Blood pressure is an important indicator of the state of the human body. Any deviations from the norm can indicate a wide variety of diseases, however, this can also be a consequence of stress and fatigue. In this article, we will analyze in detail why high lower pressure and what to do to normalize it.
Three indicators
When replacing pressure with a tonometer, the resulting scoreboard will give you three indicators:
- systolic pressure;
- diastolic pressure;
- pulse.
Systolic pressure, called upper in everyday life, indicates how much blood vessels are filled with blood when the heart muscle contracts. In a healthy body, this indicator is from 100 to 140 mm RT. Art.
Diastolic pressure or lower, which will be discussed in this article, indicates how quickly the blood leaves the vessels when the heart is relaxed. If your body is normal, then this indicator will be from 60 to 90 mm.
The pulse indicates the number of contractions of the heart muscle per minute. The normal rate is between 60 and 90 beats per minute.
Many people also have normal values โโabove or below these, but they should not be too high.
It is also worth mentioning the relationship of pulse and pressure. Pressure directly depends on the frequency of contractions of the heart, because the timely release and collection of blood is carried out precisely by the heart muscle. However, this does not mean that the pulse should be correlated in the same way as the upper and lower pressure. For example, if you are wondering what to do with a pulse above the lower pressure, then do not worry - this is normal.
Increased diastolic pressure
Before talking about what to do with high lower pressure, it is necessary to indicate that this is only a symptom of one of many diseases, therefore, with constantly increasing pressure, it is necessary to identify the causative disease.
Also, do not put off this problem for a long time, because constantly increased pressure can cause additional diseases of the heart, blood vessels, kidneys and brain. In the future, there is a risk of heart attack and stroke, which is one of the most common causes of human death.
Remember that the surest answer to the question of what to do with high low pressure is to see a doctor, for example, a therapist or cardiologist, who will help identify the causes and prescribe the right treatment program.
High Pressure Classification
First of all, the increase is classified by tonometer indicators:
- Light form - from 90 to 100 mm Hg
- The average form is from 100 to 110 mm Hg.
- Severe form - from 110 mm Hg. Art and more.
Separately classified in relation to the upper pressure:
- Isolated increase - only the lower one rises.
- Combined increase - both diastolic and systolic pressure rises.
Upper and lower pressure usually rises together, since both indicators are interrelated, but in rare cases only one of them can increase.
If you notice instability in the tonometer, then you probably wondered - why high lower blood pressure and what to do to reduce it?
To begin, we will analyze the main reasons for increasing diastolic pressure:
- Constant tension of the heart muscle.
- The narrowing of blood vessels and their overcrowding in blood.
- Loss of vascular wall elasticity.
As mentioned above, arterial hypertension is a manifestation of many different diseases. If you notice that the diastolic pressure rises separately from the systolic, then try to see a doctor as soon as possible, because this indicates serious diseases, because isolated diastolic hypertension is a rare phenomenon.
All problems with pressure arise either from diseases or from an incorrect lifestyle, which often leads to these diseases. Among the negative aspects of human life are the following:
- smoking;
- excessive drinking;
- salty and spicy foods;
- fatty, smoked and canned foods;
- stress, overwork.
The causes of high lower pressure are also many diseases:
- adrenal glands and kidneys;
- pituitary gland;
- endocrine system;
- tumors;
- heart disease.
Decide immediately what to do with high lower pressure, because it leads to serious consequences. The fact is that the constant overcrowding of blood vessels does not allow the heart to relax, and also significantly spoils your blood vessels. This can lead to a heart attack and stroke.
Manifestations of diastolic hypertension
If the lower pressure rises rarely, then this may be due to overstrain at work, but frequent surges can indicate hypertension - a serious disease that requires immediate intervention by a cardiologist.
The problem of diastolic hypertension is that it does not have a separate symptomatology, in addition, rarely the pressure rises above 100 mm, so without constant monitoring with a tonometer it is impossible to detect.
Despite this, you may still experience symptoms of general hypertension:
- headache characterized as aching, bursting or throbbing;
- trembling in the body;
- weakness;
- feeling of lack of air;
- chest pain;
- heart palpitations;
- dizziness.
Usually, several of the listed symptoms are found at once.
With a slight increase in lower pressure, the attending physician will draw up a special treatment program for you, which can last from several days to a month. If you encounter a more severe form of hypertension, then treatment can drag on for life.
It should be noted that there are no drugs to reduce diastolic pressure , so it is carried out with the help of drugs for general hypertension. Among them you can find the following:
- ACE inhibitors: Valsacor, Burlipril, Liprazid, etc.
- Beta-blockers: Metoprolol, Nebivolol.
- Calcium blockers: Nifedipine, Amlodipine.
- Antispasmodics: No-shpa, Dibazol.
- Various diuretics, including infusions.
All of the above are for reference only. Do not drink them before consulting a doctor, it is he who must prescribe a treatment program suitable for you.
Prevention of high blood pressure
It should be clear that you can not cure high blood pressure without the help of a doctor, but you can perform a number of actions that will significantly speed up the treatment process.
What to do with high lower pressure:
- stop using tobacco and alcohol;
- include in the daily routine walks before bedtime;
- engage in light physical education;
- follow a diet, which we will discuss in detail below.
If your health has worsened dramatically, you can do the following:
- Lie face down, however, maintain good access to oxygen, and make a cold compress on the neck.
- Act on the active points, for example, massage under the earlobe.
- You can prepare decoctions of valerian, motherwort, peony, hawthorn, oregano or cedar cones. Be careful! When taking a course of drugs, it is better to consult a specialist before consuming decoctions.
These recommendations will also help in different manifestations of hypertension, for example, if you do not know what to do with high lower and upper pressure, then these methods will help ease the wait for a doctor.
Above, we have listed free methods that can reduce pain and malaise with hypertension, but that's not all. If you have money, you can sign up for a professional general massage. This additionally stimulates your muscles and blood vessels, thereby improving blood flow in the body.
Proper nutrition is the key to the health of any organism. With a slight increase in lower or upper pressure, a special diet can help, in addition, it will be of great help in the medical treatment of hypertension. We will not delve into the order of food intake, however, we will talk about products that should and should not be in the diet.
First of all, we list the products that must be consumed with high blood pressure:
- Milk, kefir, cottage cheese and other dairy products.
- Boiled beef, poultry and fish.
- Buckwheat, oats, barley and millet porridge.
- Vegetables and greens.
- Fruits with a high content of potassium and magnesium, for example, bananas or apples.
The following foods must be minimized or completely eliminated from the diet:
- Animal and vegetable fats.
- Salt and pepper.
- Beans, potatoes and beans.
- Bakery products.
- Sweets.
- Carbonated, alcoholic and caffeinated drinks.
- Offal and concentrated juices.
These rules will help not only with increased diastolic pressure, but also in any other case, for example, if you do not know what to do with the upper high pressure and the lower normal, feel free to follow these nutrition rules, but also do not forget to consult a doctor.
Using folk methods, you can not cure hypertension, but they will help improve your well-being. Next, we will analyze a few recipes that help reduce not only lower, but also upper pressure.
If you notice that the upper pressure is high and the lower is normal, then you can make tea from clover, which perfectly normalizes both systolic and diastolic pressure:
- Pour 5 teaspoons of meadow clover into a glass.
- Pour boiling water and wait 2 hours.
- Drink 1/3 cup each day.
Despite the fact that honey is a sweet product, it can be used as a facilitator, mixed with garlic and honey:
- Pour half a glass of honey.
- Add 5 minced cloves of garlic and mashed lemon.
- Mix well.
- Put honey in a dark place and keep it for a week.
- Use a teaspoon 3 times a day.
Now you know about the causes of high lower pressure and what to do with it, but do not forget that self-medication can harm, not fix the situation. Always consult a doctor as soon as possible - this is especially important if you are steadily observing disturbances in the circulatory system.