How to use and what can replace the drug "Pyridoxine"? Instructions for use, analogues and its indications will be presented later. You will also learn about the general characteristics of this medicine, its contraindications and adverse reactions.
The components of the drug and its form of release
Piridoxin injections, the instructions for use of which are in a pack of paper, go on sale in glass ampoules. The active ingredient in this solution is pyridoxine hydrochloride. Also, an additional substance such as d / i water is included in the composition of the injection medicine.
We can not say that the drug in question can be purchased in the form of tablets (in banks of 50 pieces).
Main characteristics
What is the medicine "Pyridoxine-Vial"? Instructions for use (injections should be prescribed only by a doctor) states that this is a drug that replenishes the deficiency of vitamin B6 in the body.
It is no secret to anyone that the mentioned element is an indispensable participant in all metabolic processes in the human body. He supports and normalizes the activities of the National Assembly.
The phosphorylated form of this drug is a coenzyme of a huge number of enzymes that affect the non-oxidative metabolism of amino acids (including transamination and decarboxylation).
How do pyridoxine injections work? Instructions for use claim that vitamin B6 affects the metabolic processes of cysteine, tryptophan and methionine, as well as glutamine and other amino acids. In addition, it is extremely important for histamine metabolism and normalization of fat.
Kinetic properties
How is pyridoxine hydrochloride distributed in the human body? Instructions for use (injections are most often prescribed for intramuscular administration) states that after this substance enters the human body, it is immediately metabolized in the liver. As a result of this, pharmacologically active derivatives such as pyridoxaminophosphate and pyridoxalphosphate are formed. These components are distributed mainly in muscle tissue, as well as in the nervous system and liver.
Experts note that the drug in question is able to penetrate into breast milk and through the placenta. It is excreted through the kidneys and along with bile.
Indications for the introduction of the solution
In what cases do patients receive Pyridoxine injections? Instructions for use reports that this tool is actively used for the prevention and treatment of vitamin B6 deficiency in:
- B6-hypovitaminosis, sideroblastic anemia, toxicosis in pregnant women;
- diabetes, leukopenia, dermatitis;
- diseases of the nervous system, herpes zoster, neurodermatitis;
- airborne and marine diseases, exudative diathesis ;
- atherosclerosis, psoriasis and other conditions.
Contraindications to the introduction of the solution
When canβt you give Pyridoxine injections? Instructions for use do not contain a large list of contraindications. However, it should be noted that it says that this medication is forbidden to be used by those patients who exhibit high sensitivity to vitamin B6, as well as its intolerance.
The drug "Pyridoxine": instructions for use
Injections, reviews of which we will consider below, should be set only after consultation with a specialist.
As a rule, vitamins are recommended to be used in a daily dose of 50-150 mg. It should also be noted that this drug can be administered not only intramuscularly, but also subcutaneously, intravenously.
The duration of vitamin B6 therapy is determined by the severity of the disease and the type of disorder.
For prophylactic purposes, this drug is prescribed in an amount of 40 mg per day.
How should I take the oral drug "Pyridoxine"? Instructions for use (injections and tablets have the same indications) states that such a tool is also used to treat hypovitaminosis. Adult patients are prescribed it in a dose of 80 mg four times a day.
Side effects after applying the medicine
In most cases, the drug "Pyridoxine" is well tolerated by patients. In some cases, vitamin B6 can cause allergic reactions, as well as contribute to hypersecretion of hydrochloric acid.
Interaction, overdose
In medical practice, cases of overdose with this drug have not been established.
The parallel use of this drug with Cycloserine, Isoniazid, and Penicillamine can reduce its effectiveness.
Incompatibility (pharmaceutical) of vitamin B6 with B12 and B1 was noted.
The medication in question significantly reduces the antiparkinsonian activity of the drug "Levodopa".
The combination of this agent with hormonal contraceptives can increase the concentration of pyridoxine in plasma.
The use of "Pyridoxine" with phenobarbital and phenytoin reduces the concentration of these elements in the blood.
Special information
With extreme caution, the medication in question is used for coronary heart disease, as well as for ulcers of the digestive tract.
With severe violations in the liver, vitamin B6 in high doses can cause a deterioration in its function.
Similar means
What can replace the drug "Pyridoxine"? Instructions for use (injections are often replaced with the tablet form of this agent) does not give an answer to this question. Therefore, in the process of selecting analogues, you should consult a doctor.
Pyridoxine is a vitamin B6. It is included in a variety of combination products, including Magne B6, Hepasteril-A, Perexin Elixir, Essential, Hepasteril-B and Lipostable. It should also be noted that the analogues of this drug are: Pyridobene, Vitamin B6, Betsilan, Adermin, Pirivitol, Benadon, Bedoxin, Hexabetalin, Hexavibex, Hexabion and others.
Reviews about this tool are mostly positive. Experts note that the drug in question is very often prescribed to patients during the complex treatment of a variety of disorders, including B6 hypovitaminosis, diabetes mellitus, leukopenia, atherosclerosis, etc. In most cases, "Pyridoxine" significantly improves the therapeutic effect of other medicines, and also accelerates the healing process of the patient.
As for patients, they are also pleased with the results of treatment. Among the many positive messages there are also those that talk about the development of negative effects (for example, increasing the acidity of the gastric contents, which causes severe pain in people with gastritis).