Fermented eggplant stuffed with vegetables, carrots and garlic. Pickled eggplant for the winter: recipe

Eggplant - berry brought by the Portuguese from India. She is very fond of our people. But her season is short. Therefore, it is important to know how to harvest eggplants for the winter. They are frozen, pre-baked in the oven and peeled, salted, pickled, salads are prepared. This article will teach you how to make pickled eggplant. Below you will find several recipes of various kinds and for every taste. However, the principle of preparation remains unchanged. Boil the little blue and pour the marinade. Eggplant before this can be stuffed.

Pickled eggplant
There is a method and dry salting of blue ones. Just cut the fruits into washers, sprinkle them with salt and spices, and then cork. And wet pickling is pouring chopped fruit in ropes.

Sour eggplant: a universal recipe

It is best to take small eggplants for preparations for the winter, with a smooth matte skin without dents or flaws. In eight eggplants, we cut the tails and cut them on the right, left and obliquely to form a "pocket". Boil in salted water for about seven minutes. We check the readiness with a match: it should easily pierce the blue ones. We strain them and put them under the press for an hour to free them from excess fluid as best as possible. Grind three carrots on a Korean grater. At a bunch of parsley, we tear off the leaves without, however, throwing out the stems. Cut greens, also chop one chili pepper (with seeds) and 2 heads of garlic. Salt this mass, mix and stuff into eggplant pockets.

Sour Eggplant Recipe
We make a marinade. We boil water, drop the parsley stalks there - just for a few seconds, so that they become elastic. After that, we throw the ingredients of the marinade. For one liter of boiling water you need to take two tablespoons of salt, ten black peas and five - allspice and two bay leaves. Pickled eggplant stuffed with carrots and garlic, we dress parsley with stalks. Put in an enameled bowl, pour cold marinade. We press the plate, set oppression on it. Keep it like this for four days at room temperature. Then we lay out the eggplants in prepared jars, pour boiled and chilled marinade. Gently pour a few tablespoons of hot vegetable oil. We clog the cans.

Pickled eggplant stuffed with vegetables in Russian

No vinegar in the blanks! This method of conservation is good because the fermentation takes place under the influence of bacteria present in the product. Ten eggplants are cut in half in length, but we do not reach the end two centimeters. For twelve minutes, boil blue in salt water (per liter - 30 grams). We put ready eggplants under oppression until final cooling. We chop three carrots in Korean. Two parsnip roots cut into strips. We chop the three onions in semicircles. We extinguish all these vegetables in a small amount of vegetable oil for about eight minutes, until they become soft.

Pickled eggplant for winter
Peel two heads of garlic. We chop each clove with plates. Mix most of the garlic with cooled vegetables. We stuff the eggplants with this mass (we just put the stuffing on one half and cover the other. You can also put the green leaves of cilantro or parsley. Put the eggplants in glass jars, sprinkling with garlic. Let it warm under oppression for three days. After that, fill it with boiled, but cooled vegetable Such fermented eggplant stuffed with vegetables should be stored in the refrigerator.

Beautiful berries

For four blue little ones we trim the tails and boil them in slightly salted water for about ten minutes. We strain and leave to cool. During this time, we will make the filling so that our pickled eggplants look beautiful. In separate bowls, finely chop a large head of garlic, three carrots, cut leaves from a bunch of parsley. Cut cooled eggplant along, but so as not to split into two halves. We put garlic on such a “sandwich”, grated carrots on it, and add parsley on top. Season with pepper and add (both inside and outside blue). We put our “sandwiches” in enameled dishes, we press down with a load.

stuffed pickled eggplant

The first two days, the blue ones should stand in a warm place to start the acidification process. Then, already pickled eggplant stuffed with carrots and garlic, you need to stand for a couple of days in a cool cellar. So it will be tastier.

Stuffed Eggplant Stuffed with Carrots

For this moderately spicy vegetable snack, three pieces of blue should first be boiled in water with salt until fully cooked (about half an hour). Then put them under the press - let the bitterness go away. Two carrots rub coarsely. We extinguish it in three tablespoons of vegetable oil for ten minutes over low heat. Pass the head of garlic through a press. Set aside a quarter of the total. Cut a half bunch of greens. We also save a quarter portion for later. Add the greens and garlic to the carrots. Knead and stuff the future pickled eggplant. The recipe advises to pull the little blue thread so that the filling does not fall out. We lay the eggplants in a pan and sprinkle with the rest of the garlic and parsley. In 0.5 liter of boiling water, add 10 g of salt, ten milliliters of 9% vinegar, three peas of black pepper and two bay leaves. Cook for another two minutes. Fill this marinade with blue ones. We put pickled eggplant stuffed with carrots under the press. Then leave in a warm place for three days.

Stuffed eggplant stuffed with vegetables

Blue stuffed with vegetables

Boil a kilogram of small eggplant and put it under oppression, as in previous recipes. The same way to cook pickled eggplant is different from other fillings. We rub two carrots coarsely and fry them in refined sunflower oil. We clear the bell peppers from seeds and cut into small cubes, chop the parsley and dill (three tablespoons each), chop the three garlic cloves into thin plates. We spread the vegetables to the cooled carrots. Mix and stuff with this minced blue. We make the brine the easiest. Dissolve in one and a half liters of boiling water 50 grams of salt. We lay eggplants in dishes in one layer. Pour them with cooled brine. We leave stuffed pickled eggplants for three hours without oppression and for a day under pressure. After that we transfer them to glass jars and fill them with brine. Under nylon covers they should be stored in the refrigerator.

Pickled eggplant stuffed with carrots and garlic

Eggplant blanks

Stuffed products during storage are rather capricious and unpredictable. Therefore, traders in all sorts of pickled goodies sour only eggplant. They make various fillings, as they say, to the table. So how to prepare pickled eggplant for the winter? We boil two liters of water with two tablespoons of salt. In eggplants, we make two through cuts on the sides. Dip them in boiling water. Cook from five (small) to ten minutes. We send under the press on an inclined surface. When the blue ones become flattened and dry, cut them lengthwise. You can stop already at this stage: pack the little blue ones in cling film and send them to the freezer. But there is an alternative: pour brine and put in heat for three days. Then send to the refrigerator.

Pickled eggplant stuffed with carrots

Spicy filling

Sour eggplant, according to this recipe, is cooked in a classic way. Only the filling is different. Coarsely rub four carrots and fry until soft. We chop the two onions with quarters of the rings and also fry until golden. Finely chop five cloves of garlic. Mix the minced meat, salt, add chopped fresh herbs if desired. Sour such blue ones for three days at room temperature.

Another topping recipe

Grind three carrots and one hundred grams of celery root on a coarse grater, and two onions in a small cube. Stew vegetables in vegetable oil. Cool them, add a teaspoon of black pepper and sweet paprika. Each cut eggplant is not completely rubbed with garlic from the inside. We spread the filling. So that it does not fall out, we bind the blue ones with a thread. At the bottom of the dishes lay crumbled bay leaf and dill umbrellas. Put the little blue ones on top, sprinkle with garlic and hot pepper. Fill with brine. Such pickled eggplant for the winter is ready for use in just two days.

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