Ear sore: symptoms, causes, treatment options, reviews

Throughout his life, a person periodically encounters various diseases. Moreover, pathological processes can be not only general, but also local in nature. An example is a sore ear. Their presence significantly worsens the quality of human life, he is forced to constantly experience physical and aesthetic discomfort. Information on how to treat a sore ear should be provided by a doctor. This is due to the fact that local lesions often cause various ailments. Some of them pose a serious health threat.

Possible reasons

An sore on the ear (a photo of the skin lesion presented below) may be the result of an inflammatory or tumor process, allergies, and mechanical damage. The tactics of treatment directly depends on what reason was the impetus for the formation of wounds, crusts, bumps, etc. In order for the doctor to correctly identify the provoking factor, the patient needs to undergo a comprehensive examination.

The most likely causes of sore ears in a person:

  • Otitis. This term refers to the inflammatory process that affects the hearing organ. The most common cause of otitis media in the outer or middle ear is the vital activity of streptococcus and staphylococcus, as well as hemophilic bacillus. The disease can have a purulent character. For example, with otitis media, the eardrum swells, while exudate exerts pressure on it from the inside, which periodically breaks.
  • Eczema or dermatitis. Most often, these diseases of a dermatological nature are the result of prolonged contact with any irritating substance. For example, often sores appear on the earlobe when wearing jewelry, which includes nickel. Less commonly, the pathology is allergic in nature. In this case, sores in the ear are the result of sensitization of the human body to certain antigens.
  • Herpes. The carrier of the causative agent of the disease is every second. In most cases, the virus is inactive and does not adversely affect the body. However, under the influence of various provoking factors, for example, when the immune system is weakened, the pathogen leaves the sleep mode and begins to multiply. Against the background of the vital activity of the virus, specific rashes appear on the skin. Most often they are localized in the nose or lips, but can also be located on the auricle.
  • Furuncle. This term refers to inflammation of the hair follicle, which has an acute purulent-necrotic character. First, a sore is formed in the ear, over time it is filled with exudate and significantly increases in size. Outwardly, the boil looks like a huge pimple, but its growth is accompanied not only by local painful sensations, but also by a general deterioration in well-being.
Sore ear
  • Otomycosis. The causative agent of the infection is a fungus. Otomycosis does not develop independently. It is always a consequence of a long-term current disease, for example, dermatitis or local dysbiosis. With otomycosis, sores inside the ear (or behind it) are yellow, green, brown, or even black.
  • Tumors Neoplasms can be both benign and malignant. In the first case, it is customary to talk about a lipoma (in other words, a wen). This neoplasm is painless and delimited from adjacent tissues. With the oncological process, sores in the ear do not heal for a long time. In addition, it is possible to detect the separation of purulent contents from them.
  • Psoriasis. The disease is characterized by a change in the duration of the cell life cycle. They grow rapidly, develop and die at the same rate. The skin area affected by psoriasis is dry, and crusts often form on it. On palpation, slight pain occurs.
  • Piercing. After piercing the earlobe, infection of the wound sometimes occurs. While she is healing, sores with blood or even pus can be visualized. To avoid further infection, it is necessary to regularly treat the wound with medical alcohol.

It is important to understand that each of the above reasons requires medical intervention. This is because ignoring the problem or self-medication can lead to irreparable consequences.

Clinical manifestations

Each pathology is distinguished by a set of specific symptoms. In order to identify the cause and predict the further course of the disease, the doctor must consider the following factors:

  1. Appearance. Sores near the ear, on it or inside it may look like vesicles, ulcers, tubercles, cracks, erosion.
  2. The color of the affected area. Sores can be red, cyanotic, yellow, green, brown and even black. In this case, the shade can be pale or intense.
  3. The presence or absence of exudate. If it is, it is necessary to evaluate its nature. It can be purulent, serous, curdled or bloody.

In addition, attention should be paid to the intensity of pain. The course of some pathologies is not accompanied by their occurrence. But most often, according to reviews, patients experience moderate or severe discomfort.

Who to contact?

The skin manifestations of a disease for many people are a reason for visiting a dermatologist. However, it is recommended that you first contact your physician. This is a general practitioner who will conduct diagnostic measures and, based on the results of studies, will be able to identify the cause of the development of the pathological process. If the preparation of the treatment regimen is within the competence of the dermatologist, the therapist will draw up a referral to him.

The doctor's consultation


Initially, the doctor analyzes the clinical picture. To do this, he carefully listens to the patient's complaints and collects anamnesis data. The doctor must take into account all factors that can become triggers for the development of pathology.

These include:

  • Contact with potential allergens.
  • Features nutrition.
  • Hypothermia of the body.
  • Colds.
  • Infections
  • Injuries in the recent past, etc.

Based on the results of the initial examination and the survey, the doctor makes a preliminary diagnosis. To confirm it, laboratory tests can be prescribed (for example, a blood test or purulent discharge, scraping of dry crusts).

Medical examination

Drug treatment

The treatment regimen depends on the cause of the appearance of the sores. In most cases, doctors prescribe funds aimed not at stopping the symptoms, but at getting rid of the underlying disease.

The treatment regimen may include taking or topical use of the following groups of medicines:

  1. Antiseptics. These include: Otinum, boric acid and salicylic alcohol.
  2. Antibacterial agents. Examples of drugs: Sofradex, Gentaxan, Anauran, Sumamed, Augmentin.
  3. Antifungal agents. These include: Diflucan, Nitrofungin, Lamisil.
  4. Antiviral drugs. As a rule, doctors prescribe Herpevir, Panavir and Zovirax.
  5. Antihistamines. Examples of drugs: Cetrin, Tavegil.
  6. Immunomodulators. Polyoxidonium and Derinat have proven themselves well in patients, their reviews are positive.

According to the decision of the doctor, the regimen may include the administration or local use of drugs belonging to other pharmacological groups.

Drug treatment

Non-drug treatment

If the formation of sores in the ear is not accompanied by the separation of exudate, physiotherapy is prescribed to the patient. For example, with otitis media, it is important to restore the degree of patency of the auditory tube. For this purpose: catheterization, blowing, pneumomassage.

If it is a benign neoplasm, surgical intervention is indicated. In rare cases, a cryodestruction method is used as an alternative to surgical removal of the wen. In the presence of malignant tumors, surgical intervention is indicated. Simultaneously with surgical treatment, chemotherapy or radiotherapy is performed.

Surgical treatment

Folk methods

It is important to understand that their use does not exclude the need to consult a doctor. Prior to consulting with a specialist, it is only allowed to treat the affected areas with antiseptic agents.

People who suffered the appearance of various sores in the shah, in their reviews recommend infusions and decoctions of the following plants: plantain, eucalyptus, viburnum, sage, chamomile, calendula. Patients note a good effect from their use.

Folk methods

Sores in a child

The most common cause is poor hygiene. If the child has sores behind the ear, inside or on it, do not go away after adjusting the regimen for cleansing this area, then the parents of small patients in the reviews recommend contacting a pediatrician to avoid complications. Parents warn against self-medication, because you can aggravate the situation. As a rule, the cause of the pathological process in babies is a puncture of the lobe, seborrheic dermatitis, eczema and other skin diseases, less commonly, otitis media. However, the possibility of the presence of more serious ailments cannot be ruled out.

Sores in a child


Under the influence of certain provoking factors, a person may form sores in the ear. What to do? In such cases, it is recommended to consult a doctor as soon as possible. The specialist will conduct diagnostic measures and, based on the results of the research, draw up the most effective treatment regimen.

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