipe for the preparation of which we will present in this article, is a very tasty and healthy vegetable.

physalis recipe
It is pickled, salted, eaten fresh. Strawberry physalis (a recipe for preparing this variety of it will help you diversify your sweet table) is also a storehouse of vitamins, has a pleasant delicate taste and an unusual look. A quick tip: collected fruits should be immediately cleaned of cups (except those that you want to use for decoration). Otherwise, they will get an unpleasant odor and will be bitter.

Physalis. Recipes for the winter

From the strawberry variety you can cook a delicious jam. To do this, prepare a syrup of 1.2 kg of white granulated sugar and half a liter of water. Add sugar to the liquid, stirring constantly. Bring to a boil and ensure that all crystals dissolve.

physalis recipes for the winter
Pour the physalis with the third syrup obtained. The recipe suggests that it will take about a kilogram. Leave for a few hours. Berries during this time have time to soak. Pour the rest of the syrup, cook for a quarter of an hour, leave to insist on the day. Put it on the fire again, boil and, 10 minutes after the mixture boils, remove from the stove, boil and pour into containers. The same pattern is preserved for making jam and jam, but physalis (the recipe assumes that the finished product should be thicker than jam) and the liquid should be taken in different proportions. For jam, sugar and berries are required equally. You need to cook it for longer, but on as low a fire as possible so that the physalis does not lose its gelling properties. You also need to add citric acid and grind the berry mass through a sieve.
recipes from physalis vegetable
Candied fruits from strawberry physalis are very tasty. In order to make them, pour the berries with hot syrup (one and a half glasses of water and six glasses of sugar) and leave it in for six hours. Then put citric acid - three grams for every kilogram of physalis. Boil and put on a colander, dry in the oven. Sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Vegetable Physalis Recipes

Prepare the marinade from a tablespoon of sugar and the same amount of salt. In each half-liter jar, put the spices (leaves of fruit trees, cloves, pepper, garlic, tarragon, dill seeds) on them - the physalis of vegetable varieties, washed and peeled from the boxes. Pour with hot marinade, sterilize jars and roll up. Very tasty and unusual caviar prepared from physalis vegetable varieties. Half a kilogram of fruit should be cut and fried in vegetable oil. Add two chopped onions and two grated carrots, crushed garlic, salt, parsley, sugar, bay leaf and black pepper. Simmer until tender. You can still season with sweet paprika if you love it. You can eat this dish immediately, having cooled well. Can roll up for the winter months. To do this, you need to add a preservative at the end of cooking - citric acid, as well as tomato paste. Vegetable physalis can also be used in any vegetable assortment. It goes well with tomatoes, carrots, squash, cucumbers.

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